Philippic II;

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 171페이지


분류: 미분류


33 imperiis et potestatibus commandor and magistrates, 4bstruct for concrete Tho ord stro difficulto ronde into Englisti Imperium is the right to command troops militar authori ty ut his date normuli confine to proconsul an propraetorsin potes tu, ineludos ali init authority. Ch. XXII. . circumscriptus Uaampored. 7. Omitto . . . levia: I as Over the falsity tho triviality. 1 uel allogations. ' illi quum falsa se sint, tho si ibjunctive Oidependent question depending pon omitto tis ii that,ere non quaero. I do notos toprio enquire.

9. sed nihil SQ dico. II. persona Orionali an aetor' masti, ' tho Ord eum to meanthe tharaetor' that woro tho masti, an finalty person gener-ndy. The eas is ablative niter constitisse, the more usuul construction ieinith ablative illi γλ. miserum . . . miseriorem for the nSe, p. ii. 15.l2. hoc . . . hoc . . . huius rei sex pluine late by the accusative

an infinitive phrase consules . . . SedibuS.

18. potuissent subjunctive in dependonee o the accusativo and infinitivo phrRSQ.l9. plebi an archai genitive in plebei, rom the stem pleb - . uehureliuisitis tondri fur rivo in constitutional phraseolog ; p. senati for


ib. dubitaret subjunctivo in consecutive clauso, is ulteri badiis to thin nothin otium ,ling. l6. in foro in pubtie, bosor the wor d toruo u Roman the Forum a tho lueo here ad tho ori res to e mei. Iea instrumenta ablutive. is in Hispaniam proficiscens to conduet in eampstigno hichineludod tho iugo i Mussilia und the battium Ilerda. 20. tradidisset Antonius, legali onlym tribuno, petiived tho litteoi ,ropraetor nnd was est in chargo O Romo und Italy. 2 l. 'coloniarum re conjeeturui restoration, in iei o the JUS. rea liniitinerum. Prostrat o itinerui must moren P manno Ongetlingthrough his ourneys. ' lustratio nouelinitati ori for tho solemno visi tution Spot for oligio us purposos, specialty a puri, theeeromontul O purification. It is horo lippii sed to Antonius visita in moekery, io they ero Suggost Cicero more by Way O pollutioiithan purification. 24. qui non fui Cicero us in or neu Pomppius eam ut Dyrrhachium in Illyricum. 26. Satis facere : 0r is tho sens o Uuo do u fio to, toto equul O. Contrus xx. 4 und ii quod . . . auditum est the textis certaini iuulty Thu obvio his syti tu is to tuli q/ιod the interrogativo adjective tantum Dyiti Dum subjecto audit itin 8tu ut thouccuSutiVe tantam turΡitit linei, sinsteud o tanta turpitudo is heu inexplicabio The only ultornutive is io talio auditum est imporsonully, and to trout fustiti uni turpitudinem, dedecus iis nee usatives, subjecis toeaestitisse. In illis luse, quod mus bo tho indoinit adj0etive 'et iis position is thut o the interrogat ire, hieli it cunno possibiy e thequestion uin expresse in auditum euet, ascit ver heure




cum te hae ausuri in iderem mOS edition read praesertim cum te haec cluditurum ideres; illi hic reudin praesertim et in and thisto although must e referred bucho per tuus coni tmelius, Ou

indoluerit. For the reppurent irregularit o the sequenee, Se the note

nam an on Antonius ne titte O magister equitum equo . . . tradere to mulie over the contruet horses to the actor Sergius. ' Tho



32. Vis . . . auditu the Supine in i in iis norma uso us an ablutivum respe t. 36. Vinum quasi-cognate accusative illi redolentibus.

37. tribunal in ruised sosti or throno of the residin magistrate in a cour Oi justice, Apoeiad O the praetor Antonius ad praetoria rank at this dato xxiii. 20 .


96 CICERO. PHILIPPI II. CH. XXVI γοu ad A seandalom life ouid in that splendid ouse for though

4. poetam: the quotation light come, light go i is frona Cn. Naevius, an pie und dramatio poet o Campaniau birili, lici disii 200 B. C.


19. spectatus proven. ' The metaphorci Domin gladiator holias osten lappestred V iii tho arena, hieli h could hardi live to do

25. avus the orator ulluded i in xvii. . 26 collega the consulfhil of 63B. C. I . patrui XXui. 2.28. partium constanti thus sed in the plural of the part or rolor playod by an aetor in atrurnu, his V Charaetor. 32. defuisti wor no incit. in militer o faet Antonius amno active servi eo niter ilio Pharsutian campuigii returninito Italycinthatboar 48 B. c. to stet a Mityister Equitum in Rome .ch. XXIX. . antesignanus Caesar mentions tris antesignani more

oon satum, Susceptum opera tua St.

14. filius Cassar's il Was made in sui ou of Ootavi unus as heres, but aceordinito eustom a number o heredes secundi ere nis nam od,

ia alter.


27. excussis tuis vocibus ignoring Our pleas. 29. tabui soli sedulo. invento iF, ' os the intende sale esse:

32. Ructi: naretur Subjunctive in claus dependent noli sub

Ch. XXX. l. aliquando tandem a Stron expression implying


li primum doses no bolon to tum, ut is riti thotierio praeterea in the nox lino fuerit coneressivo subjune livo re variet o tho jussive), gratifod thus his a tho Oint vim, ' etc. Tum means in ille panisl ea inpalgia, hon the Ropublicans ero ted by Gnaeus and

vas considerox disgraeo fori senator to appen in ii lucerna. 27. Cp. ii ii, note . 3I. Viderere . . . petere . . . rogares subjunctivos in relativo