M. T. Ciceronis de natura deorum libri tres: accedunt notae anglicae

발행: 1846년

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m. 24. Primis . . . . ae irae; vacuis strat

o hel stat tho dispositis and orderit ali stingavere lanne an effected by the ove an undediata iugit an infinito tand in his horis not inare, strat, that here an homo motion jesned vici sense in cliat is infinite, nor an aenae at ali vhere nature hediaest mul ses no impulse. I seems su rising thattaeero in I say that Anaxagoras vas inerant philo Opher Who ae ovis in suta a doctrine, sinos he had jus tot us that Thales hin atanoMe ex ista, ora gori had forme ali stings ut o mater. m. Davi mdemors to olear itimis mining thia distin tion Minoen ius md Mahales and that of Anaxagoras the formercis vii ut moti the lauer is an im finite mina, to Missi moti in is ementisi

Issianes, Who vasit opinion stat God is allatat is inmnus united vit a minricis litavis resute vii thoreat butae is et more absurd vith regis to infinit' in hic there an e nostin that has an sensationor conjunction.

21. 27. Parmenides a philosophoris the Eleatio Mot a ut 600 B. . o supposed ius Deit in bean informin prin te, o intellectual re diffused throughout the universe,aut more speciali residingis ita extremo si re of the voeld. - ita accountha is metaphorieald represented by this philoso erras omo es lirat, enes in vitian ita irrumserenos in oelestiat ordi


22. 11. Quadisor nisuras i. e. Me mater, ala, andearis, hic are mentione a tho Bur prino lis ol pedocles by Diogenes Laerti . 22. 18. Imagines tae the larma in his ali ob. jecta appear torus, and not in solix dies inomae a. 24. 7. Ῥεν σιω- revolution.

e Maoci ει of Whom inhabit in planeis, and Misthoirmames; ne is composed os ali the fixe stare, and icto e reohonod a pure an simple gori inmomine pit so many disperata membera. 24. 1. Quinque eoa Satura, Mars, Iupiter, Mea eury, and Venus Thela revolutiona re confidered in the neri Moh. 25. 12 Senati L e. miiud, underetandium

25. 13. geri . . . . eontraria. M Zeno in eometo Dur aere, Balbus 4hinis the linig nature toto ths divinit' and that it hel pove to inremus to vhatis right, an to restrata a Gm What is rong. 26 4. Per quandam signi fleationem L e. πω


27 6. Chrysippua Cicero mys of him stat hohad collecte so many argumenta in lavor of the we licia hypothesis, that he coaedio a ver inem himseli; and thus ad fumista Cameades, heir antagonist, missi meamna against them. 27. 18. Festalem vim. Non es in philosophers ohe in strongis term of the titia necessit a mer

thinistin tho Stolas, Chrysippus in particulari

27. 19. Ignem praeterea et eum quem ante diri, oetae . se precedin page, sine 13, ultimum . . . . --imetur ne ει in pratime et eum has the meam

in o id sit sor idem adde stis to explain What

Meae meant. 27. m. Quoe -- α μισσα iaque manar l. In book ii. 19, our auctor, in speising of the oon, says, mulis diis ea manant e fluunt, gutta et animam lea' o. Where manant and suun have the meminges' producunturi in the above sentence, quoenisura fluerens a umma aeresia,'' inould be translatinas it the reining quae natura producerentur.' 28. 12. Quem . . . . fatuis m Chrysi

pus Diogenes, tho Babyloniis, imitatinita his treasse, hie ho milles De Minersa, accounts for the deli ery os Iupiter and the virgis blatha natural causes, an separates them hom the Able. 28. 14. Virginis i. e. Mnerva, Mo, sto lableis mi is have sprunihom the minis Iupiter the

interpretation a Whio is, stat Iupiter .assim ha


supreme pomer, and wnerva dom so stat, omisaid is have spmmihom the supreme pomeri his hine interpretationarum by Lordiaeon, and by severat ancient mires, and is probabi the physiological inter. pretation es Diogenes, Whie Velleius here emaurea.

