The gate to Caesar: by William C. Collar

발행: 1891년

분량: 169페이지


분류: 미분류



ΤΗ recent discover of a Work of Aristoti has inter ested an delighted the holoclearne World; ut ne may Ventum to a that is instein, a book ad se found Writte in tho est perio of tho Latin lanmage for theamusemen or instructio of outh, by ome Roma De e or Goldsmith ormam ir Burneli, there Wouldie tentimes the reason for rejoicing. Unhappit there is nolihelthood that me hali ver congratulate urSelve Onsuch a fin V for probabi no such Work Ver existed. What a missortune that it didio occurri Cicero to diverthimself in somedeisur hour by ritin arator for Romanyouthi illions of boys and iris in these later ages Would have had good reason tolles his name. Caesar could have donorit; ut to him, too the god dented such an inspiration, and Wo must suffer for it Seein that ho had composed atreatis On Latin Grammar, onerulmost Wonder that a mindso origina an fertilo hould not have conceived tho idea os adaptin his Gallic an or ome par of it, to the

poWers an comprehensio of Outh. What meaAureleas gratitudo ould he no have on rom unbor generations os schoolmasters, Who have noWrio struggle desperatei and orien unavailinglyio mine clear to their pupiis the me ingo his intricate periods, an uniWis the strand of his knou syntaxim


iv PREFACE. Caesar is a dissiculi author Somo paris of his Gallio meare a hard o ne lyras hard as an prose Latin that has come domn o s. et it has omeho atranget enouo booomo in f hion to read that Workfratri a Latin eo se. tW convictio is that for Ounile ners a yeas reassi in in easter Latin is no to much efore t in uminelos dimovit book of the Gallic ar. Evo the thotransition to Caesar comes it somethingis a Ahoch; fortas te ne is oon an osten rouo fac to face With sentences that seem to his of mos beWildering intrioacy,

beautituli illustrate mos important principies of Latinorde an construction There is a senteno in the secondbook by no means tho mos dimovit ne to bo ound that extend through ighteen linos that is, somethin morethan aliis page, - containing tWenty-one distinc ideas, an having the vere separate fro iis subject yminet'



For, pars I confess thata somotimes fin him obscure. Moreover, When Lam in do dias to his insanin and w alto the commentators I find that the generalty disagres a somelimes quarret about the sense. Thereiore to pulsounglearnerario reading Caesar a his ex standa, brisilin With dissi cultios before the have acquire anything more than ameagre Vocabularrand gained a modicum os instrat is somρ practice in readin easter Latin is to et thematis taskhardor than that Whic Phar esset tho Israelites. Lam of the opinion that, even When a fair Working oc mlary has been acquired through som previous reading thereis no book of th Gallio a that does no require a certain degrosii simplification to bring it to the levet of the poWers of ouniboys and iris It is this convictionior o longobservationis the vexation o spirit, discouragement, and Wastem time is pupil in resilin Wit dimovities that

atris prosumo that tho Ioamor Wiu subsequently read the completo texti


insuit ly floor them, that has prompte me to ut myhandri this or 'hic ratio acu may seem, has cost methocleisure of many montha Buta hau feel repat ten- sold, is, through this lituo book Mys and giris are en ledio road Caesar it les Waste of time, more asib, Withfresher interest, an adde sense of pomer is, in ther Worda, it proves in realit What it is in me, amato to

lam ord Willae suffcient to explain the principi onmhich I havs simplifio Caesar's texi, the amount of excisio and the degre of change. I Would have been a compar livet eas tas to simplis the ex by the mere processos omissiou, neve deviatinitio the ipsissima erb of theauthor by so much a the change of a mode ostense. Oneoould do this and stili string together the disjecta membra of tho textrinio something like a connecte narrative. Butinat movidi to preserve the integrit of the ord at theexpense of everything else, inne relation, Structure, Style, spirit. O tho simplificatio mightae effected is a virtualrowritin of the texi, by amplification ather than suppression, coupte Wit changes in the collocation O Worda, Where the arrangement Aeemexto obscure the me in and perplex the learner. surpos an plan dissere essentiali from both thesemethods. Datin has been first, to keo the narrative intact secon 'o retain a much of the texi a Was consistent Wit the ossor to disburdon it oscit groater dissiculties; third, to mali the e est praetic te changes in hat Wasrotained, ave the modificatio of Ome Ver forma, and the occasiona rendering of indirect into direct discourse; laurili Ver raret to change the position o a Word; finalty ineves do inseri in ord, excepi nos and then



connective, lihe et tum itaque autem, eras, po3tremo.

