Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


De Augmentis Scientiarurn Ibid. Edrus no proceed to thos Error and Vanities, hicli intervene in the tu dies thenaseives of the earn ed, and mix ith Ihem , herein m Desigia is noto justis the Errors, ut m a Censure an Separatio of them, to sist ut that whicli is ound an solid, and to deli verthe fame froni Calum ny. Foro se itis the Custona, speciali os en vivus en, tapon the account of hat is corrupi and depraved, o traduce also that hicli is un-ta inred, and ath reta in ' iis State , a the Hea thens in the Primitive Church sed oblem ista the Christians illi the ausis and


Corruptions of the HeretichS. Neverthelesse, purpus noto mali an exa Animadversito upon the Error an Impediments of earning, hicli are more secret an fremo te sto in vulgar Capacit , ut ni tospea to such a fali unde common and popular Observation, and Note, or at least do ut recede a frona t. I in theresere chiesi three Vanities and Emptinesse in Learning, hich have principali give a handie to the Traducing ofla. For e ei cena thos Things ain, hi ch

in Things False, o Curious in Things oflitile se Arad Curiossit is ei ther m Mat-


ΓΗ Distemper eate in superflui ty


Orator an Hermogerie s the Rhetoricia D.

ctu res and wri tings, ex tot ieero and DP-mosthenes even to the Skies an invite oungMen to this polite and cur ista in hin os Learning Then id Erasmus tali occasionto bring in that costin Eocho, Decem Aurior confrum si in legendo Cicerone ' have Dent te Tear in readin Cicero : To whichthe Eccho an fruer'd Onae, D. The nieganthe Learn in of the School-Men to e t- teri despised, as ough an barbarouS. Ins hori, the chie Inclination and Bent of tho se Times, was ather o Plent than eight. HERE then e se the frit Distraai per of earn in g, hen, as e liave a id, Menstud Nords, no Matter , of whicli tho' have brought Examples of late Time only, 3 et suchram pertinencies have alien more Ortesse both in Times past, and wil again hereaster. No it is no postibie, ut iliat this ver Thin iliould en much to the Discredit an Disparagement of earn in g, even illi the ignorant Vulgar, hen theysiae Learne Men's Uri ting like the trilLeiter of a Patent, hicli ho it e lim-nei and rarun ut illi various Turras and Flourista es of the Pen, et i it ut ne

single Leiter. An to nae indeed Igmalion' FrenZ idem a very apposite Repre sentation, an Emblem, scit ere, of this


no hastis to e condemn'd for aman to illustrate and sinooth the obscurities andRoughnesse of Philosophy with the plendor o Gords. For e have reat Exam-ples of this, in rivo on, taceria, Seneca, Plutarch, and even Plato himself and the Usefulnes of it is a great. For althoughthis hing may be ome indrance to a se, vere Inquisition o Truth, and a dee Stud os Philosophy, ecaus it is to early satisfactor to the Mind, and quenches the Thirst an Ardoris farther earch et fa Maia applies his Learning to Civit ses Oas Conference, Counset, Persuasion, Argu-ing, and the likeo he will in ali that he destres, prepare an set ut to his and, in such Authors Howeve the Exces of this is sociusti contempti ble, that siner-cubs, heia esse in a Temple the Image of Adoms Venus Minion, at in Indignation, bit sacri es Thou art nothin sacre so ali Herctilea Champion in Learning, that is, the more laborious and eady En quirer into Truth, ill naturali despisse suci Delicacies and Fopperies, as havin Iam


in his that the ordobe aculeate, the Sentences concise the Contexture of the Speech, in fine, ather re turn in into it seu, hans pread and dilated , so that it comes to passby this Artifice, that ver Passage seems more ingenious, than in dee it is Such a Stile soliis e sin more excessivel in Seneca, more moderatet in Tacitus and Ph- onus Secundus and o long sincerit beganto he leasing to the Ears of ou orun Time.

But his ver Stile is Won to sin acceptance illi ordinar Capacities soasto ea in of Dignit an ornamenta Learning neverthelesse, by the more exa Judg-menis, it is deservedl nauseated, and may besset down a a Disemper of Learning sinceit is noth in esse but aiuntin aster Nords, and the in ery and uaintnes of the fame.

An thus much of the First Distemper of


Nos follows the Distem per in themat-ter it self, hicli e placed econd, and designd by thema mei Contentioris Subtri . And


os mori, and Oppositions of Science a I so


unto us hos most laborious Uebs of Learning Whicli are extant in thei Boolis. For