Philippic II;

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 171페이지


분류: 미분류


20. Armeniam . . . a Senatu datam Armenia Minor Nestor Arm0nia had boon addo to tho go verninent i Deiotarus by Pompeius in

40. Venderes sui junetivo a tho ultio expresso by the claus is purposet, miticipate i. possedit irom possidere. 4 l. factorem most edition renit uotorem, in the Same sense.

ch. XXXVIII. . chirographis autograph notes. ' Contrast tho

4. gladiatorum libellos: phlybills ' setting 1orth in dulo, pro-


caelo Servando, obnuntiando). 29. tua . . . tuorum UyOurset . . . our trientis, ' an instando


3. possesne subjunctivo in a dependunt obius o indiruet i. e. rei orted inii estion dependingi consuluisti. 5. auspicato U with duo rogar to the auspices, V hicli 0ro ico urse oonsulte in re deductio. Dein an augur hi insuli, Antoniusnoo no hau retorrest the multor to his follow- augur ieero. 7. colonos novos adscribi: O that additiona colonis is might boenroded, ithout inferiorendo illi thos ulready existing. s. paucis annis ante i. e. by the L0 Julin i 59 Iι. c. 10. ut vexillum tolleres, ut aratrum circumduceres the clausos ure consecuti in uel a sty that ou ruissed, isto Tho oundu itonii a colony, 0ing in iis Originin militur mensure, a Conducto l


23. qui emeret the nio edent e g. an ligent ' is rea lilysupplied. 24. magnum fuit: cit ould hare been to sorious a delay. V P. X. 7. 25. curam prodicativo dativo, pluribus hein that o the person


dominus, an Owner . U

20. stulte se fecerunt, it a Dolisti or idio Oi h puopluit Aquinum toruo O, i. e. t oss0raim a formul reception. 2 l. vix tho in Latina, diruet iro Casinum to Romo Anagnini: 'tho me of Anagnia, o tow of tho Hernici in contra Latium, siluatodimu hili h0nce deseenderunt ad0 milos to the right oi thoeroad. I th Aquinasses, wh liuod noli road, ero oois, has mere the Anagnini, hociived som miles osscit, and et ut themsolves ut topa Antonius a compli mentet 22. essent subjunctive in conesessive clause et although VJ. 2b praesertim eum: and that to though ... Mustelam et


32. vestri the objectivo genitivo i os, vig. Antonius and Basilus. Nothiniis knownii the latior, ut thut he was evidenti a creature

13. agmine quadrato in maret in ordor, ' in 'ollo squarowith the i)npelli tenta in tho centre lilio an agmen column on themarch The subject oi sequuntur is indefinite scutorum lecticas:


3l Pompei se xxvii. 26.32 Scipionis : tho illa alieneti xvii. XLIII. 3. pulvinar simulacrum fastigium, staminem various attributos o divini ty. The pulvinar a the eremonia se eoueli upon hi Ch Was expOSed the si in uiuorum, is latue, of the doli onoeeusion o publie thankSgiving mourning Or interesession Fastigium


Antoni iis in On Si StenCy. 2 l. quid ad haec tandem Se respondebis J Tundenὶ as usual merelystrongilion ingratio intei rogation.


17. ille CaeSar. 22. multos annos . . . meditatus : Cicero eg the quoslion onwhicli tho erities are stili dividod It is very probabi that Causa did116t thin os d0spotisminti it mas fore0Lupo him. 24. muneribus : a common term for the hows Oi gladiators, etci, whicli Roman magistrates ere calle upon o provide congiariis largess. ' Originali it denote allitii in irom eonyius u liquid