장음표시 사용
IN SCOTLAND. Antiquarios and Genealogii is trace this fami ly si ona a very early period, dedit ingit stom Somerlod, Κing of the Ιstes, who lived in the time of Malcoim the Foui th, and was flain in batile about the year II 64. He lest by his Wife, Effrica, daught ros Olavus tho Swarthy, Κing of Mala, a Son, Reginald, I ing of Man and the Isios, fallior of Donald. Whose eidest Son, Angus, Lord of the Istes, was ancestor of th Faris of Hoss and of Antrina, and of tho Loriis Maedon alii. His seconit soti, Alexandor J Iaddonald, Munded the tribos or elans of Macalister of Loup, in Argylishiro, and of AleXander of Μenstrio. This Alexander Maedonald was lineat ancestor to
Vide Sir Walter Scott's very entertaining and curious notices of this family, in the notes to hi Poem, The Lord of the Bles.'
' deseruing, with plenary poWer of disponing and oVergiving to them, or any of
thom who shali happen to malle the foresaid agreements or contracts for the said lands with him, Sir William, and his foresaids, Undor his subscription or theirs, and the seat under mentioned, any portion or portions of the salil la df, poris, navat stations, &C. Also os giving, granting, and besto ving, such ossces, tities, righis, and Do vers, &c. as Shali seem to hi in and his foresai is expodient, '&c. Anil again, in another clause, they Wero authori Zed to mal e granis and infestinenis, &c. by WhateVer styles, tilles, and designations, shali scem to them fit, or bo in tho will and option of tho suid Sir Willium Alexandor and his forosaids, whiel, infestments and dispositions stiali be approuod and confirmed by us and our suecessors, freely, Without any composition to bo puid therosor.'More evidonee of the power granted to Sir William and his holrs, to consertitios, cannot be needed. Tho faet has been disputed, probably on the ground that the granis of such titie of Haron et, though folio ving, in the fit si instance, in consequenee of the voluntary surrender of Sir Willium, besore or astor hobecumo Lord Stirling, were after variis held of the Crown, by charter of novo lavrus to the respective parties. That is certain : biit no Baronset obtainodsueti grant frona the King. Without having previolasty obtain sed the portion oflantis for iis qualification, frona the grantee of the Crown, Who was lord proprietor
Lisu tonant of Nova Seotia, and had a grant os Certa in istands and territorios, tho bouiads of whieli ivore most eXtensive: and the whole were erected into an sentire and si eo Ibord ship, then, and ut ali times thereaster, to be callod and
beeame Eari. as herouster mentioned: .Iohia, the fourtii, was ancestor to the
his right hand, having a plain circle or rim of gold on his head , With a plumo
of seven seathers or and azure, and round his Waist a like circle and feathors: on the sinister, a mermaid, with her comb and mirror, ali proper.
Crest.-on a Wreath, a bear Sejant, ereet, proper. Mottoes. - PER MARE, PER TERRAS; and , OVer the crest, AUT SPERO, AUΤ
In the noxi place, and as is to escape froni the dilemma involvod in thothoory just mentioned, another historian Statos, that Sir William Alsexandor
' M0morial of Agent of the United States, Foreigii ossice, London ; and Secretary of State' s