Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


a Stones Carnosities, EXcrescen cies, Worius,

such ther, ought O have been exacti obserue by Multitude of Anatomies, and the Contribution o Men' severa Experiments an caremit se down both historicatly c- cordi in to the Appearances, an artificiallywith a Referen ce to the Diseases and Sympionis, hici resulted frona them, in Case wherethera nato in is os a defunct Patientri hereas no Upon pening of Bodies, the are

condemn 'd. An vet for the Passa es and Pores, ira true hicli as ancienti noted,

That the more subtile of them appeario in Anatomica Disiections , ecause the are huian latent in ea Bodies, though they beo pen an manifest in ioe. heresere that Us and Humani ty ma at iace be consulted, iliis Anatomia Vivora m is notato e relinquish-ed altogether no referr'd as id Celsus tot he casual Practice of Surgery sinace this very Thing may et be perforna 'd by the Disiection of east alive, hicli, notinith


De ut ratione Morborum habitonim pro insanabilibet S.

eas α', and thers, after such a certa in Period. So that the Proscriptions of L. Sylla, and the Tritimoirs e re noth in to the ro

Incurabis, enacis a et a it inere for Neg-Ject, an exempis Ignorance frona Discredit. De Euthanas Ex eriore.

NA to go a litile further, Iam clearly of Opinion, That it is par of a Physici an 'sorice, notin lyrio restore Health, ut also tomitigate


nritigate the Pallas and Torments of Diseases: Andis Conly heia suci Mitigationis Pain,

'ir an eas Passage ut in I se For it wasn sinati Felicit whicli Augustis Caesar aswon to isti se much to himself, that sanie Euthanasia , and which was speciali noted in the Death of Antoninus Pius, ho id notseem o much t dye, a torial into a leas aut and dee Slee p. Socit is Written os Epicurus, that he procured his fame eas Departur uni himself for after his Dis eas ruas jud ged desperate, he dro ne his Stomachand Senses illi a large Draugh and Ingurgitation of Wine , hence That in the Epigram, - - Hinc Sugias ebriis hausea quas Das no seber noug to tale any Bitternes in the Stygia mater. But the Physicians contrari ruis in ur Times mali a

the Patient after e salven Ver , hereas


gard a due reparatior of the sui and re se it among the scients. Medicinae Experimentales.

I ind this genera Deficien that the Physicians of the present Age, though the pur- sue the Genera Intentions o Cures ellenough, et for particular Receipis, respect-ing the prope Cures of peculia Diseases, ei ther the do not ellano them o do notreligio usi observe them. For hysicians have frustraled the Fruitis Tradition and ap- prov'd Experience by thei Magistralities', in adding, and ahing ut, and changing, Quid pro qrto, in thei Receipis, at thei Pleas ures, in suci, anne command in the Medicine, that the Medicine can o longe command the Disease For except it e reacis, and Miίhridate, and of late Diascordium, and a Domore, the tye thenaseives o no Receipis severet and religio us y. For the Confections whicli stand in the liops sor Sale re in Rea dines for Genera Intentions and O a Commodate and appropriate to particula DisDeases for they do not much refero any speciat Distemper, ut in the generat tot urg-ing Ope ning Cona sorting, Altering , Anythisis the chi es ause hy Empiricks, and id Vomen re more happy an Times in their Cures, hara learne Physiicians, ecause they


are more fatili fui an religious in holdinito approv' Medicines There fore here is the Deficience hicli I sind, That Physicians have o parti out of thei Practice, partirout of the constant Probations . reporte in Book and parti out of the Traditions of Einpiriclis , et do Nn an delivere over, certa in Experimenta Medicities for the Cureos particulariis eases 'esides their An Conjectura an Magisteria Descriptioris. For asthe were the en os the est Composition in the State of Rome, ho et ther ein Consul incline to the 'eo pleri or be in Tri hunes inclined to the sena te in the mat-ter e no han die, the are the est Physicians, holein Learned, incline to the Traditions of Experien ceri orie in Empirichs; incline to the Methods of Learning.

medicinatibus. ALSO in reparation o Medicines, Isin Lit strange e specialty considerintho.


receive Tincture, as Sulphur, Vitriol, Steel, o the like Whicli Nature i it a b reduce to Compositions of Art, both the Variet of them ill e en creassed, and the Temper of them illae more commanded.

Filum Medicinale, si die de micibus Medi


BUT deast Iciliould e more particular,

than is agreeable ei theroo m Intention Orto the Proportio of this reatis e . I ill conclude this Pari illi the Note fine Deficienc more, hich seemeth to me of reat- est Consequence , hicli is that the rescription in se a re to compendioris to effecto any notable an dissiculi Cure Foro in Un

Order Pursuit Sequence, and Interchange of Application, hicli are might in Nature: hich altho the require more exactrino Iedge in rescribin g, and more recise Obedience in Observin g, et a re amply recompen


tin by them, and rescribing that there were a steady Pur suance in the ureri et leta an arefult loo into hat the pre- scribe, and administer, ndie laallin thembut Inconstancies, and very Day's Devises, without an setile providen ce or Projecf. No the stiould even fro in the Beginia in g, after they have madem fuit a ne perfect Disco- ver of the Disease, meditate and resolveu pona orderi Sequeiace of Cures an dio Without important Reasons departu heres rom. Andlet Physici ansano sor certain, That for Ex-

ample three perchance, o four Receipt S, arerightly rescribed for the Curei sume great Dis ease; hicli aken in due Order, an indue Spaces of Time, per forin the Cure Eachand every of hicli, is they were alien by


De ProlongatIove Vitae. THE Thir partis Medipi ne laid down


Marier, are nothin Northri, and that they


para isag and D rning bach the Course of baturae, cani effected by a Morning Draught, or the Use of sonae precisus Receipt , no not illi Auram potabile, nor the Substances of Pearis, an such like Trifles ut that the would hold it for a certain Truth That the Prolongationis Id te is a might y Work, and that consist os divers Remedi es, and of a due Connexion of them ne illi another: For a Maninus no herio stupid, suo belleve, that halneVer J et was done canio be effected but by Mean neve et attempted.

thos Things bicli a conducerio a malib-fid i , an such as a contribute to a Long se For there a re many Thingswhicli serve to exhil erat the SpiritS, Ostrengthen the activeio iners of Nature, an dio repet Dis eas es , hicli et subduci stomthe Sum fit se, and without Sichnes accelerate an aged Atrophie. There are ther