Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



rhag of the active in i dependinionthe stimulus os plethor no by astringenis, the cure of thos of the passive hind

It is no an affectiori connected with any state of the nervous syllem in generat: heiace it is noto,be removed by the common means secure in cases ither of mobilit o torpor Butes conside illas an affectio both locat, an a the fame time peculiar heiace, Without farther nowledge of the laws and properties of the nervous system, e must e ver much in the dar respectinia rationa planiss

Here u inquiri es carry us o farther than to have recoui se to thos remedies observed most useful a resti aining inordinate motions. ut illi many of thesethere is ver great dissiculty for a great par of them, to a very high degree, acteither a stimulant o sedatives and fromioth the ne and the other of these effect8,


esseens evilcare olei reade l. In fuch ac se, heres ore, I an hard ly, Dor rea soning venture to assii m ha wil or illno agre with ou patient; and in praetice must e regulared by triai. It wason his ground that I had recolii se to the Ρeruvian ark Among the medicinestahen by the patient efore me carne underisu care, his also ad been employ-ed, and ad been found productive of good effecis thought there re thall, continuiniani increasta the quantity there,a sonae hance of cure Andiliis is ne of the medicines hicli, under prudent anagement, may I apprehend, b give to a greater egient than is usuallydone I thought also os conjoininiit illisonae more powerfui astringent an assuch, I ad recoui se to the acid elixi ofvitriol: ut ei ther ne nor ther aveanfwere est my issa. aron the se of the vitrioli acid me complaine of well- in in herieli and increasse of pains and frona an increased ose of the bark I find, that, since the last repor inserted nisurregister,



register, he complain os stili greater in

Convenience. I do notioubi that romboth these medicines sonae inconveniencema have been produced; et I an harillysuppos thei effect to have beenio greatas me is disposed to represent. Belides at these other dissiculties, Pamafraid, have another o combat in his case. I have no doubi respecting the realit of this patient' complaint; et I cannot hel thinking that sine has a naturaldisposition to aggravate the description ofever litile alteration, and that in is os a

timorous an fuspicious temper Hence


so me ther preparation as for Xample, a atery infusion o it in combinationwith sonae aromatic fuch a the corteXaurantiorum. f the Peruvian bar fatis, Phave thoughts of trying, at the time of the discliarge, the effect of anodyne medicines These indeed, in the reatest number os cases, rathe tend to augmentiliis disicharges: at least those of the emale sex, accustomed to the frequent se of optates, as et a those ho indulge in the o frequent se of spirituous liquors have alway the menstrua eva-CUation to a rea degree: ut in the Present case, am inclinet to thin that the would have a contrar effect andinould it even produce a more copious

disicharge, it might yet be of se, asgiving relies of pain. Frona the tria al- ready made, Pam dis posse to think, that there is more tot expected rom sedatives a the time os disicharge than rom astringenis yet during the intervals I would chi est loΟ for a radicat cure rom tonics



of trying the calx of Zinc, probabi combining it,ith sonae articles distinguimed by the ille os nervous medicines, a thepo deris valerian Should his like ises ait, Ι ould Pown be disposed to re- commen to the patient a tria os coidia-thini and though it,ould require cautious anagement, et I mould no bewithout expectations froni the se oscit. But rom,hates have atready aid of the partiquia temper of ur patient, I mayeasit propos more remedies than we,illhave an opportunit of trying.

Aster his patient ad for sonae time continued the use of the Peruvian bai k, the severit of her diseas was hine halabate i. ut a me a averse to the trialos other medicines, and unwillinito continue heiar to an considerable extent, her attendance at the Dispensar Was disse continue i, without he havin obtaineda complete cure.


fourth ear of her age, admitte January th 777, complain os a trouble-some cough, accompanted illi scant expectoration Shecis also affected with flatulency, istieiuness, and a sense of eightand oppression about the praecordi and sh osten complain of headach. Pulseeighty beli natural appetite omewhat impatred, andae menses are obstructedi The cough is of ou meeli standing, and was attributed to cold A similar causeisiaifalso firn to have induced the obstructionis the menstruat disicharge whichinas

medicines have been used for the removalos this last complaint, particulari repeated blood-lettiniand the warmiath. romthe lalter me derive no benefit; ut hersymptoms



the use of the lancet. Accipiat ictus electricos quatuor ad gradum sextum isa ut uidum ele Iricum per in ferre rem abdominis partem cursum teneat. Et regnatur electricitas eodem modo ter in opti-

appearance of an retur of the menstrualdischarge. Continuetur electricitas, sed accipiat singillis vicibus ictus duodecim dira dum sextum. Nec noui capiat omni nocTe elixi, ex loe et Geo semunciam.

Januar et s. he has no been electri, sied since the last repori; ut me ook theelixi fori u night a directed. At theend of that time her menses appeared, and flowed to a conriderable extent. She is no ver litti assecte mith the oppression an uneas1nes a stomach; ut me complain much of the cough during thenight Dermittantur medicamenta; sed ca-



pia misurae oleo e femunciam quarta quaque


Februar I. Her cough has been considerabi easteriince heiegan the oli mixture There has been no farther appear-ance of the menstrua disicharge ut siue complain os patia in her belly, particu lari about the unde part oscit. Continuetur mistura otiosa, sed capiat semunciam vespere et mane tantummodo. Februar 8. Her cough is almost gone, and heroealth in other respect is pretiyweli re-establis hed. Appetite mended; hea natural Continuetur mistura, ut an


Februar Is Sh continue De Domalmos ali her symptoms. Intermittatur mistura oleosa. OBsΕRvAΤION deliυered Maro I. men his patient came a presentin derivr care, her case Was nocentirely ne to me. he had been m patientis ut si monilis besere, in the clinicat war in the



the oya Infirmary Her complaints were then in sonae respect different romthos mentioned in the present history. At that time e was assec ted illi drops,ca sympionis to no inconsiderable degree. She was then, however, also subjec tolli complaint for hicli me has a presentappliedo us the amenorrho a foro have litti hesitation in conludering this ob the principat par of her disease. tWas, hoWever, a me have jus observed, an attendant also of the forme assection; an was a that time disposed to conrider

Pwas incline to belleve, that the obstructio of the menses a the cause of thedropsica affection and that, rom his circumstance, the drops Would probablybe the more obstinate. How far the affections ere reali connected may et perhaps e matter of doubt But thedrops Was in no long time entiret remo-vest; and a Papprehend in a good meas ure rom the effect os laterium. a me



dicine hicli I have latet employed in

severat instances of drops with successi. Aster the drops was removed Ι id nothinifarther o restoring of the menses, than by rideavolaring to streng thenthe system And a the meas ures sed with his vie in the hospital were ne fectual, Pthought it imprope to kee herlonge there, as heroealth egan to suffer in ther respecis . he was heresere disinissed, in hopes that the menstruat dis-charge might stili e restored by her farther recover of strength in the country, andi more regula exercise an more free at than was tote had in an hospitat. Itio appears, however, that these merealso insufficient for the purpose: andie

sides this, he had likewis used for omemonilis an different medicines, hicli, although the were suci a might readilyhave been supposed mos serviceable mereyet ineffectual. In this siluation ste again

came unde m care.