M. T. Ciceronis de natura deorum libri tres: accedunt notae anglicae

발행: 1846년

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NOTES. 13570. 1. Ut nostri Stolos in prosesse thei abibunt prove in existence of the godsi incontroveri,

ble arguments.

70 10. Convictis his Cotta in the precedinibook

70. 20. Otiosi sumus; ister on account os the ferice LMinoe mentioned in Booha, or brevise Caesarhad then the overament in his hanci, and had di charged them hom an concem in publio b iness. 70. 24. Tati apertum. his and the incoeedingargumenta go is prove that there is ut in Dd; e e some suppos that Cicero has aissuli resutedine doctrine os a pluralit os gods. 71. 3. Aspice . . . . Ibvem; a trochaio verse homine Thyestes of Ennius. 71 4. Jovem. any of the ancient besides Emmus entenained this opinioni Iupiter.

71 17. Quom anus .... portenta inmemes'

cicero' min evidenti mula not bello in in truthor divinit os suo a religio as stat of his count ;and the liberi Whichio oesy he, but most of the olduriters tae in ridiculis in character of thei mia, and the fietions of thei insema tormenti, ino citat there a tardi a manis libera edueation is didno conside itis an en ei state, o positical a tem, contrived sor therases of goverament, and tes epine eopte in Her. In this his cicero aisva comsidera it as a vise institutio ingulari ad ted in thegenius os Rome, an constanti inculcates an ad diencerio ita rites, as ita dut of in Mod estiae . 71. 26 Bello Latinorum in Michoout es oriu


ias NOTES. three thousand of the Latins marcet te thousandretume home. Postumiua A. Postumius Albinus, callexatio Regil nsis, hom the place of the batile in

ichae vas victor, B C. 498. 72 1. Oct. Mamilio somimia o Tarquini Superbus, an letae es the Latina Pugnare vim Valerius mimus oves the fame accounti Liv ausinat Postumius vove a templo in Castor, but maesno mentionis in miracla Tyndaridoe Castor and

nians ore flain, and eleve tho an tam prisonere,

itit only one hundred of the conqueror vere hilled, in greater partit,hom ere Pelignians Alimacedonia surrendere to L. Emilius Paullus in in days. Perses, deserte by his Mend 4e to tho Isiand of Samothrace, here he a subsequently captured by Cn. Octavius, the commander os ulte fleet, an sent toa milius Paullus, the victor. 72 11. Matione L e vit immunities, me asan exemption immiserring in the vara, and hom MDing taxes. 72. 24. Mosarum here sere severat of this name. The one hero allude to asinielebratin prophet, sones Apollo andruanto, during the Trojan War. μ'


Noras. 13

Tiresiam, M. ; these accusative dependispo fetaererimus Tiresias vas in great Theban prophet, at in iis of the var of the even against hebes. Amphiaraus, 'ingit Argos he had been ne otine Argonaut also Calchas vas the prophe of the Grecian armrat the siege of Gon Helenus M a sono Priam and Hecuba m is represented as a prophetin the Philoctetes of sophocles. 3. 2. laudii P. audius Pulcheri e masconsul missi L. Porcius Licinus, 186 B. C. Liberiai

an uni hy omen. The tumin es this superstitio observationis the poesu into fidicule is assed by Balbus Johinx omine σει. 73. . lasse devicta. e vas conquered by Amherbal the leaderit the Carthaginiam a Drepanum. 73 6. Ipsi lactimas. The mans pure duissio se and invectives the consul Publius, hos minimprudendo ad murat suo hem lasses pon hismunt , an alter his rerum to Rome condem data is a publio sentenos to the ament of a heau fine.

Ses Polybius, νε

73 11. Flamincum C. Qinnotius Flamimus, ει, me of these te, A. U. 622 consul A. U. 637. Livoves the account thus XU. I. Flaminius, eo

μι homo temeraritia, contra aua ista profectus, stirnis militartibus est sis, quo tolli non poterant, a Gequo, quem Omeen ται, per caput devolatus, insidiis ab Hanniballe ircumventus, ad n emenum laeum cum Mercitu eviram eat.'


