장음표시 사용
Verses pon an Argument extempor ' O to
ous into Jest; oro elude an Thin by a Contradictioni Cavii , and the like . Nhere. of in the Faculties of the in there is agreat Store , and whichi Wi and Practice tua be carried even to a tracte; Al these
Things, an fuch - like, e mahe no more Account of than of the Agilities and Triclisos ope-Dancers, umblers, and Jugglers rFor the a re in a manne the sanie Thing seein These abus the Poruers of the Body, and hos et heio iners of the in L and perchance the may have sonae inhalis Sirange Des in them, uti ille or no orth:
Image W mahe extempore, accordin to the present occasion : ut there is a secret renotion, that the mage must e fuch, as athso me Resemblance illi the Place , this be-ing the Thing that tiniiches the Memory, and in s messor malles a for it to the Thingwe are in Chace of
EMBLEM reduces Conceiis Intellectualto Images Sensibi : Theseirili the Memorymore forcibly, and are more editi imprint-ed there, than Things Intellectual. So e seothat even the Memor o Brute is stirr' up by a Sensibie Object, ut noti an Intellectu- al. Therefore o wil more ea sit reta in the Image of amunis man ursu in amares oris an Apothecar set tinti Orde his Box- es , or os a Pedant mahing a Speech , oris aBo recitin Verses by eari, oris a Droli Acting upo a Stage, than the ahe Notions os Invention Disposition, locution, Memory, Action There are ther Thingsalso pertaining to the Helpis MemorT, fas esaid ustio- , but the Arimo in se consist of the in Things no premised Andio pursue the particular Defects of Arts, wouldbe to depari rom ur propos e Methode Wheresere et thus much sussice so the Arto Retaining oris Cuso νά
sbal sin greater Things. Proυ. XVi. I. Signi'ing no obscurely that Profound neti s of Wis dona illi es a m ora a me, o Admiration ut that it si loquence, that prevatis most in Bussi ne sis and in commonii se. Anyas to the labo uring of this Art; the E-mulation o Aristotis ruith the Rhetorici ras ofhis Time , and the earn est and vehement Dilige nce of Uero endeavouring with ali Mightto en nobiecit, syned illi long Experie iace, hathiade them in thei Books bout his Art, Xcee them se lues. Again, hos most excellent Ex ample o Eloquence, in the Orations os Demosthenes and Cicero, adde to the Acutenes of the recepis have dou bled the Progression in his Art. Andri heres ore the Desciences hich e find in his Art, ill ra-
Me in . Either in the Illaqueation o Sophi senis, hicli pertains to Logic o by the B etBDcber of morit, hicli pertain suo Rhetorio h or by the Violence of afons, hichpertain to Moralit . io a in Negotiationwith others, a Man se to e ver me and prevallexu pon, et theri Cunning ori BA- portunio, o by Vehement . se alla in that In Nard Negotiation, hicli, exercise illi ou se lues, Gare ei ther undermine by the Pallacies of Arguments or sollicited and disequi et ed by the A Diui Inpression and Ob- Gersations , or hahe and transporte by the Assisistis Passions Neither is themature os Mancio unfortunate, as that those Poruers and Aricinould have orce to de throne ea son, and nota strengthen and stablissa iis may, much more do the conduce to this Effect than to the contrary For the End of Logio is to ea chis Ormis Arguments to secure Reason, an nolo en trahit. aetherui se the End of Morali cis to composethe Affections insuch manner, that the ma figlit for Reason. andio invade it Lastly the End of Rheto'rio is aes illi the Imagination illi Objects and dea's, to secon Reason, noto oppresSir For the Abus es of an Art come in but ea
ρbliquo, for Caution, o sor se. AND there fore t was great Injustice in Plato ibio springin o uti a just Hatre tolli R et Vriciam of his Time to place Rhetoris
so me Meais, an rende unae holsonae pleχ-santi Variet o Sauces. For in se that Speech is much more conversant in adorning
that hicli is G od than in colouring that whicli is vii For there is no an ut Speah more honestly thanae ei ther hinksor Acts : An it was excellenti note byThr cydides in Cleon Thalaecause e sed toti id o the ad id in Causes of State ;there fore he was ver inveighing against Eloquence, and good Speech as noruin fullwel that no an an speali fair of Courses sordid and base , ut canis honestines, withthea re test Ease. Anytheresere a Plato aidelegantly That Viriue, could e seen,
path with the Imaginatio an Wili of
AGAIN; is ille Affections in thenaseive
sion an Insinuations to procure Acces to
to that, Video meliora probog Deteriora sequor I
THAT Reason ould e entiret teda way into Servitude an Captivity, i the Persuasions os Eloquence didici in the magination rom tali in Pari illi the Affections, an contradi a Consedera cy et ween eas ona .ad Imagination against the Assections. Forit musti noted That the Assections of them-selves are e ver carrie to ood Apparent, and in his Respect have omewhat in common Mithraeason ut herein they differ; Thatth AlbeEmons ebota chiel Goo Present , But Reason Do in formaru bebolus Jo that
whichris Future and Good in the main. Andridere fore, as laing present more forciblysii the Imagination, Reason commoni yields, and is anquisti M. But iren oncessi loquenceand Persuasioni athi de Things Future, and Remote, appea as actuali present, then p-on the Revolt of the Imagination to the sideus Reason, Reason preVait S.
E conclude the refore, That Rhetoris hcanae no more charged, illi the Colouringo the worse Pari, than Logic with Sophi-stry o Morali 'illi Vice. . For ho oos notauo that the Doctrines of Contraries areth sanae, tho' the Use e opposites Again, Logio disser sto in Rhetorich, no Ont in this that the ne ascis commoni faid isti he the is , he ther like the Palm , theone, that is handies Things closelyri theother at large ut much more in his, That Logic consider Reason in iis Natural Truth , Rhetoriosi, scit is planted in popularopinion an Manners. Anythere re Aristotis doth isely Iace Rhetorio belween Logic o the ne Side, and Mora or CiυiI
omle gem the ther, a participaring of both. For the Proos and Demonstrations of Logic , are toruar alimen indifferent and the s mea ut the Proos and Persuasion ofRhetorich, ought to var accordin to the Auditor that a Man like a Musician accommodat in himself to different ars may
Orpheus in KLis, inter Delphinas Arion. VHICH ind of Application, and Varia iace of Speech, i a Maia delire the Perfection an Height of thought to e so far