Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British government, and numerous private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights

발행: 1836년

분량: 293페이지


분류: 미분류


Sederunt, mancellor, Treasrerer, Prime Seat, Marish est, Nomburgh, Annandalli Lauder Oili, Sore thes , L. Ares ine, Clerk Negister, Advocat. FousAMRi KLR as his AI ostie's late dear sather of blessed memorie, sor the hono urof this his ancient Lingilom of Seotianit, did grant the sit si pulsent of Νow Seotiandio lus Majestio's right traist cousin and Coun Sellor illiam Erlo of St0rline, and was u illing to confer tho titie of Knight Baron et Upon such of his V 0ll-doservingsubjocis as should contributo to the advancement of the work of thd plantation intho suid eo intrio, his Majestie Was pleased to give ordor sor effectu ut ing of thosam se uecording to his Commission directed to the Lorils of Privio Cotinoil forthat pui posse : And his Majestio undet standing persectile that tho suid Erlo didbogin and prosperito a plantation in these paris With a far greator Chargo than could bo supplied by the means foresuid, and the rather in rogard of tho lato diseouragonisent of somo, by his Majestie'S command ing the Salii Eris to romovo his colonio froni Pori Royal, for fulfilling of ano artille of tho troatio h twixi his Majestio and his brothor the Freneli Ning, to mal e everte thing betavi ut thom tobo in the ostato ivli rein it Was before the war, hearing that there Was a rum ourgivon out by sonas that his Majestie had totallio tost his purpose to 1 lant in that oui trie, as having surrendered his right thereos: And therei oro, test at o sarthormista ing should ari se thereia pon, his Majestio has thought good horeb v to eleui his intontion theroin, Whieli is. that the said Erie, Willi uti Suel, as shali advolaturowith him, shali prosecuto the salil Work, and bo encoui aged by ali iuri fui holi, thereunto, as volt by completing the intended number of Aaron eis. us ollisi ivtius : Ynd whoroas som0 of tho subjects of the Lirigdom of England and Irolanii, of good qualiti tho, having taken land in New Scottanii hoiden of his Majostio; dida e pt of the suid dignitie there. and were obliged to contributo tis much to varii the said plantation us alite othei S in that Lind, avere put to greater Chargos at thei,assing of their righis thun the natives of this Lingdom ivere at in the liko casses Theres ore his Majestie has thought meet hereby to declare his royali ivili and


APPENDIX. ploasuro, that whensoever ante of his Majestie's subjects of qualitio fit for thai dignitio. With in the Lingilom of England or Ir lanil, having talion land holiten oflus Maj0stio in New Scottanii, and having agreed with tho suid Erle for part of a supplio to variis the suid plantation, and that it is signis ted so by him to tho suid

who h ad territorial granis, on the surrender in Sir LVillioni Stirling, the Puten leo of that pro vince. See

Sir Robert Gordon, of GOrdon, Sir Alexander Straclian, of Structi an,

September l, Sol tember 2, 1626. Marcii 30,

Alexander, Eari in


. Anticosti.

Sir William Cunningliam, os Cunningliam,

Sir James Carmichael, of Carnaichael, . Nova Scotia.

. Antioosti.

February I9, Sir Thomas Hope, os Craighall,


. Anticosti.

. Anti osti.

Sir Robert Bari , . . .



1680. Marcii Bl,

1636. Februaru l7, February 20, June 1 T, June is, November 2I, 1637.



Asa notion and Disposition by illium, Eari os Stirling, to Alexander Mynnetr

said contrael; and alse, bo the Suid contraei, We halve assignet, transferrit, and disponet to anil in favo uris of the satilis for yamoselms, and to the bellove of the remanent perSons contraeteris abouenam it, the gift grantit to ws, of the seu fermes, mullis, und de uties of the saidis land s and barony of Tillieultrie, and of the landis of 'Vestorto uia os Tillicultrie, togiditUr with the f00s and casu alities of his Majesty's Signet belonging to ws, as

' Litera Domini Willielmi Alexander clo Menstrie Militis, de Constitutione Clericorum infra Vicecomitatus, Ac. April l 6, l628. Νο. 479. Paper Resister, Publio Necor is of Seollan i, Edinburu4.)


APPENDIX. liis Matios Socrotar of the suid Lingdomo of Seotiarid, and that in iocine and maner, and Vnder ille provisiones, restrictiones, and conditions mentionat in tho suid contraui; bo ille qui, illi contruet, it is speciallio provyclit anu declarit, that tho landis, baronyes, and utheris 3 ali in speeiseit, salbo redimablo bo ius fra tho sui disbo releiving of tha me and remansent cautionaris 3 ait in nominat of yair halli cautioni ies, conteriit in the inventar 3 ait in speei fuit, and bo paymeni mal ing to our Creditori ris nominat in the suid inventaris of 3 uir dobtis 3 ali in cX prsest auctitand bo Ws to thamo, With the halli annuul rentis 3 ait of that sali happ0n to bo de v for the fame; quhilli being dono. it isl roxydit bo the sa id contruet, that the sui dis

yali in st)0ciscit, quhil his halli cautioni ies and dobtis ar uti particularito mentionatand set do uti in ano i in entar yairos, subscryvit be ivs of the d ait of yir presentis and qui illi inventar lios relatio un to this present assignatio un and disposition D and ivo bsing most ivili ing and caii fuit as equitio an d ressone iuuid that th soli nam it personis, our cautionaris for tho debiis contenit in the said inventur, bethan fullio releivit of yair cautioni ies, and the deblis yali in Speois et t. payit to our reditolii is yali in nominat. Thairsor, viti ye Ius to halve malit, Constitui an lordanit. lyhas ave bo the tentior hoiros, mali, constitui, and ordano the said Mi Alexandor Kynneir und Jur Jumes Gordoti nequalite betavi Xt yamo. and proportionalite amongst yame, their atris and assig-Dayes, our Very lari fuit, madouttit, and irreVocabie Procurato raris, cessioners, and assignab OS. donatolli is, and Procurato uris . tu rem Suram cum Hispoueitione tibera. in and to tho linili compositions and soli mos of money to be proelii ed anil recea reclsor the propositions of land in Nova Seotia, and dignitis of Knyt Haron et fra


atris and assignayes, our very lawfuit undouttit anil irrevocabie cessioneris. and assignayes in and to the deblis and solumes of money respeciere tander Vrittin adebiit to ius in maner and sor the causes estirmentionat, vi κ. In und to uno balad,



to tho solume of


Sentis, thir pressentis bo infert and rogistrat in the Bookisos Counsali und Sessiouia,to linive tho strenth of ano deeruit of the Lordis thairof, thut letteris of horning onsax dayes, and utheris necessar in forna as emetris, may pus heirVPotin, and constitutis

No. XV.

Trai te, Le. Art. 10. Le ci- levant nomme Seigneur is Eoi de la Grande Uretas ne restituera aussi et rendi a au ci-dessus nomine Seianour lo Rot Tres Chrotion, ou a CouX qui auront Charge et mandement de sa Pari, seelle en boniae forme du grand-Sceati de France, te l)9ys appete l'Acadi , si tuo dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. doni le Hot Tres Chretion a autrefois j oui; et polir Oxecuter cette restitution te sus-noi De Rot de la Grande Brotagne, incontinent apros la ratification de la laresente allianee, fourn ira au sus-nommo Rot Tres Chrotion totis tesuetes et mandet Dens eXpedies duement et On bonite forme necessat res a cet esset, ou les fera fournir a CeuX de ses miniStres et officiers qui seront par tui delegites.