M NOTAS. 3. 12. Mitis L. Coetas Antipater, aut horis a


73 12. Cecidisse in that contes in viae the ma mere so signat. desinred by Hanniba SasLisy, M., and other historians. et 19. An Aia . . . . eontemnendus eae ε Isine lassis Attius Navius to e desinseri vici πάλ divide the resens of the vine to findiis m. λ' no stor allude locis tot by ro himself in histis book De Divinatione. Attius Navius havinitos one of his ova, mado avo. that i homun heri ho ould ori in largeat grape on his vine to the Mity aecordire. havinglaund hena Mood Min his Merio arta the meridian, and divide in vine Min his Marinis Bux parta, and

sound a grape es a prodigious sim. 3. 22. Hosti us cicero' memor appears ohavo salied tam here, as Navius vas in augur os ridiminius Priscus, no a villus Hostilius. Nesistentia nobilitatis me augur institute by Romulus vero patricians, and sor a long time stela ince vas supplied hom stat clam the tribuno obtained an de so the electionis a certain umber sum theplebeians the institutiona an to hil into decan 3. 27. Peremnia, o perennia auspicis aheno the pamage of a riveri Eae a ministia inlitaryauspicia a calle bemus t en sum in minis ot


NOTES. 13s

74. 4. Quidam imperatoreas as the Deest of Whommention is equently made Verbia certia ulteringa certain formis Woria mited to thia acti devotion. 74. 11. Scipione P. Scipio Nasica Corculum hevas consulis. U. 592. C. Figuitas of the arcianssimily, parti patricia an parti plebeian. 74 13 -cwelitis in Sempronius Gracchus, fasteros in renoune tribune n and C. Gracchus M, oonsul A. U. 77 and 6914 also censor Α. . M. Primus Ossaeorum; the rogator ho collecte thevotes. his stor' viain is relatin brother authors, is superstiti si introducta herei Balbus, to prove stat there reci menta attendis a non' servance of vhat he ualla rei laus institutions in eos restitia; Whenae recor finem. 74. 16. Remque illam in sudde deat whita πω sup sed is eo ad omen. - ad soleret; et in uallyaad the charge of suo stings.'74. 23. Barbam die Tuscans vere o barbarians, Ming Italians; inde the lassuenoe of his angerho probab. His themiso beea e the Vere noti


74 26. Eae prorincia; hi πω Sardinia, a a


but thos o augurat ceremontes.

76 1. Hortos Scipionis in many editiona, vetad in hortis Sessionis Dam do is the genuin nes of either. Valeri maximus, vino relates the accounta, and Who also optes cicero in the reumstances of the Mory mahes no mentioni ita gardenso S io. 76. . . Pomoerium a place ithout the est' set apari lar auguralises and the lita. 4ent vas pisthodnear it sor in asse ly, at in electionis consula It must be observed that Gracchus interin the pomoerium Breae ventrio sterient, and vent throuo it acheret in but the potat wUinae mulinareonsulungino boota vas, statae Maedam consultin the amspicia hen he returne throum the pomoerium, as etl a When he enterexi in his may to the tenti 76 6. Augures M. in runt. Senatus se. Dasit. Abdicarent ac se consulatu. Valerius a imus I. 1 says that C. Figulus sturae hom Gaul, and Scipio Nasica hom Corsica, an resigne stela 76 10 merere . . . . relis, that the pedi mane os, religious fit inouldae suspended. 76 14 Haruspieum; the functions of the auguram haruspices mere different themmer ere todivine by thera hi os bitas, in latis by the miratiso victims. 6 17. Bello Octaviano the vis of the consul Octavius againstruarius, Cinna, and ostera, A. U. 667.


Octavius Masi in the consula chala in his robes ofossico cinna, hen a lauri time consul, Α. U. 669, Was murdered by his οὐ imops in Ancona. 76 20. Induano C. Sempronius Tuditanus, comsul Min . Aquillius, A. U. 626, the fame ear hen P. Scipio Africanus, dound Mad in his bessi 78. 12. Regis bus suo a Batavia noWinoblandin, Boeotia, and Abdera; heno the proverba ridiotica sus,' ruens Abderita,' Auria Batava.V78. 2 Meraras He imo that in Supreme Bring though invictis, is early sem in his oris, Missi at onoe demonstrate his existence, and hi Maeand benevolent provide e. He admitterii ides theone Supreme Deity the existen itaeings Who o Mas a midiae statio Miseen o and man, to hose immediate ageno heruscribe in ordinar phenomena os nature, and -- sed orae particularly

concerae in the ma gement os inura. 7s. 13. Uno tempore sor primo, or actam hodirerea in altu ito the inter sena n.

