장음표시 사용
NOTES. 145mout vas alle palaesum homine resemblance insor it Mars to the mos of heaven. 94. 3. Siderum heris spe ing of the fixed stareand of the motions of the orbs of the planeta Hehere alludes to the disserent an diurea motions fines stare, ne fori hom eastri West the oster homone tropic in the steri his is the oonstructio theastronome Halle oves of this passage. 94. 23. Auerum . . . . Gestari; i. e. pG and autumn Senescenti the seasons os the yearare ostencompared missi the age of man: ehildhood Mith Urinnyout Min summer, anhood vit autumn an oldam missi Winter. 95. 21. Insistunt; i. e. quiescunt, stan stila'96 10 Duodecim signorum thera lac. 96 17. - . . . . orbem; Mihin early the space of a yea mines ita revolutio throuo the god, M.' hough arcis missito hol his orbi in the Σωdiae Min the rest, an is finisti his revolutio throughthe fame orbit i. e. the odiach in the the two, yet Balbus means in a disserent sine of the odiae. 96 27. Duorum signorum. Accordis to late observations it neve mea ut a sim and a tali hom
ius humoro ly uses ins Wor in denote lsa men in the fame manne in Epicurea goda re so alladbemus the aro odiloas desum. Compare viat is
100 4. Sine Cerere .... Renua see Eunucho Terenoe, IV. 6 6.100. . . A ilio Mauro consul vii M. Ca, ossius intellus, A. U. 639 B. C. 115.100. . Atilio C latino dictator an lino eo sui; gometimes conlaunde missi Atilius Regulius heis sal to have been the first os the dictator in comducte his arm beyon Italy.
100 10. Virtutis templum . . . . Honoris theyWere so constructed that accem to the templo os honor coaedi obta,ed only thmum in temple es virtve. 100 10. Marcello sonis him ino vas Me times consul, and a rivalis Q. Fabius Cunctator. 100 11. tutis ante annis; es inent years. Τhe word multi, ho-ver, is osten med in expressaear Whicli are comparativel sem o nuper is somelimes used to denote a long period, as in sec. 50 of this booh, nuper i. e. paucis ante oeculis' in Ligusticos commenced by Sempronius Gracchus, A. U. 620, and finiine three years ester, during the consulses ol
is0. 12. Marimo Q. Fabius Maximus, astematas
NOTES. 147 ealled Cunctator. In the firat eis of his consulisiphe obtainin a triumphior a violor over the Ligurians. 100. 13. Libertatis according to Livy this templevis bullii Tib. Gracchus, o in Aventine Hill, vithmone oblataed hom fines. 100. 13. Victorice this temple, in ountiabatine busit bylostumius curule edite during the comsulini os . Atilius Regulus.100. 17. Voluptatis e Lisentino Veneris Volu
tas a consecratin under the nam os Volupta. A. gustine cavit. Dei, IV. M says, Meque enim . . . . audent adigua parte . . . . Dii ere, aut Oluploe, quo a volumus a duas eat, is tabe time, cui nomenis libidine' So Lubentino frematitido. 100. 18. Neque naturiatum M say the ars notnatural beomae nature dictates halcis right in us and Whateve is imprudentis prejudicia is contra to the dictates of nature in accordanes vith this aretho oria o Zeno in Diogenes Laertius, ho heresays, Io sive accordire in naturo is to live amordingis virtve.
101. 6. Quod quisiis .... poteri L e the disse ence in Mich may be Men iniurioohs es ceremontes. 101 12. temitate mementur the Stoic be- Eeved that our ovis Would exist sor a long time, butno Breveri racem Tusc. Quaes. I. 31 says, μειω
148 NOTES.iei umram nobis lamis undamquam eomisatias diti
102. 23. - . . . . est inould I curae, MArias in medies that Mod os licti vhich shines, via, everrit may bes' δ efulserae tonante a formiua in the augures ceremonD103. 3. Immoderarum; i. e. immense, infinite. 103 14 Altero an old sormit the dative. 103. 16. Neptunus a nando. Cotta, the Academi bantor in Stolo in the inita book sor this derivation; and observes thaci Neptune comes hom nando, thereis no nam stat ma noti explaineri and the derivatio forme even by a single leueri lacis certainbuer eas in Dd ut interpretations os mos es the les of the ancients, hic may seem natural thoughsuc memings never ere intended by tho mythol gista themselves. Lordiacon has gone a sar in thisas an os in moderas, in his reatis De Sapientia veterum; ut vhat in opinion es the ancient vereo these abies canae est Moerisne homine amesenta themselves Whereve the havera iam omine
NOras. 149 104. o. aurum mi is havs Me therarat hoerecte temples in Italy, and instituted religio aites. 104 26. Non avenarido Mirahe anderedabout in hunting. 106. 1. Noctu quari diem siseret Ben Ionson
10 5. Timo a a celebrate historiani Stab; he lived in theritas os Ptolem Philadelphus, and dita B. e. 262 non es his ritinga remala. 105 11 Venerem. Venus is here mi is Minoo the names of Diana, Momae ad Omnes ea veniret; but in is notis posed tot ius mother es Cupid. 13 u