Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British government, and numerous private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights

발행: 1836년

분량: 293페이지


분류: 미분류



Art. 7. Rostituet Dominus ReX Christiuilissimus Domino Re i Ma illo Irritannis0 omnos regiones insula S arceS et Colonias tibiVis locorum Silas quas possi-dobant Angli ante hujus priaesentis belli declarationem ; et vice versa Dominus Rox Magiam Britannis' restituet Domino Regi Christianissimo omnes regiones insulas arces set colonias tibi Vis locorum sitas quas possidebant Galli ante dictam usilom belli declarationem No. XVII.

Treas of Utrecht, April II, 1718. See p. 8.Art. 12. Dominus Rex Christianissimus. eodem quo Pa Cis prae sentis rutiliabitiones commutabuntur die, Dominae Reginae Magnae Britanniae litoras tabulasvo solemnes et authonticas tradendas Curabit, quarum Vigore insulam Sancti Christo phori per subditos Britannicos sigillatim dehinc possidendum, Novam Scotiam quoque sivo Acadiam totam, limitibus Suis antiquis Comprehensam, ut et Fortus Regii urbem nunc Annapolim Regiam dictam, Cooteraque omnia in istis regionibus quae ab iisdom terris et insulis pendent, Una Cum earundem insularum terrarum et locorum dominio proprietate POSSe8Sione et quocunque jure sive porpacta sive alio modo quCosito, quod HeX Christianissimus, Corona Galliae, aut Husd in subditi quicunque ad dictas insulas terras et loca eorumque incolas hactenus habuerunt, Roginae Magnae Britanniae, ejusdemque Coronae, in por-Ρetuum cedi Constabat et transferri, prout eadem omnia nune cedit ac transfert uex Christianissimi S.

No. XVIII. Treas of Paris, February 10, 1763. See p. S.

Art. 4. His most Christian Majesty renounces ali protensions whicli ho has horolos ore formed, or might form, to NOVa Scotta, Or Acadia, in ali iis paris, and quarunt00s the whole of it, and With ali iis dependencios, to tho Κing of Groat Britain : Moreovor, his most Christian Majesty cedes and guarantees to his suid

Britannie Majesty, in fuit right, Canada, With ait iis dependonetes, as weli as the


Record Translation os Grant, , Sir milliam Alei der, lo Sir Claude St

Recoriis of Sus Q Couus, Massachusetts, Lib. No. 3, fo. 265. See p. 12.


vitia ess of the truth hereos, thero a re tri o u ri tings os the fame tenor mu de an d


APPENDIX. mado and passed in Martin's Lane, nere uiato this citi te of London, in the pro- sonose of Sir Alexander Straelian Baronet of Thornion, George Angusti, Peter, James. and Itieli ard Grimes, witnesses hereunto called and admitted.


enam elled, with the ero via royal aboVe, and this circumscription, Fam Mentis Honestoe Gloria.



See page l3, as to Privilege of expori and import.

sum C.

XI III. That the latus concerning regulation os trade, eustoriis, and sueti CXCisesto whicli Scolland is, by virtve of this treuty, to be liubie, bo the Samo in Scolland from and after the Union, as in England , and that ait ollior latus in usu withintho Lino dona of Scotton d; do astor the Union, and Dotivi thstandinor thereos. rem ain in the Same sorde as bes oro, eXCOpt Such as are contrary to, or in Consistont With, this troaty in but alterable by the Parii ament os Greut Britti in illi this disserone bet vixi the latus concorning public right, poli Cy, and ci 'il govertiment, and those hieli concerta privato right, that the lari S Whieli concern public right, Polic) , and civit govertament, mpybe made the fame throughout the wholo Unitod I ingdom, but that no titteration bo made in lirivs Whicli concern private i glit, pXcept sorevident utili ty of the subjecis With in Scottand.

Acts of Partiament.


Νo. XXII. Description of the mces granted by the Charfers of Nova Scotia.


bos ore the loosing of any of thoir goods, mulie fuith, and 83vear solemn ly by God


Evcry partientur merebant coming sortii of the Low Countries to this reaim stiali give up to the conservator the special quantity or bis goods, und the qualitythoi eos, bes ore the embari ing of the sanae goods, under the pu in os confiscutionthoi eos; and the conservator to in speci and try the Same ut his pleas ure, to thesi et that ho may sonit ho me a coequet os the sanae. Particularly to his Maj0sty'strea furor, subserit,ed by himself or his deputy, sor esebo ving of the fraud whichmay b usod tori arils his Majesty in his Cristonas. ' 1597, C. 261. An in corporation Shali bo nando of this nation and privileges thereos, spodiallyorda in in g, that Whatsoever Person resident or rem uining with in the paris foresuid, tho paris of the Low Countrios whoro this nation Leeps their staplo, in intoniling totasse suetory or any other trade With tho salii nation, and willing to enjoy the fruitand commodity of the suid privileges, in whole or in pari, situli givo his Oath of obsedion de to tho King's Majesty and his laxus, bos ore his Highness'S Conservator, rosident in the salii Low Countrios, and shail pay, for his en try, to tho I ii ag's Majesty's use, ten potin iis Flemisti : As also, shali be ready to underii se submitto) ali suci, ehargos und commandinenis, as Shali happen to bo directed and domo frona his ilighness, in the sanae sortii and maniter us is they Were divolling in Scottan d; und who res use to give the Sald oath, and pay the said enti , iliat theyshali bo culi sed by the suid conservator, and upon their rofusal or delay, doprivedio have, or enjoy therealter, any benesit of his Majesty's subjects ; and that nono os his Highness 's subjeeis have trado, trafflicti, or use of factory, With any the persons So deprived thereafter, under the fame patia.' 1579, C. 96. No. XXIII. An Actinor mal im More esseclues provi3iou for the goverriment of the Province o Quebee in Norm America. 14 Geo. ΠΙ. Cap. 83. Seo P. 1 S. Soetion 3. Provid sed always, and be it enacted, that nothing in this sci con

llowsosvor, of or to any laniis Within the Suid province, Or the provinces thereto adjoining, but that the fame shali remalia, and be in force, and have effeci, as i filiis adt had nover been mado. Statu es at large in


APPENDIX. No. XXIV. Grant by James Furreti, depus of the Eari V Stirling, so Thomas Moyheto,elder and younger, of Nantucket Issend. See p. 21.