장음표시 사용
Principalities, and the res of the Angeis of Pooer, an Ministr : So that froni his ver Orde and Distribution it appears that the Angeis of Knoruledge, and Illumination, are place besere the Angeis of Ossice and
T O descend sto in Spiriis, and intellectuas
Natures, o sensibi an materia Forms, eread that the sirs of created Fornas as Light whicli in Natura and Corporea Things, hasa elatio an Correspondence to Things Spiritual and Incorporeat S in the Distribution os Days, e seuthemay, here in God rested, and Contem gpla ted his N Works, asilessed a bove allthe Days, herein the Fabrick of the ni- Verse a createfand dispos ed. AF TER the Creation a finissa d, verea that an a place in Paradisse, to Wor there : hich Work couldie no other,
in Paradisse, conssiste of the two summaryParis of Knowledge, the Vie of Creatures, and the Imposition os ames. As for the Knowledge hicli introduce the Fall, it was a Was ouched efore no thematural Knowledge of Creatures, ut themorat Knowledge of ood an divit, herein the Supposition as that God 's Commanduae nisor rohibitions ere no the Originals of Good and Evit, ut that he had other Be- ginnings hicli an aspire t knON, to the en d , O mahe a tota Defectio from God,
and to depend wholi upon himselfL ET us passa the Thing that appendi in media tel after the Fall. e see a thesacre Scriptures have infinite Mysteries, without eve violatin the Historical an Literat Truth an mage of the two states, the Contemplative and Active delinealed in the Persons of Abel an Cain, and in their Profections an primitive Ways of Lise Whereos the ne a a hepherd, inlio by Reason of his eis ure, his Quiet, an free Vie of eaven is a Type of the Contem plative Lis r The ther, a Hugband man, that is, a Man fati gu'd with Labour, and his
lectiora os God inent to the hepherd, and notto the ille of the round .
SO efore the Flood, the oly Records among the ver se occurre iaces register do that Age have o uchsas exto de live do innio Posterit the Inventor of Musiach, and Work in Mettal. I the ex Age aster the Flood, the refit Judgment of God pon the ride of an,
clean. From thisia one of them collects Principi of Nature bat ut resoLlion is more contagrous more Maturit , than aster Ano the noteth a Positionis Mora Philosophy That Men abandone tomice, do naso mucis corrupi Manners, a thos that archar good, and has evit So that in his, an very many the Places in that Lain, there is to e found hesides the Theological Sense, much Aspersionis Philosophy.S O the wis is a Man turn ver ira Diligence that excellent Book of Job, he illsinxit fuit, and bi ascit ere illi the Mysteries of Natura Philosophy. As for X-
ration of the XV tars, ver standin atequali istance ne frona the ther, is illi great leganc described. o in another Place, hic ma et Arcturus Orion, audPleiades, and the Secret of the outh X. 9. Where agat he poliat at the Deprellio of the outher Pole, calliniit the Secret of
for Silaer, and a Place hesrein Gollis nedibon is diue is out o compacsed Duli, an Bra se extra ted frons tone dispoised in thes Furnace, and si for Nard in the si me Ch pter 28. I, c, IN like Manne also ita the Person ofΚin Solomon, in se the Gift of isdom, both in his ori Petilion, and in the Divine Grant, referr' besore ali arthi an tempora Felici ty. B Virtve of hicli Donative and Grant, Solomon be in singulari fur-nim'd, rote nolint those Xcellent Parabies, o Aphori suas concerta in Divine and
Mora Philosophy but ad compiled a Natura Histor os ali eget abies, roin the Cedar
betaeeen utrefaction and an Herb and of
ait Thing th qt reati or OVe. Nay the fame in Solomon though he excel P in wealth, in Magnificence of Bulldings, in Shippin g, in Service an Attendance, in
TOngues, ,hicli are lut the Vehicles of Knowledge. Sinii the Choice of thos Instruments, which o made se of for the Plantationis the aith, at rst e cati'. forti Person swholly unlearn'd and ignorant, otherini se than by Ini iration of themoly Ghost to theendi might more evidenti declare his Own immediate ori in Mand Divine Poruer, andabove Human Vis dona. Neverthelesse, his Couia se in his Respeet was no Oone ful-fird, ut in the nex Succeiusnis Time, hesent his Divine Truth in to the Norid, aitedupo by the Learnings a Servantsor Hand maids. Accordingly the Pen of St. Paul theoni learn ed an of the Apost les was chiel l empl0y'di God in the Scriptures of the Neo Testament. again Ne knowthat severat of the ancient is hops and athers, were excellent lyrea in ali the Learning of the Heathen Inso much, that the Edixos Iulian whicli forba Christians tot admitted into Schoois, and
Academies, was estee med a more pernicio Us
Engine for the demolim ing of the Chri sitian Falth, than the Sanguinar Persecutions of the precedin Eniperors. Ne illi e Nas the Emulation an Invidious es of Grego the First, Bissio os Rome, otherinis an CXcellent an who ea loviJ endeavour' to obri A literat e
literat the Memor of Heathen Authors and Antiquities, ahen in o0d pari, Ven amon gyious Men. a it a the Christian Church alone, hich, anaidst the Inundations of the Scythians frona the orth, and of the racens rom the East, preserv'd in her sacre Bosom, the rectous Relick of Heathen Learning, hich was o upo the Potnt of heing ulteri extinguisti'd. WHERE FORE to conclude this Pari, there are tino principat ossices an Services, bessides ornament and Ilustration, hicli Philosophy, and Human Learning perform tofaith and Religion. The ne that the are effectua Incituments to the Exaltation and Celebrationis the Glor os God sor a the
Psalms, and ther Scriptures, osten invite usto contemplate, an magnis the great and wondersu Work of God , so, is, should rest oni in the exterior par of them, ag theyhrst offer the insetve to Cur ense e
int Error First the Volume of the Scriptures, hici revea themilli God , then, the Volume of the Creatures that expressi his Power The Lalter of whicli, is as a e tolli Former, pening ot ni ou Intelle' to conceive the genuine ense of the Scriptures, hi chris to he drawn out by the generat Rules of Reason, an Law of Speech Butaesides that unlocking our aith also toenter into a serious Meditatio of the omnipotence of God the Character inhereos arechien signe and en graven pon his Works. Thus much for Divine Testimontes, and Iudgment8, concerning the true Dignit an Valueis Learning.