장음표시 사용
De Augmentis S IEnUIarlam. Lib. 4. Cap. I. WE Knowle e concernin the Person os an comprehend tWo
Things specialty , nam ely, TheContemplation of the Miseries of Man ini; and of the Prerogatives, o Excelleiicies of the same. ut the Bewailinio Man'. feries ath been eleganti and copiousi se forti by severat, in the wri- tings, as et os Philosophers, a Divines. Anxit is both a leas an an a Whcleso me Contemplation. BUT that other touch in Man' PrerogatiOes, ath seem' to me a Potnt that mayWellae et oin among the Deficients of Learning.
o Caesar, That he could diectat at Once tosive Amanuenses de S also the Exercitations of the Antient Rhetoricians, ProtagoraS, Gorgia ,
liheruise of Philtisophers, Callisthenes, Possedomus, Carneades who ere able to discourse
ex tempore pon an Subjecto, Pro and Con, With Eleganc an Fluency, do much n- nobi the Powers of Man's Wit and Natural Endowments. And that hicli Cicero reporis of his Master Archias is litti sor Use, but great perhaps for Ostentation and Facul-ties that he was able to recite ex tempore a great umber of Verses pertinent to the
Discolaria in hand whateve it was That Cyrus Or Scipio could cal so many Thous and of Men by thei particular ames, is a singular Commendation to that Faculi of the Mind,
BUT the Trophie of Mora Virtu es rehocles famous than thos eos Intellectual. Whata mighty Example o Patience does that common Stor of Anaxarchetis present unio ur
Thoughis, ho hein pu to the Rach and Tortu re, it ut his rura Tongue the ho-ped Instrument of Discovery an spit it in the Tyrant' Faces Nor is that inferior ford olerance tho muchrior erit and Dignity
mas brough him, ache was playing at Chesis, where: his Death was commande the ex t
End, east the Sight of his long Has mightmoVe more than ordinar Compassion in the
enough,hat in meam; amely, That the I Tonder of Human Nature, anxiis ultimate Vowers and Virtu es, as et os in as
De Augmentis cicientiarum. Lib. 4. Cap. 2.
MEDICINE is most nobi Art, and descende of a very great amit according
io the Poets. For they have brought in Apolla, as the chie God o Medicine , towhom the have assigned scidaphis for a Son, a God toο, and Prosessor of Physici Because in Things Natura theriun is the Author and Fountain f Lis the Physician the Preser- ver, an a it ere the secon Stream oscit. But an onour infinitet greater accrues to Medicine froni the ork of ur avio ur,
who was a Physiicia both of Sou and Body and ad the Bod of Maia the object of his Miracles, a the out was the object of his
is of ait ther Things in Nature mos funceptibi os Remed ', ut thera that Remed is mos susceptibi os Error For the fame Subtilty an Variety of the Subject ascit doth aD sord large ossibili tym Cure so oes it ive great Facili ty to Error. here re a that Art e specialty as it is no managed maywel be placed amon theoris that a re mollos ali Conjectural so the Inquir in to the fame may be rechon' one of the mos dissi
imagine illi Paracelsus, and the Alchymisis, That there are tot sotin in Man's Bodycertain Corresponden ces an Paralleis, an- fruering t ait Varieties of hings as Stars, Planeis, Minerais, and the rest that are extant in the Universe, a the Fabie, fantasti- catly straining the ancient opinion that an was a Microcinui, an Abstractis Epito me of the whole oridyto countenance that Figment of heirs. et notwithitanding thus much is true, Whicli, were about o say that os ali Natura Substances there is nones manisoldi compoundeLas the Human Bo-0. For, essee Herbs and Planis are nourish-ed by Earth and water Beasis for the ost
Grains, ruits diversciuices ani Liquors no without a manifold Commixtion, Season ing, and reparationis thos Bodies bufore the come tot Man' Meat and liment Add hereunto that Beast have a more simpleorderis Lisse, and feruer Assections o orkupo thei Bodies, and the commoni operating one Way hereas an in his Mansions Exercises, Pasiions Siee and watchings, undergoes almost an infinite Vicistitude of Variations S true is it that the Bod of mn, of ait ther Things, is the mos fermen led, and most various compo unde Mass. The Soul on the other side, is the simplast of Substances a is et expressed
si placed thould enjo no Rest, accordis Vto that Principie, Motus rerum est rapidus expra locum, placidus in loco ; Thing moet e fruisti out 0 heir Place alid quieti in it. ut tolli Purposse This various and subtile Composition and Fabrick of Mans Bo 'raath madei like a curious and exquisiit Instrularent, whicli is asil put ut of Tune. Where rethe Poet have ery et conJoyne Musichand Medicine in Apollo; be cause the Genius os both theoris is preti much alitiae; and the ossice of a Physician consist meret; inthis, o no ho to tune and finger his Har of Man's Body so a that them irino nyma not be discordant an harsta This n. constanc there fore, and Variety of the Subject, ath ad the Ar more Conjecturat: Atid the Artie in s. Conjecturat, atti ix enthe large Scope notini t Error, ut alsoto Impositare For almost ait ther Aris and Sciences are judg' of by Acts o Master-Pjeces a I m ob terna them an diot volae VOL. II. Q S c -
Successes and Evenis. The Lawye is udg'd by the Virtve of his Plea ling, an no by the Isiue of the Cause. The aster of the
a right, an no by the Fortune of the Voy- age. But the Physician, an perhaps the Politique have o particular Aris demonstra
the Impostor is riged, and the an os hill
fulmine Ph genam sygias detrusit ad undas. Virg. En. 7. 769. Then