Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


in o me Degre a Mechani Clis are conserv'd. There are there fore three Intentions for the

CONSUMPTIO V is caus 'd by taeo D


condens' tua Sub lance, as in the se of Optates, and bitrous Remedies, and in Contristations , or e manasio i in Quantit , as in P thagorica and MonasPaliret , oris gentiennimoderat in is otion, as in Eas and

naenis . An Alimentation is pro mole fotirWaysa ly the Concoctionis the Bomeli for he Extrusion of the lament, as in Consortia-


tionis the principaliso et By the Eaecit tion of the Exterior Paris for the Attra tionis the Aliment, as in due Exerctfes an Frications and certa in Unctions and n propriate


2 ............

gimen of Food or even rom the Excellen-c o particula Medicines. For hais everThings are offuch might Viriue, as to beablerio turn bach the Course of Nature , are commoni to strong, and oiners ut Alteratiυes, to e compounde together in nyMedicine much les tote intermingled in familiaraood. I remaius heresore that theyta administre successively, and regularly, and a se appotnted Times returning in certain Courses. OUR secon Precept is, That Prolongationi Lisei expecte rather frona an peratin Lupo the Spiriis, and Dom a Suppling, o In teneratio of the Paris, than rom the Method of Alimentation. For feeing the Bod of Man, and the rame thereos set tingaside ut Nar Accidenis' suffer frona three Things , nam ely the Spirit the PartM , and Aliment , the way o Pro longation os isse by the Means os AIimentation is long and te-dlous, and through many Windings and Circuit , ut the way b Operat in tapon the

Spiriis, an dipon the arris, a re much mora compendiota S, and oonerar in us to the desit


Inteneratin of the Paris ut Nard ly, shouldbe perform'd by Applications Consubstantia Penetrating, an Shuttin et . For Consubstantials are et omel receiv'd, and indlyembrac'd by the Paris, and do properi Intenerate and Supple. Applications Penetrating, both as Vehicles, conve with more Ease, and siti dee per the Virtve of the Supplers, and do them selves alis omewhat expand the

Paris. Thmgs that Dat v, ee in the Virtve of both, and se a Time fix it, and chech Perspiration, hic licis a Thing opposite o D- teneration o Suppling, hecaule it en d forti, Moistare. Thereia re by these Three butra ther dispo sed in Order, and succeed in g, thanmix' together the alter is effected. In

dry, is es active to asiimilate. An thus much of the Prolongatio of Li es, hicli is a Thirdiar nerui alligneda Medicine. COME e norua Cymetto , hichiath Paris Civit, an diaris Effeminate. For Clean-liness, an an honest ornament of Body Was

in the sirs Place, o God, hos Creatures


Fare os sonae Savages, in the amaZing Strengit, o ManiachM , an in the Constant of many in the naids of exquisito Tomnenis. Nay, is here e any the Faciat ty t be ound whicli fatis no withinthe forme Partition, lach as is many Times seen in Divers, wh a re able tocontain Respiration to a Wonder We ould have it referr' to this Art. An that fuch Things may so metimes e done isnaos manifesto ut the Philosophy, and an Inquir in to the Causes of them is commoni neglected , or his eason e con-Ve, ecause Men re persuaded that such

Isterie an Command ove Nature, a re

pur posse ho uid e note an Deficiences in these atters For the Olympio Gamesare down long since And a Mediocrityin these Things is enough sor se: Asfor Excellen cy in them, it serves for thenitis par ita sor mercenar Ostentation. FOR Art Voluptuary the hie Delici-


What pon the Descent of the Wheel, and inclines io Aris Voluptuary Wherefore let us passe them ver An thus muchos the nomlesie hic otincertis an 's



De Augmentis Scientiarum. Lib. s. Cap. s.


to Cominon laces, is rechon 'd by so me as a Prejudice to Learn in g, as retarding the Courseo Learn in g, an incolaraging the Memor in Ιdlen esse. Neverthel esse, ecause i is ut acounter fel Business, to e regnant and for-ward in Learning unles 3 ou are illi a solid, and very way furia isti 'd , I hol the Dilige nc ane Pallas in colle tin Common Pla

hitherio. An Ar in deed there is extant fit But velare certa in that there may be had both et ter recept so the confirmi nῖ. an denoreas in Memo , hara that Art comprehen is , and that a bet ter ractice of that very At may be contriv'd than that hicli is