Epicurus rei dis vere the existene of the oci, hom his observatio that nature has impresse that notion in the misci mali prerious to any instructionias that herarat discovere this universat impression tobe a certa, indicatio of the bring of the goda. 29. 11. Πριληφιν L e. an innat notionis the

Deit implante in ur inci, ascit is explesne is Velleius A similis explanation is oven in tho lin MEpicurus by Diogenes Laertius. It is an anticipations hie is res itera meming of the oes of thom

m 23. Omnium natura consentit meming the Same as Omnes eo entium S on p. 49 L 18, in Deorum rectura ponere, is the sameras in Diis ponere. 30. 14. Ut Deo coleremus compare seo. 20, eartho end et pie sancteque colimus naturam eminem tem aeque proeatantem.' his pertain to the question

and do oster hinga pertaining to the vorini a sto


divine nature. 30. 20. A beata .... aegregari. Lucretius Lor has inutiles. illustrate this sentiment of EI

enim ipsa daeum natura ne as eat mortali aevo summa eum pace'tiatur, Nam privata dolore omni privata perietis issa suis polians opibus, ni tim a nostri, Praeteria pro inritia apitur, risere is muram.

30. 22. V eridere dependiu pon intellim fur. 31. 2. Nisi humanam; ut the Permans, disti the sun and the gyptiam, ini Maala, have no suo Uide of the formis their goci. 31. 11. Vos i. e. ou Sisies. 32. 6. Prερέμνι- i. e. solid. Epicurus used this vor in distinguis be,em hos objecta hic arepercepissile to sense, and those Which are impereeptibis; a the essenes of the divine Ming and the variova opediations es divine poWer. 33. Mundus Deus a the Stoica laach. 33. 16. Idem, qui ceteras picturus. 33. 20. Pectura in inciis, emerest. Velleius es the future, present, andi trienses sor it vas theopinionis Epicurus that innumerable atoma Were com uallyrioating throuo infinite space, by the conmuraeos,hic atoms innumerable morida may ariae sommotvhic ma immediatet periin by the dissolution esse atoms, but sommma remala by thei cohesioru


us Noras.

35. 16. Gaaso L. Licinius Crassus, an eminent orator os Rome bom . . bout 140. He WasMought into notio chlehi in part he ino in theimpe liment of C. Papirius Carbo sor reamn Whlehhe managed missi remata te iniit an eloquenm. 35. 17. Togatis ne Romana vere so called homine toga, stela principat garment. For a simila re son the rein vere called Palliati. 35. 25. genonem no the philosopher elares hen os e vas a Stoicis citium this ne an Epicurean o Sidon, in Ρhoenicis. 36. . Quam illa bene refellerentur. Atticus, b in an Epicurem, as osten Mawing Cicero hom his host Antiochus to in conversation es haedrus andes Zeno the hie professor of that sect in hopes osmahlathim a convert om hic subjeci the used tohave many disputes e,em stemselves; ut cicero suis in theae visita vas ut to convince himself more holuali of the mea es of that doctrine by obser incho easib it mira bo oonta , he explainineven by the ablest toachera.


36. . Non igitur ille . . . . inridisse; M M Zeno di no express himseli liis mos es his sere: his expressiona vere, liho ours, distinoi, eighty, and eloquent. ut vhat osten happene to me vici regardinata, the fame in iocurred vhen I eard ou I, rarioved ita soareat a genius inould have Men

permit me in sanit into sues alio cis no Bollinand issis opinio . 36 12. in Hyrieis. Acto physica, o naturalphilosophy, our author Mems to me ad tho fame notion vici Socrates that a minuto an paruoular ab tantion incit, and the mariniit the sola in and oli tot our inquirim, Was a stud raster curious than profit te, an contributinibu situ to the improvementoride. 36. 15. Simonide There vero severa os his me. The ono here allude to as a native os ea, one of in Cyclades, in the ne Morhood os Atticae Both Plato and tacem nolint ovo his the charactero a good poet an musician, but speis of his as a personis great virine and Madom. 36 19. Hiero Thero mere ino of thia name, both hings of Syracuso. The me here reserae in vas abrother of Oelan, and his successor po the throne,B C. 471. scis hiod celebrate in the des ol

