장음표시 사용
VI. to Sir William AleXander, . . . . . . . . t i
os hiS rei gn, . . . . . . . . . . . . ib
&c. to Uiltiam, Eari Os Stirling, ........ 25
Distance in Englisti Miles froni Quebec lo Halifax.
TAE continunt of North America was discovered in June 1497, Sebastiano Cabota or Cabot, a Venetian, Who t00k possession of News undiarid, and the whole coast si omthat istand to Cape Florida, in the 25th dogi 00 of noriti latitude, for the Crown os England . The King of England , LIenry VII, noti sed to the powers of Europe the possession So talien ; and in this light they undet st00d Cubot's disc0very, and that it excluded their cum missions and navigators frona ali the coasi; for untii a thii si os dominion, and a rivalfhip in trade and navigation, prompted the French to set on fout commissions for Wresting si om other Christian nations their poss0ssions in the New W0rid, no attempt of that sori Was made With in the ab ove-mentione d limits. In I JOI, h0wever, favoured by the indolenee of the Englisti, and thoir want 0f attention to the improvenient of their American acquisitioiis, the Freneli, under the conduci of Samuel Champlain, a navat ossicer, stole up the Gulf and River of St La rence, and hau ingsetiled at, and aband0ned, by turn 8, vario us places, they, in I 608, founded Quebec,on the noriti bank of the rivor, and there fortis sed thum se lues; by the effect of Whicli, they obtain ud possession, in that quarter, of an extensive traei os c0untry, thereasterealiud Canada. Under the disc0very by Cabot, the continent Was at one time and an0ther divide dilato severat provinces and districis, of Whieli Nova Scotia is the most easteria. It was
AN HISTORICA L VI EUthat part of the continent of America which lay bot deii 31 and 45 degrees of northlatitude, and ali the northerii and largor part of Whieli appears to have been then kno xii by the nam e of Neis Enylan l, to Sir Thomas Gates and others, Willi permission todivi de them solves into two companies or corporate hodies, the si si tu be called the S ulli Virginia or London C0mpany, and the seconii, the Ν0rili Virginia or Plymouth
there ', and to remove ali the pe0ple, goods, ordia ance, munitions, catile and other
der u as instituted, to confer particular martis of his flavo ur u pota sueti as sh0uid volun - tari lio contribute to the fui therance of a plantation to be ostablislied in these bound s.'
tended number of Baroneis, as othei Ways,V Ac. Lord Stirling, theres re, continuod toprocure the creation Os Baroneis to those pers0ns respectively Who concurred With him
the garrison of Which Was surrendered, upon condition of a sa se conduci to Canada.
Referring to the recoriis for Other instances os a sutilement or devise os laniis and tities os honour bo ingeonfirmod by the Crown, One remarii occurs to bo ossered, that any nomination Or appotntinent os nuru heirs totities no , otheraei se than by the Crown, Would be inessicaci Ous; such an appotntinent made by Johia, the