Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British government, and numerous private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights

발행: 1836년

분량: 293페이지


분류: 미분류


commodities, and hereditamenis to the severali istantis, laniis, and premisses belonging and appertaining, with their and every of their appui tenanees, and allour estate, right, titio, interest, benefiit, advani age, Claimo, and demand of , in , orto the salii laniis and premissos, or any pari or parceti thereos, and ali the rever- Sion and reversions, rem ainder and remain dors, together ivsith the yOarly and other the renis, revenues, anil other prositis of ait anil singular the suid premisses. and of QVery pari and parceti thereo , To have and to holit ali and singular the satillands, istantis hereditamenis anil promissos, with their and evory of their appur-tenanees hereby gi ven and gratant Od, or herein bos ore mentioned to bee givenanti grauia ted unio our dearest brother James, Duke of Yorko, his heiros andasti es, for evor, to the only proper u se und bello afo of the sal l . Iam ses, Dul e of Yorke, his heires and Successores, as of our mannor of East Green victi, in oti reΟUnty of Κent, in si eo and commota foecage, and not i ι cupite, nor by linight Service: Y0ilding and rendi in g, and the said James, Duke of Yorho, doth. for



per aere.


eXeeutors and assignes, and their SUCee8sors for evor, to ei oy the possession of

und to thom and to their sueCossors for ever. Without any troubie or molestationi rom the Salu Earte, or any his successors, sor no v and ever: Arad forasmueli as


M. S. Book, in the possession os David Iohn80n Gardiner, Esq. No. XXVIII. Patent by Governor Nicolis to David Gardiner, of Gardiner's Bland. See p. 23.


cerne them or theires, or that may conduce to the good and conis ori of them and thsi res, both in chureli ordor and civili govertiment, together aviti, ali other casemonis, ConVenien Ces, and accommodations Whatsoever, Which the suid placo dothor may amor l, an siverable to What other plantations Onjoy in Massachusetts Bay.

But in asina ueli as it hath pleased our royali I ing to give and grant the patiente of Long Island to ths afforesaid Euris, in consideration thereos it is agreed UPPon, that tho trade with the Indians shali rem uino to the said Farte os Starling, to diss- pose os, froni time to time, and ut ali times, as best lyheth him, onsely the a foresaid Daniel How and his copui iners shali have liberty to malle choise of one manam ongst thom that shali frosely trade with the Indians, in thoir bellati, sor any victu uls within theire o ne plantation, but not for wampam : and is any of theas resaid persons, or any sor them, shali secretly trade With the Indians for Wampam, Whether directly or in directly, Without leavo or licence froni tho suid Earteor his assignes, the person or persons Soe offending, shali pay, for every fathomsoo traded, to the salil Earte or his assignes, the sume of twenty shillings: Further, it is agreed uppon, that whaisosver stiali be thought moete by the right vorshipful Jolin Winthrop, Esq. governor of the Massachusetts Bay, to bee giVento tho Earis of Starling in way of ael nowledgement as the patentee of the Place, shali be duely and trusely paid: Furthermore, it is agreed upon, that noe man

the compass of the eight miles bifore mentioned, but onely the amoresaid inhabitanis stiali mal se purchaso in theire owne nam es, at theire Oivne leis ure, frona any Indians that inhabbit, or havo lawfuli right to, any of the aforesaid laniis, ali orany part thereos, and thereby assure it to thenaseives, and theire heyres, as their inheritanee for ever. In witness whereos, we have hereunto Set our haniis and



had land enough gratis and as convenient, in the Massachusetts, or other of the collonios, with liberty to trade With the Indians vhiel, they are hors d barrodsi om.) and for that thoy had possessed and improved this place bos ore any actuallela imo made thoroto by the Right Honourable the Earie of Stai ling, or hau any knowledg0 of his Lord ship's patient : and whereas his LordShip, in consideration