As to the amount of excision I find that Phavo omittedalmos exacti one-fifth of Caesar' text. I the eginno in Caesar reata the simplifie texi and concurrenti turn in Exercise into Latin, layin firmhold of tho grammatical principies selecte for illustration, I bolisv ho mill find the remaining dissicultio of the original ex not syon his scope. I hould evo hope thatho ould then read With something of the o os conscious pomer. f the reading of the texis and the writin of tho

Exercise Ahould require more time than is usuali spento the secon book of Caesar, hich, hoWeVer, I doub obelieve subsequent progress Would stillis rapi an satisfactor enough to amount to a ne mi and saVingis time. It has seemed est o mar long oWeis, except thevo et os finia syllabies and of monosyllabies, the rules forWhic canae readit learned. I have, hoWever, marhed a


s Simplissed ex an in Exercisos med Mon it are of thofirat importance. The vina voce translatio of the Merciaea, follo ed by the writin of them, mill illustrate an hol to implant in thomemor the mos important principies of syntax met mitti in the text. Let in inacher insist Mon horough mor here, an hema salalyomitiine syntacticia instruction. But luti pomer of realin Latin an e gaine Minout maring the acquisitionis a morian vocabular a distinc objeci. The Latin synonyma and the tymological Vocabular may be made Aefulagenis to that end. I in moris adde to ac chame are eadaloud, reviemel, and compared Where ac aes references are made, the learne mill acquire a useful stock of synonyms Mily, naturassy, and with smali expenditur of time. It is osten easter o retat in mini a number of morda, gro edaccordiu to ome principi os similarit o contrast, inan a single mord With nothin to hoo it to the memory. For his remo it is recommended that in Elymological Vocabulary be osten presse intoine service. Suppose, for example the word conspectus occura in the lesson. 1 the teacher Will tum to page 138 an have in te mordareat ut unde the oo SPEC, he mill multipi severa times inschancea that this particular or mill e remembere on ita neri Occurretice. e Will have done much more. e mill have increased in chances thalmine other, da illi lodge in the memory and tomachine a fresi interest illae added by ita being seen in relation, notina an solated, and thereiore barren iaci. The strat vocabular may be sed for comparin in the ex thedisserent meaning andisses of the fame mord It is inrouo uch comparisons that ne et a the ear an spirit of the languam, Whil cultivating at themam time a mental habitis reat alve. Having reamine Simplissed exi, the leamedishouidis mellisquippedior resiling it tho di ultio that remat in the unchange texi, forino is atroad familiar illi in though and the language. Comparison of the wo texta by the eacher, o far a time permits maynow be made to illustrate important principies, as of indirect discourse, hic are here and there discusae in the notes.


THE BELGIAN LEAGUE DEFEHED. The Belo η formis eaque Μαinat in Romana. 1. Cum esset Caesar in citeriore Gallia, crebri ad eum rumores adferebantur. Litteris iis Labieni certior somni omnes Belgas sontra o lum Romanum coniurare obsidosque iniseris dare. Coniurandi hae erant causae primum Verebantur ne ad Se exercitu noster adducere stur deinde ab nonnullis Gallis sollicitabantur. Hi Gemmanos diutius in Gallia versari noluerant et populi Romani exercitum Memare atque inveterascere in Gallia molesto ferebant. Nonnuli mobilitate et levitate animi novis imperiis studebant nonnullis etiam sollicitabantur, equo in Gallia a potentioribus atmo iis qui ad conducendos homines facultates habebant, Vulgo regna Oecus bantur; qui minus facile eam rem imperio nostro consequi


2 AEAAR' GALLIO AR Cossa levisa two legiona an minoris minat them. 2. is nuntiis litterisque commotus est Caesar. Duas legiones in citeriore Gallia novas conscripsit. In interiorem Galliam qui has legiones deducersi Q. sdium legatum misit. Ips cum primum pabuli copia esses inciperet, ad exercitum venit 'menonos finitimi Belgis

erant. Ea quae apud Belgas geruntur cognoscunt ae ἡμremque de his rebus certiorem Motans II constanter omnes nuntiaVerunt manus cogi, exercitum in unum locum condiici in vero non dubitavit Caesar quin ad eos et proficisceretur. Itaque castra movet diebusque circiter quindecim ad fines Belgarum perVenit

nuntius, rumori cogo, conligo.

The Remi, onoe inore the whae Dather. 3. Eo de improviso celeriterque venit Caesar Rsimi ad eum legatos Iccium et Andocumborium miserunt, qui dixerunt se omnia in fidem atque in potestatem populi Romani permittere Remi neque cum Belgis reliquias consenserunt neque contra populum Romanum coniur

verunt Parati sunt obsides daro et Caesaris imperata facere et eum oppidis recipere et frumento ceterisque rebus iuvare. Reliqui omnes Belgae in armis sunt. Germani, qui cis Rhenum incolunt, sese cum his coniunxerunt. x Tantus est eorum Omnium furor ut ne Suessiones quidem deterrere possint Remi.9 Suessiones fratres Remorum comsanguineique sunt eodemque ilire et isdem legibus utuntur. Unum imperium linumquo magistratum cum iis habent.'

Permitto, de . a terreo, diss- Ο.