Philippic II;

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 171페이지


분류: 미분류


Antonius, i m. Our persons os his nam are mentione ita the


clodius, i m. three person Oi tho nam aro mentione in hosp00ch. l Sextus clostius, a Plistori isti under hom Antonius is


Curio, Onis, C. Scribonius Curio Originali a Sound senatorian,

omentumque fuit mutatus Curio rertim,

Φ26 allogos that C. Cassius jus suile in an attempto assassinatu

Deiotarus, i m. origintillyriotrarchis Galatia, as by Pompeius, with tho approva o tho senato, laesed On the throno Ot sessor Armonia. Froni tho lutior hingilom he was rivon ut by a rivalelaimunt, an Caesar Subsequently deprived himi his tetrarchy also.


Gabinius, i m. Aulus Gabinius, tribune 67 .c., as OVemor


ii Sibyllino confirmationii liui do istori illo action o Gabinius Wascontra Senatus arto oritatem et voli Viones f 48 . As o was Ot oi Cicero' pari y in polities, tho orator givos in a ad haraeter, doctaring that hujus a very sui tui lo ominandor o have M. Antoniussor his togatus, alluditi to tho ne that Antonius seruod unde hi initio quypti an Caini ui n. Glabrio. 0nis. m. maii ius Glabrio, consul 6 B. C., Suporsededi. Lududus in ili commaru agailist Mithra intes in tho OHOWin year,und was himsel sup01 80d i in tho sana 3 est by Pompeius. Heris mention dis Ono of tho consulares h approve Cicero' ultitude as

Lepidus, i m. J Iunius Aemilius Lepidus, consul 66 B. C. Wa Ono Ontho cons/t lares Who Supportet Cleuro' vigorous poli Cy riguitis tho

Lucullus, i m. Lucius Liuinius Liaeullus, Consul I B. C., RS


Milo. onis, T. Annius Milo, S. v. CLODIUS.

Servilius, i m. si Publius and Gaius Servilius, w o tho Liberator si ij. They latine defeetit ironi 2 C. Servilius Ahala, Muster o the Hors to Cincinnatus, hen the alter a declared Dictator to doni illi Spurius Maelius 439 B. C. , a wealthyplebeia Who, io the liberalit Wh0r0wit he distribute corii to ths


Silanus, i, D. Junita Silanus, heia colleague o Murena seonsul- designato Or 6 B. C., Supportet Cicero in his polle against

littio abolit t. Somo of the laws e cause to e passed as dictator

ver o rea and permanent alve.