79. 16. Unus . . . . commoveri ou author in ,

De Div. m. 14, 'Quid defretis au de marinis e


142 Noras. expression in his antagonist me emendatio byDavis is also adopted by Oressius and other good min

80 4. gem sic premebia 2- and eanthes, the letares of the Stoic feci, vere accustomeda rejeet, in their diseo ses, every thing hic his in appea

83 15 area pars L e. fire. 84. . Principesum; i. e. the superior an pr vallis excelleno in very hiud of thin through the universe; stat peculiar quati vhic stimulates verythin t actio in iis respective sphere stat Mich asine cause es inerant motives in ali stings, and wUAE direct them to thei intendedinci a reason in m the sense sileasium, an fel preservation in ali am-


86 12. Tum rem ferentire, tum continerandin δε might nou be indulged, and no restrataed. 86. 20. Institutione Lis inceptione sor verythinx ita Nature eommmees, ine aries in the endis persection. 87 6 La autem est gradus. Plato advocate thesam doctrine. 87 27. Aprum; i. e. eonneete or astene to-gether, hic is the peculiar significatio of this, d. Our author Ora 71 isses it in the fame senser F euius eat apta dissolvere quam dissipara connectere '87. 28. Suia numeris an expression tam pedihaps fim the Pythagoreans, ho bellave every thing neraled and composed by numbere, and the harmon numbem


NOTES. 14388 14 urendo; i. e. the universe. The Stolas mea by the w H, H in celestialiodies, a veli asine terrestria globe. 89 6. Tota Mae ignea there Was a remaa ledissere sit opinion among the ancisnta respectinistestars Thales, Maximander, and Anaximenes, thought them fiern dies mih some mixture of eartis matteri Xenophanes calle them fier olotas hic vere e

tinguished in the tantae and revived during the ni tiris Stolos bellaved them to Mit pure Me Democritus said the sun a a fier ballit ironi Mone. 89. . Solis aridor hecis here attemptin toprove the divinitros in Mars, among Whi in heaecho

the sun a appearchom What is soonaster said promusque sol qui Misorum obtines principatum, M. 90. 16. Etenim . . . . concreto this has been ammmon opinion in ali ages and countses tacero in his reatis De Fato imputes the superior genius os in Athenians to the purit of the ais. 90 19. Cibo .... putant this opinion has also ita favorers. ne of the reason assigne by the Pthagorean sor thes abstinenc hom fles vas, stat ithelpeda quichen in understandire. 91. 2. In omni oete ita te constantia; by the comstant courso os in Mars hominil elemit' he probabdmeans that motion is essentiat to them, and that theydomo move by the common lamo gravitation, hichhe goon aster alis natura motion; ut the move, heinys, spontaneously, impelle by no poWer ut inelao- Themisto the ord natura somelimes in a


144 Noras.

generat sense, a Whenae says, in quo sit totius --turce principatus,' by Whic he means theraeit in Michahe superior excesse eis universa nature comsisti. Sometimes herases it in a limited sense, as in the passage besore us.

92. 1. Similes philosophos the Epicureans inomin his uso. Quaest. In e calla omus hominum

minime malitiosum.

92 4 A Cotta in the forme boin. 92 14. Resipiens patriam , i. e. Athens, the seatos leaminnis,hich Balbus vili no allo. laurus to


93. 4. Novum oculorum judirium laesit Was theprevassing opinion stat the sphere vas the mos beaut, sui os figures. 93. 11. Dum formoe. his is the docum ostrthagoras, as appears in Diogenes Laertius.

93 18. Nunquam .... auisistis i. e. a neve ove Four attention to mathematica studies.

Ereditum trum pulverem i. e. the an in hichmathematicians Meminei lines. 93. 20. Physici hedronicali callisto Epicureans by this me beems theyanem so litilem physica; so in Tusc. Quaest. I. 29, he calis them plumbeos in pissicis. 94. 4. Coeli iacitum; a in is here perpetrate1 me ordiadalum mas sed by some os the Latini et fior actum ane, are tol that the mos of the