38. 2. Sophiaeea clamo, in his Quaestione Ae demicae, inlisaim a sophiat in prosesse philosophythrouis ostentation or interesti M. 12. Tubulus L. Massilia Tubulus, praetor, P . L II


A. U. 611. His character vas intim s. eris naidis have fled his mundi at the exluationis his praetodiship on account of the ribes he had imia receivedinime. 38. 13. Lupus L. Rutilius Lupus, an insamo sello of Whommorae speata Sat. U. 1, 683 morisque Lupo e miri verso .' e vas quainor A. U. 612, and tribune of theseose A. U. 616.38. 13. Carbo C. Papirius Carbo, a seditisus dii, une of the e te, A. U. 623 B. C. 131. In tho di turbances hic Mose respecting the division of thelanti, he vas one of the tresviri, an suspected oti in conoeme in the inde est Com. Scipio Ah, canus Α. U. 625. 38. 13. Neptuni uiua me poeta calle modmen the fons es Iupiter, an bad memine sons es e


38. 22. Abuiteris . . . . meis; σω attribute thomost absolute poWer andissimcnt atoma; ut of themyo pretend that every thiniis mine.' 39. 5. Levia; amooth. 39. 15. Quid . . . . desin L . What couldbribe Durio renouno the Epicurem doctrine p39. 21. Cedo teli me.' In many good editio me find credo. 40. 1. Non igitur cete i sc Mi illi vestνή. 40. 7. Quod .... correpitia; by endeavoringio prove inis, Durare reducessito the greates peri lex,


Noras illative propoxitioris, Epicurus villae alive or

besore spinen os e in sarther ita mos of the Academios in degrading the senses, is asserting ali tobo salso that is Men by them. 61. 6. mo. o the fame stat Cotta spori esbesore. This, etho Biniderit tho Stolos me oster a an Epicurea philosophen, mae hin heare at

41. 11. Idem facit . . . . anguinem L . hepromedain the fame principies hen he trinis of the natur of the wda, b amidis in Arminem hominconco se os atoms, test deat an dissipati in mirathe in consequenoe. He dentes that he god hos euheriodie or Nood, but something resembling sach. 41. 24. Quari dicista Laertius X.Linys that thediscipies of Epicurus vere required totomistrio meino , lihe schoes Mys Whateverine rote. 42 2. Ni ha μοτα in many good editions nihil olet; ' does no favor of the Academy. The mea miis, stat Epicurus aurat nothing hic indiealedine ingenuit of the Aeadem' o Lyceum, o men erile disti ne The Lyceum a QMhoo nem Athens, here Aristolle taurat, as lato id in the

42. . Habitis Φαι erum aure me Samos adbeen murat unde the dominionis in Athenians by Pericles, a ne colon vas est lished there, in hiinv me lea, theriatherist Epimma, allel τ γυλ


42. inrtium a these emine ea, Chaer domus, and Aristobulus. 42. 13. In Nausiphan Minoeram eri r is convicte in regis to ausiphanes in Demoer tem ι' i. e. of havini v him. Nausiphanes pros sed the doctrine es Democritus. o omeum boasted that Elneum vas ono of his hearem, hi tam Moyed Epicurus stat homoade his vissio


43. 4. Heractaua; clamotae Ephesia philosopher Who assected is vrite obscurely, testas in idie madis the vulgar, an Moome contemptible. The fundamenta doctrinem his philosophy,as that Moris the principis ot allati α43. 6. Minima suppi quin dioia; but evenyom I may say this among urselves do no unde Mand What ou say. 43 9. Nihil eaepressi; nothin standis ovi, Prominentiη43. 11. In Venere Coa. In tho laland of os in the Egem Sea, asine of the mos beautilat produ sons of Apelles, a celebrate palaterit antiquit' trepresented Venus emerginitiincita sis vid in t

Ut Venus are eis latis Dat moria Coi, a Mors madidas quae premit imbre eomaa. '