장음표시 사용
44. 16. sui in lana nox mi i. e. nature sed ea hersest, an ineste is love, Minus ino one thinia that mos beautiful viain is mos liis himssit. 45. 3. Qui verit Europam. Cotta here aruullyalludes in the stor of Jupiis and Europa, intimatingthat is a vi vas notis inutiles creatum, JuInter moes no hos choae that in e to temptauropa.
Ses the fabie in Ovid, metam II 833.
45. I. Triton the rumpeter of eptuns. Me Virgil, AE X. 209. Inveheria; carrisdipon. 45 18 Alco in the Lesbian poet, Who Murishina ut 604 B. C. From iam the lyrio meas e callin alcaio ' derived ita me. 45. 19. Mutua Q. Lutatii Catulus, inconsul opposed in alismpta es his colleague, M.AEmilius Lepidus, is abolis the acta es Sulla, B. c. 78. Plin and Ovid rechon his among the poets. 45. 21. Roscium; hom Cicero defende Whensiout stiri ons years old, during the consulata os n. Octavius and C. Scribonius Curio. e vas a Romanactorit great celebrity.
generes humani ritus, Olem orientem Ocri Memque dira imprecatione eonruentur' 46. 10. Florere in eoelo; i. e. it the god are aliae,
48. 19. Vide nonninia videri Epicurum . . . . verbia resiquisse Deos, re suarulisse Among them vas Posidonius. Seo page 67 of this book. 48. 21. itaque .... negotium; Minerelam in thos inori an selec sentenoes Maia Mitam mil landamental doctrines. thia, Pthiis, is the firat prim te, stat a Ming Uin is hapy an immortabis not Mened vith any labor, nor impose any on another '49. 1. De homine minime vafro. Compare Tuae. Quam H. 19 44. ' Venit Epicurua homo minime malus, via potius vir optimus tantum mones qua tum inlinime. 49 18. In Leo - naetrum o me the fame asinitis onere so in Lucretius I. 16, Omnis natura
animantum, sor omnes animantea.
60 4. Attigimus arus vidim . Amordiunt thedoctrine es Epicurua non es t ac dis themae
60. s. Seriphi in Aland in the AE eanaea, oneo in Cyclades Tho res there vere sat in bodum 'heno the proverbia expresinon, Seriphian hom, applied to thoas person πω mul nesthe sing
Mati rearere emporis populos, Roma , -- - φm tibi erunt arisa.
62 20. Metrodorus There vero is of this me, discipies of Epicurus; ne of Stratoni , hoastemata vent ove in Cameades the oster of At, ena, here spolie of mrmaehua an plaurea es in lene Leontium P. Harduinus, in his noto onmisy, sus in vas the vise lapicurus, no his num
62 24. Scit . . . . queri L e. ho did his, im deeri in an erudite manner, and wit aut eleganoe;yetolis dare is do it S mue liberino speeo didine schoesis Epicurus alloW, eontradictingistere; and et o Epicureans are πω to complain When D are contradicted. 62 26. potiri hortus ris Academ es lato, Gopisam a Zeno, and the garde of laurim vero
Naras. Ira celebrate places, in his ino es them taurat his 62 26. aeno indam; nes of citium, ut howhom Philo has balare calle ins coryphaeus es DNeuroans, hom Cicero stequently Mardis Athons; ho accused Theopompus, a distinguished man. caum, he had Writis against Epicures. 52. 27. Plindro amen es mero and Mileusi, hos discis Cicero ac fore Maecame acquainted vit Philo. 63 2. Medori a diaeis of Somates. Meths deat os Socrates, he retume toralis, his nativomunt , hereae Bunded a sectis philosophera, hooomposed Mat Was called in Elia se o tam mois affixed tot it Plato a dialogues. 53 3. Metrodori . . . Oneidarit L . hs sollunmercistillympo Timocrates, Nother of Metrodorus, his companion, malachim rumine gantiet throno holo volumes, is inme insignificant dishrenes bet enthem in philosoph 63 10 Apollodorum. There vere many of thraname Prob lyae Who mas ealled by Laertius τύραννος, - of the mee sors of Epicurus, is here alluded to. 63 13 herippum i. e. a disty fello Quid aequamur theatri ot Hidreae Eoa vitupera a tho Platonisis an si
68 14 Ancipites amphiulatui. 58. 24. Quidquid . . . . iacus est hie Immero these potata ou ouo Mon is a formone; ' i. e. involves an absurdit' 58 27. Speciem Dei percipi, o See bove,
68 28. Ad numinum numineati' ' Eamquamae ua visionem M and such, tur idea es it. 69. . Transitione; i. e. a transitionis images, whicli succeed ac other homo constant suppi Malams, according to the doctrine of laurus. 59. 14. rouechum Ti. Sempronius Ora hus, en tribune es the eople broum s Ward his agi riandam ne quis ultra quinquaginis jugera massederet, inique frespiri crearentur, qui quod superearet agri pultici, plebi dividererit.' Η vas alata in alumes excited by P. Scipio asica Serapio, B C. 183. 59. 15. Octavio Μ. Octavius Caecina, tribune ofine eople, an an opponent of ri Gracchus B C. 133. Deferentem sitellam; i. e. ollecting the aushmges conoeming . Octavius, his colleague. 69 19. me idem feri in Deo . . . . ea quo MMbeari, atque octem intestisantur a transitio homine singulis to the plura number. ein similis instanees in Seneca an other authors. CUM . . . . animi by the hequent representationis,hic o minia may be arietessi' 59. 21. - . . . . ceti ma grant stat thermam sue images by Which our minia armasseetes; et it iambis erini forminat occum an vis mus that
