장음표시 사용
L1NCOLN'S INN, September 14, 1832. Sin, By the directions of Lord Godericli I have obtained and otiolose a sample of tho different Soris of paper u sed at the Coloniat Omeo. I havse also inquirod ut tho Foroigia office, and do not sind that Lord Graia villo, in pny com munication to that ossice, evor usos a Seut Such as deserit,ed in your lsetter to Lord Godorich of tho 6th instant. I have surther to aequa in t yoti, that, although Lord Godorich ivili bo open to receive and consider any proosse Whieli may be adducedin support of the charge Whieli you have made; yet, as it does not appear tollim that even a primὰ facie case of suspicion is made out that the note inquestion ever procoeded frona his ossice, he does not feel himself called upon totake any farther sieps in the inquiry. - Ι am, Sir, Le. &e.
could l ad so honon rabie a man to so disti onoui ablo an uet. 'Vell, but step by step, ali that could bo givon had been given, even up to the luiter poliat, und what singio ad vanee had tho Omee made, frona the ouisset of the corresponde nee to iis sinat resting plaee With Alr Iaulo, Who thought that even a privici jurie case hadnot boon maclo otii, whicli a doZen person 8 were ready to favear to, and who stillstuck ut the threshold himself, and mado no further ad 'anco. What ollior possibio insereneo Could tho most liberal minit draw on the occasion, but the inevitable in foroneo that an in nouont man would stir heaven and carth to remove sueti a
Nono of the shoets of paper transmitted frona the Coloniat ossice, being identicat with that of thos orged letter, On stating this, more were sent, stili omitting the One fori actualty Wanted. A Sheet Wasprocured that was Os exactly the sume maher frona another quarter, and it is What is called govertamentand contraci Paper.
I oriis of Session in Scotland were requirod to malle iis a Itoli or List of the P00rs of Scotland at the time of the L nion, Whoso Poerages are stili continuing ;and do lay the sanae b0fore this Hou se in the nexi Session of Partiament.' In tho Return made to this ordor, Which was laid bes ore tho Ho usu on tholith of Marcii thoreaster, and ordei ed to bu printed, there Was given a Rolt of the Vors of Scottanii, as used in the Partiament of 1706, and also a list of PHersas modi fied by subsequent alta inder8, or by the restoration os dormant Peerages. Sineo the date of that return, surther alterations on tho Rotl of the P00rs of Seotland have been made, in obedience to the successive Orders of the Hoti se of Ibords: and as it no v stand8, and was used at the last Generat Election oti the
The folio ving account of my fami ly is no v for the first timo luid bdforo thopublie. by the particular destre of severat influentiat frientis, to supply the wantos sueti information in the modern Peerages of Debreti, Lodge, and othors, whosse oditors have constantly refused to notice my titie, anil, I am tolli, aresveti pl0ased to consider ii as not eXistingi With remarkable consistency thoso gonti omen infert in their avortis, Without the stightest communi or
invalid ones, hiel, might alipeur satiSfactory to Some of their readers. Butheli ving that I undet stand thoir motives, I avant no eXplanations I cannot suppose any of these genti emen reatly deSirotis of injuring me, as I novor hautho hono ur os communicating in a direct manner With them, and theres ore cunnot
dicos on the subject of my peerage: and I also think that representations havo been made to them by persons in Poaver, as aveli as by certain nobie families, sorthe express puri ose of preventing that sori os en rolment of my honours and linoago in tho sumo books Whieli contains theirs. Fortunately, such books aronot authorities. or other vise valvable than sor occasional reserence ; and , comparedivitii qu0stions os more importanee, I finit it easy to reconcile my temper andi elings to sueti anomalios. I only protest against the exception made, on theseore os iis invidioris character and unsairness. As for the arrogance whieli looksupon me as ut vorthy to be en rolled With other Γeers, I pity the litileness of min dand 3vant of judgmont vhicli sueti conduci botrays. Such laorsons ought to knowthat no omission of my titises in books of Peerage, or in the Kalendars of the year, can, or vili despoli me of them.