장음표시 사용
th moves to the Loiadstone : ut et is it ex- ceed a certa in Quantity, it forsahes the AD section to the Loatione, and like a good Citi-zen and true Patriot, moves to the Eartis, the Region and Countr of iis Connaturais Toproceed a litile further ater and Massi Bo- dies inove to the Center of the Earth, to thegrea Congregation o clofe- compacted Bodae ;yet ather than to suffer a Divulsion in the Continuance of Nature, and that there mouidbe a the talli a Vacuum , These Bodies wil move pWard homo hementer of the Earth, fors ahing thei Dut to the Earth, that the ma perforna the generaliuty the o et the Worid Socis it ever se en that the Conservationis the more generat and public Porm, command and go vern the Iesse and more particular Appetites an Inclinations Butthis Prerogative of the ood of Communion, sespeciali en graven pon an iste degene
dwel Lipon his Ointho There ac neversound in an Age of the orid, either Philosophy, o Sest, o Religion, o Law, o Discipline, hicli id si hight exalt the oodo Communion, an depresse ood Private an Particular, a themoly ChristianaaithrWhence it clearly appears that it inas ne and the fame God that gave the Christiania to
Electriainis have issi'd themselves anathemati Z'd and rag'd out of the Book of Lise, ratherthan their Brethren mouldio attain Salvation, in an Extas of Charity, and an infinite De-sire of the ood o Communion Rom. X. THIS einclaid dorun a an immoveableianshahen Position, ut an Endri s me of the weightiest Controversies in ora Philosophy For irst it determines that Question concerning the Preferen ce of the Contemplative to ali Active Lis and that against ille opinionis Ari*ioti For ali the Realans which e bring for the Contemplative Lise, respecto private Good, and the Pleas re and Dignityi a Man' fel onlyci, in hicli Res pedis, io question the Contemplative is ehath the Preheminence For the Contemplative Lilaris no much unlike that Compari-ion hicli Pythagoras ad for the Gracingand Magnifyin os Philosoph and Contemplation , holein ast 'di Hiero, ha he
remplative ', ut is altogether conversant in Ecclesiastica Duties , as Incestant Praue erri Sacrifices of Vorus ost er'd o God , the writin Dalso in s much eis ure Theological
Books for the Propagatin the Doctrine of the Divine Laru , a Moyses id, heia heabode so many ays in his Reti rement ponthe Mount. An Henoch, the eventhsrom Adam, ho seem to have been the trit
is also cited by St. Jude But for mere Contemplation, terminate incit self, and whicli castellii Beams of Heati Light uponMu-
I decides also the uestion, controvert-ed illi such Heat, etween the Schoolsis
Zeno an Socrates, o the one Side who
placed Felicit in Virtue either imple, orridorn'd with other Good whicli Virtue has alway had a principat Sliare in the Duties of Lise: an severat ther Secis an Schoois,on the other side, as the School of the Cyrenaicsis and Epicureans, ho placed i in Plea- fures and made Virtue ascit happens in se me Comedies, here themistres and the Maidchange Cloatiis to beaut as anmand-maid , without hicli Pleas ure could not he weli serv'd and waited pon as also that ther,as it Mere, inorni' Schoob os Epicurus, whicli allerted Felicii tot noth in Velse ut Tranquillit and Serenit of Mind free and voidis ali Perturbations , a tho the were miradexto dethrones piter, and restore Sa
Lastly the explode School also of Pyrrhoandierisitis, ho placed Felicit in an ut ter Extinction and Exemptionis ali Scruples and Disputes of Mind, akingio x' and constant
AGAIN, it censures also the Philosophyos Epictetus, ho presupposses his, That Felicit mustra placed in hos Things, hich
iliat ea venly Philosophe also ath signed.
Consclance of good Intentions howeVer un- fuccesssul, afford more solixand sincere Ioy, and tomature more agreeabieci, than ali that Provision, Wherewith an canae furnishου, eithe so the Fruitio of his Desi res, o the
Remand Repose of his Mind. ITicensiles lihewis that Abus os Philosophy, hicli re genera about the Time os Epictetus A Which was that Philosophy was converte into a Prosessor Κind of Lise, an d
talion an Perturbations. So that Diogenerseems to have sp0ken excellently well, hocommende suci Strength and ower os Mind, a Nere able not Warily to Absain, buthramel to Sustain: nd whicli an restrain and chec the Sallies of the Soul even in thegreates Precipices , and caido haesis commended in ell-managed Horses that is stopand turn in the narrowest Compass. L A SI LX It censures a certain Tenderisti ess, and want of Complais ance, an obsequi ou Application, noted in sonae of the most Antient an Reveren Philosophers; howithdre to easit froin Civit Business, foravoidin Indignities an Perturbations and that the might live, in their opinion, moraunstained, and scit ere sanctified Persens: Whereas the Resolutionis ama trul Mora oughi tote such, as the sanae Confaho require in a Militar Mam , viz. That his Honou strould e woVen e Tela crassiore, os a
that ver Thing should catch incit, and ear
De augmentis Scientiarum. Lib. 7. Cap. a. HERE FORE et u noWresume an prosecute, First, Private and Particula Good.
Roman in thei oeconomiclis of a Promus and b Condiis is found deep-l en graved pon the Universa Nature of Things , an is est disclose in the two severat Appetites in Creatures Theone to Preserve and Fortio themselves Theotheroo Multipi and Dilate themselves -whereos the Lalter, hic is Active, and the
Promus ascit ere, stem to e the strongerand worthiem , and the Former, hicli is Pas es, and the Condus ascit ere, may wellae judg'd a the Inserior For in Nature, theΗeavens, hicli are the more Worthy, are thevient , and the Earth, hicli is the les ruor- thy, is the Patrem. In the Pleasu res of li- vin Creatures that os Generation is greater tha that of Food. In Divine Doctrine, It is more bl edis grue than to recerUEA Acts XX. s. An in common Lise oo, there is noMan' Spirit o sos and effeminate, ut hoesheem the effecting of omething that heliath fixe in his Desire, more than an Sensu alit o Pleas ure. An this Priorit os Actio Good is huget exalaed rom the Consideration Douristate, eing mortal and x- posse to the Strohe of Fortune. For is emight have a Perpetuit and Certaint iniurPleas ureg the rice of them o ut be ad-
ing which Affectio in the leas ures of the Sense Whicli is the principat artis fas e
a Miserabis, oria is Man, ut a nice fastidious Person mould se to die. But in the
EnterpriZes, ursu iis, and urposses of Lila, there is much ariet , hereos Men re sensibi viilli rea Pleas ure, in their Inception S, Progressions, Recolis in Ordereto rene their For-