Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British government, and numerous private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights

발행: 1836년

분량: 293페이지


분류: 미분류



Letters Patent by his Mob sty concerning the dolivering up to the Frencsi Ningos ibo fori and place of Pori Noyal in Nova Scotia.



cannot bo ontorta inod, the reasons for So singular a decision may bo givon to me.


L 10, 000 os equivalent value at the time, but by going through them to the prosent time, they she v albo that the debl stili exist8. Is payment of principaland interest bo refused, by reason os iis CXcessive aecumulation, and that no


tion, I am fully prepared to m00t that objection. and to modi it in the truo spiritos con 'iliation. I am prepared to give up to the public a pari, as a penalty fori ast lauhes, but sui ely it avere the eX tremo of injustice to require a sacrifieo of thswhole. Is there, then, no Coni se, no medium. Dor any rei ly deemed requisite biit sueti as I last roeseived Z Is there be no roason assigned, no rulo OP Usagoroforrod to and shewn for justificatiori of so Chilling and unsatisfactory an ansaver, I must, as a laSt resori, en cloavo ur to bring my elaim bos ore a more liberat alid considerate tribunal. - I have the hono ur to be, &e.

rruite, &e. Art. 3. De la part de sa Majeste de la Grande Brettigiae lddit Sicur Ambassu deur en veriti dii polivoir qu'il a, tequel sera insere a la sin do eos Pre8entes, a Promis et promet potar et au noua de Sadite Mojeste de rendi e ct restituor totas los lieu X oecuples en ta NouVelle France, la Cadio, et Canada, Darios si eis de sti J Iajeste de la Graiad Aretagno, ieeu X faire retirer dosdits lieux : Et polir est Ofsset, ledit Si eur Ambassa leur delivi era, lors de la passation et signature des presentes, auX Commissatres dii Rot tres Chretien, en bonne sorino. lepouvoir qu 'il a do su Majeste do la Grande Brotagne potir la restitution d0sdiislioux, ensemble les comma demens de Sadite Μ estsi a totis ceu X qui commandent dans lo Pori Rotal, Fori do Guebec, et Cap Breton, potir etre lesilites places et Fort rendus et remis es maiias de ceu X qu'il plaira a 8a Majeste tros Chretienno


No. X.

Lelter ironi his Molesty to the Baron eis. Seo P. 5.

TRUSTIC, bce. aeroas our late dear sather, out of his plous Zeal sor advaneementos i seligion in tho remoto puris of his dominions, ivli ro it linil not been sol mortiolano via, and out of his royal care sor the bono ur and iveat of that our ancienthingilom, vas Pleased to an nox to tho Cro via thor of the dominion of NewScottand. in America, that tho usa might ariso to the benesit of that Lingdom. W0, boing desii ous that the ivisti sed offecis mi hi folio v by the continuance osso nobie a design, vere pleased to conser particular martis of Our favo ur Upoti




Noli calion in favonr of the Visco unt of Stirling of the in finients and signature granted fo h im he dominions of New Scolland sud Canes la in America, and privileges therein contained, and of the dignis and ordor hi Baroneis ;

evectiro thser in mentioned: together With ali eXecution, Precepis, instruments of sensings. and soasings foliora in g, or that shali happen to sol low thereia pon. Andalso ratisi s and appro vos the aet os generat ConVention of estates at How-rude houδe, the si Xth day of Juty, the yeur os God 1630, Whereby the suids Ostutos haveratisi d and approxed tho dignities and order of Knight Buronet, With ait tho acts of Seerset Coiincit anil proclamations solio ving therou pon, made for the maintaining of the suid dignitio, plueo, and precedonete thereos . Anil his Maj stio an d Estates asorosaid wili statuto und orduino that the suid letters patenis, charters, und infestmenis, and the suid dignitie, tille, und ordor os Burroneis, and ali lettors patenis and in sest ments of luniis, and dignities granted there vitii to any person Whatsocver, shali stand and continus in fuit sorde, withali libertios, priviledges, and precedeiacies thereos, uecordi g to the tenour of tho a me : Anil in uis ample mannor, as is the hodies of the suid letters patonis, in sesimenis, and signature above-mentioned, were herein particularly ingrost und