장음표시 사용
mean Theatrica Bion as ahat whicli Strengiliens the Memor oderates the Tone and Emphasis of the Volce an Pr nunciation . Compose the Counte nance and Carria geri a Decorum Gives a good Assu rance: And in fine, inures Youth to the Faces of Men. The Ex ample ili alli frona Tacitus, Osine Vibillentis, formeri an Actor, buta that Time a Sol die in the Pannonian Le
the te utenant, committed a me of the Mutineers. But the oldier by Viole iace broheopen the risons an rescii ed them : here-upon Vibulenus go tolera eard, and began his Har. ingue to the oldier in his anne :
ethe German Aran', to reat of the common
ascis he had plaid a Part upo the Stage.
De Augmentis Scientiarum. Lib. 7. Cap. V CT are o come to ora Mwπ-
ledge, hicli considers and han dies the Villo Man. Right Rea- rara sonaoverias the Will, ood Ap parent seduces ita , he Spur os the ili are the Affections Herministers, the organs and Voluntarymotions. Di this Fac ut ty
unprositably. For it is no the Dispuling, That Mora Viriues are in the in os an by Habit, andio by Natures o formali distinguishing That generous Spirit are Non by Doctrines an Persuasions and the Vulga Sorti ReNard and Punishment , O the witly recept that to recti sy the MindisfMan, it musi like a Sta be bo Ned the contrar Way to iis Inclination and the huscat tered Glances and olaches that an e cus the Absence of this Part.
tot no ther, tha that hidden Roch, here-upon both this and many thermark of Knoπ- Iedge have been cast Wayra hicli is that Writers despis to e conversant in ordinaryand common atters ; hicli aremeither subtile nough for Disputation nor flouri stringenoughrior Ornament. Verit it cannot ea-
ther, than conduce to the Reader' Profici But here Seneca gives an excellent Chech, Nocet illis eloqrientia, quibu non rerum cupidi
talem facit, sed sit , Doctrines houldie lacha inould mali Men in Love illi the Lesiason, and not illi the Teacher, hein directedio the Auditor' Bene fit, and nota the Author' Commendation Theresere the tahe right Course, ho an vo uch that of their Couias eis, hicli Demo thenes id, and con
ter in hand , a Pruas saying, Philosopher in
Mora Science have hos en to them se lues
certain resplendent an illustrious Mas of Malter, to give Glor ei the to the Subtili oftheir Wit, o to the Vigor of thei Eloquence. But suci Precept a direct Practice chlehy, andiis conssi sis no in Novellies o Subile-ties the have for the most par omitted. NE ITHER neede Me of so excellent Paris to have des patred of a Fortune like un- to that hicli the Poet Virgil pro inised himself and inde ed obtain 'd , Wh go a much Glor o EloqLence, Uit, an Learnm milie expressin his Observations O Husbandry, as in relat in the Heroica Acts of AEneas. Nec
Nee si manimi dubius verbis ea ancere utagnum suam sit, ct angusis hunc addere rebus honorem, Georg. 3. 289.
WE will heresere divide Mora philosopb into tae main and principat Doctrines , The ne concerning the Exemplar o Image of Good , The ther concerning the egr-men or Cultures of the Mind whicli Par Neare Non to cal the Georglah of the indo That describes themature of Good: his pre- scribes Rules o to subdue, apply, and ac commodate the Willis Ma thereunto.
ture t Positive and Simple ood, the havedrarunci admirably, in describing the Fortus of Virtuerandiu , illi thei Siluations and Postures, in distributing them in to theirriinds, Paris, Provinces, Actions, an Administrations and the like a further, the have commended them to anys Nature and Spiritwith great Quichnes of Argument, and Beaut os Persuasio ; ea, and fortisted an en-trench d them fas much as Discourse an do against corrupi and popular opinions Again, for the Degrees, an Comparatave Natur ofGood, the have excellenti hand ted his also
in their Triplicit of Goos In the Compari
sons etween a Contemplative an Active Lis , In the Distinction belween Viriue illi Reluctancy, and Virtue secured and confirmM In thei Encounter betinee Honest and Prosita; n thei Ballancing of Viriue illi Viriue, o see hicli ou Neigh the other; and the like S that this Par touch in the Platsorvici in Lexcellenti labour'd, and that therantient heret have sterue thenaseives admirabie Meni et so that the Philosophers have been far out-gone by the plous andiatn-fiu Diligeiace of Divines, in eigh in and
determining Duties, and Mora Virtu es, and Cases of Conscience, and the Bound and Lilitiis of Sin.
NOTUITH STANDING, to returnio the Philosophers is besere the had cometo the popular and receiv' Notions of Virtu an Vise, Plea fure, and alii, and the est,
the had laid a litile longer po the En qui-ry concerning the Root of ood an Evit, and the String of thos Roois, the had gi-Ven, in in opinion, a great Light to ali that whicli might ali into En quir a terwardse Above ali is the had consulte as et the Nature of Things, a the Axionas of Morality, the had made thei Doctrines esse prolix, and more profound , hichiein by them in partomitted, and in partiandied illi much Con
ever Thing an Appetite to a doubi Natureos Good The ne, as a Thiniis a Tota init sely the ther, ascit is a Partis Memberct om greater Lota Andri his alter is
worthier an more excellent tha that Other, hecauserit tend to the Conservation os a more