Philippic II;

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 171페이지


분류: 미분류


19 L. Planeu . . . Venderet apparenti Plancus as bout to


certainty. 2. Sortitio praerogativae se centuriae, there a thon illo pro


3. deinde VI, ut adsolet, suffragia tho majorityos ih MSS 0ad

deinde ut adsolet sus ostia : ne insoris ita e foro ut Elthor rundinet


5. modo in dummodo P providod that, ' and li neu by rulo mitti subjunctivo. quod . . . fecit tho ullusion is to tho ovont describsed

homost importunt, and that hi elicis horo prosubly seant, oing the fasti ih Pontills. ad Lupercalia: under the date of the Lunerealia, ' Vig. Februar i5th. 38. de die . . . in diem by da . . . io the day. It was


12. L. Bellienici a senator hos hous Was bumed in tho Hot attondi nith funerat.14. ex maxima parte: e say in tho main part . ' quos thoantecedent is 3 ipetus. The mob made an abortivo attemptri burn and

18. immunitatis exemption. See the notem inr)niunia, Vii. 11. Cuius is ot eoursu rom quis indefinite. 20. dictaturae nomen: the stylo 1 Dictator, by hieli Caesarhad 00 bost known Tho dietatura, ossico of the Dictator, Was originali a reviva in effect o the monarchy the two consul bein supersede so the time by one Supreme commanderat home an abroad. his oui se a generali fallen tomeet Some grave perit, e .g. R Oreigi War Orin domestic sedition: an iis ui posse Was to et id o that divido command whichmus an inliserent ealines o the consulShip. In proces of time the diotatura bipsed parti hecauserit a to pomoria an meot be e trusi sed to an individual. The last dietatorintho normalaindWas Fabius Maximus, i B. c., in the Hannibalie ur. The later dictusorships Sulla 82-79 B. c. an Caesar ad nothin in Ommon illi the oldor dietatura, ut ero merely instaneos of thoubus o uti honourabie titi to condeat rebsoluto ut neonstituti0nulpoWer. Antonius propossed an carrie a resolutio that the ver nauiso Dietator und Dietatura houlda prohibited sor ever. 23. eius omen omne evorythin suggestive or ominous onit. The SS. have et his omen nomen, Whieli is amend0d ither as in tho

choie is etween o);ie, an nolueri the formercis theraeiter readi g. 26 sesellit se AntoniuS. 27. sui dissimilis esse ep. XXXV. 18.29. singulis individuals. singillatim, line 30.30. provinciis an exaggoration. The ni province Whieli ob tainexilis ei vitas by Antonius means as Sicily.


7. ex se descreta. . .

n Ole in Vii. 3.