Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Flowers. ut herein the pia in ly breath Youth in that the abound in the orat, or Demonstratiet e ins and a re so th in and sparing in the Deliberatiυ and judiciat.

Formula Minores.

υrson, o Preparator Store, is that hicli ethinh fit to cali Formula Issi res, Luper Formsor Stiles of Speech And these a re ascit inereth Porches, the ostern-Doors, the Ante Roonas, the ac Roonas, the Passages, c. of peech , hich ma indifferenti serve se ait SubjectM; A Preface, Conchision Diagression Transition Excusation, dcc Forras in Bullding there is rei Pleas ure and se in the well- casting of the Frontis pieces, Stair- Cases, Doors, Windo NS, En tries, Passages, and the like so in Speech, the Conveyance and

Passages is the be decenti and shil fui lycontrive and placedyare os speciat ornamentandiffect to the wholeratructure. O these Formulae, ruit propos an LXample or tino, andia no longer pota them. Eo thougnthe be atters of no sinali se, et bacause we addisoth in here in os our run, Ut trAn scribe themaked Form only, ut os Demotbenes, o Cicero, o sonae ther selech Author,


amplis of Minor Fornas.

Conclusion os a deliberative Speecb.

SO e may both redeem the aulis uast, and with ne and the sam Trouble prevent the Inconveniences future.


A aereoccupation against an inveterate spinion.


De Augmentis Scientiarum. Lib. 6. Cap. q.


mentioned, 'hereunt appertain incidentlythes ConsiderationS. To the Critica Par appertain, First an exact Correction, and true Edition o appro-ved Authors , hereb both the onour of Authors themselves is vindicated, and a Light gi ven to the Studious. Wherein, ne Vertheless, the rassi Diligence of sona Men athdone greati rejudice to Studies. For it is the Manne of many Criticiis, hen the meet with a Passage the do no understand presenti to presume it a Faul in the Copy Asthe Priest that, hereae found it ritte of St. Paul, Demissi s est per portam, men dediis Book, and made it, Demissus est per Portam, hecause Sporta inas an hard Gord, and ut of his Read in D; and uret thei Errors, tho' the are not so palpabie and ridiculous, et a re of the sanae in d; a in that Passage of Tacitus e lien a certain Colon claim'd the Privilege of the Sanctuar in the Senate, Tacitus reporis that What the alledg'd was notDvou rabi receiv'd by the in peror and the Senate: pono hicli the in basi adors disia trusting thei Cause, gave Titus Vinius a round Sum o Mone to maintain thei Suit , and by this means the Thing was granted Then says Tacitus 9 the Dignit and Antiquit of the Colonu preoaileuci scis the Arguments that see me light e re receiv'd then a ne

Ueight y the Additionis a Bribe. Here a


certain Critich, non of the meanest, X pun

tica ari, the Interpretation and Expo sitionis Authors, Commentaries, Scholia's botes, Spi

ove most of the obscure Passages, and daeel-lin and expatiat in even to Nauseousnes rapinon thing that are plain and perspicuous Forthe hin intended is no so much to illustrate the Author, a that the Critic himseli pone ver occasion a me his manifoldiearn in g, and Various Reading. It were much ohe wissi'd that the writer that handies Obscure an dioble Arguments, ould annex hisorun Explication D; that ei ther the ex itself may bearohen offa Digression uri planation , and that the Notes may no de- pari froni the in an intention of the writer. Some such hin vete suspe of Theon pon Euclid.


THE Thir is concerning the Times, whicli in nran Cases ive great Light to

TH Fourth is concerning the Syntaxand Disposition o Studies that Men mayxno in ha Orderi Purfuit to Read. FI FTHLY, Itielong to the Art Critical hom hence also it ad iis ame) to interpos sonae briescensure and Iudgment of the Authors the publim anxio compare them illi other Writers that handi the fame Subjects to the end thati suci a Censure Student may be both advertis'd of the Choice of Books, an come belle provide to the Perusal of them. Anythis last Par is ascit were the Chair of the Critissis, hicli certaint has been ennobled by so me Great Men in Our Age, reater furet in in Iudgmen nthan for the Modelis Critis s. FOR Pedantica Knowledge, it containsilia Differen ce of Tradition, hichri properforaculi, In hich oin it ruere oon sald, Consultabe School of the Jesulis; for nothingilia has come into se and Practice, an be

cord in totur Fashion, suggest a se Thingsaster the anne of Gleaners. e do by allinean approve a Collegiate ducation of


Childhood and Youthri, o in private Nou- se , no unde Schoolmaster only. In Colleges there is a greater mulation to Nardstheir quat besides, there' the Counte- nance and Aspectis Grave Men, hich verythin contributes to Modesty, and fas hions tender Minds veta rum the Beginning to a Patiern In fine, there are Ad vantages in

abundance of a Collegiate Education. F OR the Orde and Manne os Discipline, this ruould principali advise , that the be-

and confident', an mahes rather arahe of great Proficience, than effect it.

FUR THERMORE, sonae Indulge ncestas uidi gi ven to the Liberi os Wits so thati any one performs the Tasks,hicli the Discipline of the lac requires, and yet stea is Time oritherethings, o,hichie is inclined, he ma noti restram'd. AGA IN I may be worth hile care- ult to confider inhicli perchanc hitherio hath no been noted that there are t O WayS, and those ascit ere diametricali opposite, of training up and Xercisin g, and preparing Uiis. The one egins illi the easiest things, and by degrees lead to the more dissiculta; the ther at sirs command aud presses the


more dissiculi, that these eing master'd he may go through the easter illi the more De-light. For it sine Method toclearn to wimwith Bladders, hicli hol up and anotherto learn to Dance illi heau Shooes, hicli presse down Anxit is no eas to expresse, ho much a prudent Intermixture of these Method conduces to the ad vancing theia,

culties both of Minyand Body. AN OTHER Consideration is the Application o Learn in accordua to the Propriet of the iis , for there is no Dese in the Faculties Intellectual, ut seemeth ohavera prope Cure containe in sonae tu-


ther ought tot not ora lyra is Ordering of Exercises, ut a ise Intermission of themalis. For Cicero ath an excellent Observation, That in Exercises, it osten appens that Men exercise thei Paulis a mel a thei Factilites so that an ii Habit is lamelimes gutat the a me Time, an insinuates it et to-gether With a good one. heresore it is asafer Way to intermit Exercises, an to repea them ver Dot, than incessantly to continue and pursue them. IT ere to longo particulari Ze a Num-ber of other Considerations of this Nature, Things butis mean Appearance, ut o singularissicacy. For a in Planis, the Wrong in or Chcrishing of them While the areyoung, is a Malter of the greatest Importanceloward thei Thriving o Miscarrying andas the immense reatnes of the Romari Empire is by sonae deservedi attributed to the Virtu and wis dum os hos Si Κings, that

can OunterVail afterviard s. An it is nota missa observe also that evenim ali and mean Faculties, is the fali into great Men or great Matters do or great an important L