장음표시 사용
Who had not, and never had, either individually or ossiciat ly, any such seat. Lord Godericli direcis me to adit, that he Will be Very ready to promoto any inquiry as to the author of this forgery, but he has no ground Whatever sor
letter: not so of the author, Unle88 the writer avere author too. I am equally
Stirling's advocate, to get justice sor him, is it is to be had, and nothing that Icari do to attain so fair an object shali be lest undone. My motives, my conduci,
further inquiry. I belleve the conspiracy is plania ed by others. Μy first letter. Onetosing the fot gery, to Mr Dougias, gi Ves the means of mahing inquirios : and Ι did supposse, that ali I am doing, and intenti doing, Would have been donebottor for nise at the Coloni ut Ostice. There, hora ever, I ana bamed. by the loss, at stat ling, of one material linii in the Chain os inquiry and detection: and notonly thrown bach upon my own thus diminisheu roso ureos, but called DponsomeWhat prematurely to come to the proof as against Μr Dougias. Suroly it is not necessary to say, in the progress of an important inquiry, where guili
Unquestionably resis ora Some one or more parties, that a promature disclosiare
condescend to do tho act. But I can conjecture motives Couplod With circumstances that may, in a moment of Over Zeal on the one haud, and easy inducem enton the other, have lod to it. J Iy unfortunate clisent, sentit ted by charters, with whichyou must be samiliar, I presume, to an immense Scottisti territory, has, iliroughme talion Overy means hi therio in tris power, to Secure anil manis est his righis I boguia by writing to Lord Godericli abo ut ni ne monilis ago, os ring a basis forcoming to an arran gement. Lord Howicli distinctly replied, in a not very courteolis lotior, that the cluinis Would bo wholly resisted and deni ed. Astersonae corrections Os apparent mi sapprehension, and a great an Xiety on my puri toprovent What has si nee o Qui red, I ri as, to use the Common Phrase, drive n out
of couri. The etaims boing of a public nature, assecting generat und politica linteresis, as Woli as privato, the public has been addi essed repented ly in co-operation ivith other moans for obtaining redi Oss. A petition to Partium erat, ordei odio be print ii, on whieli, in duo time. it is competent to move, had the osi et os stopping the seconii rea ling of a bill, Whose object was in offect to take so muchos my eliseiit's os tuto si om hi in sor public pur poses. The bili in Chaia cery against Urid se nihil othors, of whicli it alip ars that you haVe a Copy, Was an other modeto fix my client's righis. Now, those proueed ings may have been uia palatabis tollio Coloni ut Ostico. With whatovor contompi ille cluinas and tho Cluimant may have boon received yot his meus ures may have had insuetice enough to be annoying Arrivsed ut this l)oint, dolayed, as axe in ny Suppose, in sit ou rite meas ures, the headsof tho Coloni ut Onico m y have occasion ut ly OXpressed displea8ure at any interruptions. ho vover contemptibio in their approhonsion. It is an Oasb transition thon to supposo that an ovor Zealotis dependant. With the talent sor a liti te misellios, and watting a favori rabie opporthmity to enit Lord Stirling, his cuso, his caros and his eluiuas, might, When sueti an opportunity SerVed, do an aut, not lihely to