Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



Elenches are not annexed Third ly, That heseeliis to have conceiv'diu a Partis the se of them es For their Use is notamur in Probation, than in Affect in and Moving Forman Forms of Speech, hicli re qua tu Signification, are et different in Impression. For that hicli is harp, terces far more Dfectu alty than that hicli is lunt, thoughthe Strength of the Percussion e the sanae. For there is no an, ut illi more rat- sed byae r in i faid, our Enemies ill trivmph frange si tabis Hoc Ithacus elit, ct magno narcentus Atridae Thala




cern 'dieiter, ho, hen the eopte applauded hi in more than ordinary, shed Gether

Laudat venales qui vult extrudere merces.



it ere, that the may the more reel and malictous calumniate after Nard g. O theother fide this Colour deceives also froin the Crast


Crastis Frien L. For even the sonaetimesiuili ake Notice of the aulis of Friendriand speati reel of them , ut the chuse suci, a mando them littieturi, ascis for allthe est the were the best Men in the Worid. Aguia it deceives, ecause Priend also sethei Reprehensions as e Did Enemies dothei Commendations a certain litile Prefaces that the in i ex patiate more larget in thei Prais e seon aster.



so metimes to a greater Good , as heri the

Place , an Thing like an consentin in Quali ty, are placed, and a it ere, quarte redrogether: For part ly, in Regar of the Nature, to spread multiply, and infect in Similitude and part ly, in Regard of themature, tobreah expet, an alter that hicli is dis-


agreeable an contrar most Things do ei-ther assectate, and dra n ear to them selves thelthe or at eas assimilate to thenaseives that whicli approacheth nea them, an do allodrive Way, chace, and X terminate their Contraries And that is the Reason common-ly ielded, hy the id die Region of the At should e coldest , ecause the Sun and Star are ei ther o b direct ea uas, o by Reflexion The direct eam hea the p- per Region , he reflected eam frona the Earth andraeas hea the loine Regioni That whicli is in the nis, e in furti, est distant in Place fro in these No Region cf Heat, remost distant in Nature, that is, o leti; whicli is that the term Coia, or mi, per Antiperistas in GVaroning ' Contraries Whicli a pleas antly taken hol of by him, who said That an hones an in these Daysmust need be more hones than in Ages here- tofore, propter Antiper asin, ecause thelauit in of him in the mi is of Contraries, must need mahe the Londio stronger, and more compa in it eis.



pens that Thing of great est Amplitude and Excellen ce in thei K in i do a much as maybe ingros ali to themselves, and leave that whicli is ex them nos desurite as the

tis serti maxime seroi An the Comparison Uas pleas antis him, that compared the inferior Attendant in the Couris o Princes tothe Eves of Festiva is, hicli are ex the Holy-Day, lut a re alienaseives devotet to Fasting. In Re nardos Obscuration . For hisalso is the Nature of Things must excellentandi redo minant in their ind that thoughthe do not extenuate Things adjoyn in tot hem, in Substance, et the dro in and obscure them in Shew an Appea rance Andthcre fore the Astrono mers say, That hereaSin allisther Planeis, Conjunction is the perfectes Amity the Sura contrariviis is good


THIS Colour deceives, in Respectis Em . For Men re accusio med neX to Them se lues, and theiriwn Faction, to incline uni themwho are the ostes and weali est, and tandleast in thei Way in Despight and erogationis them that hol them ardest to t. So that this Colour of Meliorit an Prehemi