poets of the fidit class. 60 5. Orpheum Cicero Mes not mean statari tolle assime there πε no suo person as Orpheus, but stat there vas no suo post, and that the Orphio verse Was the inventionis mother. 60 17. Invoco invited.' ne edition has
61. 3. Quoniam . . . . Oportere; stat heres umbe in immorta nature, sinceritare is a mortal
62. 7. Poetoe . . . . comparant; i. e. the poeta
manage bellarethanao do sor ineffurnis nectar indambrosia at the semis of thei mdia 62. . usentalem; alle Hebe by the Greetatine tauister os Iupiter and Iuno. 63 1 Semper a uant se ad μα63. 15. At etiam . . . . die . It vas objectinto Epicurus, that, ita acie accordis in his prius ples, he mus have no religion; ut this consequencedi no destro the matteris ML sor his utWard religio Was neve questioned. e cannot produce amore credibis lineas than Seneca, Who mys, De Beneficiis, IV. 19 In inori Epicurus, you disarm God yo dives him of his thunde an his pomeri ou have no reason in ear him, since heris incap te os d ing cither modi tari and yet ou Would revere himas a parent, stom a principi os gratitudo. Iroo do
itio hom this principis, a Mini med by adortu, to ionco se es atoms, and consequently bingranderno obligation to tam in doam Morini his p ouanswer so the majest an excelleno es his nature. Be it granted that neither interest nor expectations are Dur motives mere is, then, something in uself d strabie, by the dignit es,Vinoo Me innuenced thisis genero .
63 18. Coruncanium; iberius Corimcanius co sui A. U. 474. Scoevolam mucius Scaevola, the pontifex maximus. 63 20. Miues; ho sent ou tho an arminmen tollunde the temple os Apollo at Delphi, purai non cum inroecia tantum, sed cum dii immortalibus binum gereret,'' Iusti IL, 64. 24. Reipublico ea a There vere threeulasse of od among the meienta, one os,hic Wasimented by poeta, ne by philosophers, and one by thelmding me of the states. The object of the last clam Mem to have been to restrata the passion os these Ne by stari eno care a taen stat thouodsaliould e adapted to the peculia dispositionis achnation. o the Lacedemonia , ho ere artiae, militar an arme di anities vere ovem thei en, clans, ho ere a mercantile people had Od Whod Vored commerce, c. rom this tripla divisionit thegod Mose in triplo theology sabulous, naturat, andes 'al. 64 27. Prodicus eras P seo Cea, a philosopherand rhetorician, teacher es Euripides.
65. . Euhemero mere mere Wo of this name, one a poeti Messene, themther an historian MIegea.
An in aestus, Agric. xxx.ὶ Nos terearum ac libemtatis erirem , receama ipse ae sinua fumo in hane
diem defendit. 66. 15. Samothraciam an istand of the min a. I beeam celebrareddo the Worini os the C Urianaovi, in the, mysteries of Which ali the heroes of
antiquit mere initiated. 66 4. Quoe . . . . digniora; i. e. at these opinion are more Worthyis the stupid inhabitant of Α, dera the comu es Democritus, stan or the ingeni sDemocritus himself66. Cum Dis i. e. cum iras. 67. . Non erit ista amicitia. Cicero interiainin
detestando oravita for the sine es removing odium.' law of the Athenians mere ver severe againat sceptios and atheius. 68. lem . . . . ait Le a m Mithaim; sor
This book oontain tho argument of Balbus omine nature os the gods, accordincto the opinionis the Stinios ras divide the whole question into laur parta: in the firat the taurat stat there Were gods in thesecond, ha the were in the hird that the moria Wa govemed by them and in the so in stat Myconsulted so the good os mantand. 69. . Corona notri revata,' Misome interpreti aut circle or assembi os men,' in hic sense Cicero sescit in his oration sor ito, - non enim
eo M consessus vester cinctus est.'
69. 10. Luellium Q. Lucilius Balbus, More spolienis See page 15 linera. 69 14. Philosophi so the philosophera,ere thefirst,ho instituted the worinimos the gods stomagi among the Perstans the Chaldaeans among the Babylonians and AssΠians tho Gymnosophista among the Indians in Druid among the elis and aula.