장음표시 사용
The menstruat evacuation hadio been Wantiniabout twent monilis an Phadlitile hesitation in referrinito this thesim- patre appetite, inlesi ness, oppremo atthe praecordia, and headach of hicli me
own Do the sirsi vie Phad of thisi casse, Ι was disposse to for a disserentidea with regar to the terminatio oscit
be more obstinate an ascit had atready resisted severat of the most powerfui reme- dies,
cu re his, there fore, I considere esto belli great objec os attention in practice. concluded that the renewal of the distacharge was no to e ooked for from herestorinio genera health; for the patientia no no symptor os dropsical tendenc o mark of inanition thecontrary, me a affected illi symptonas of ulnes a the menstrua period and froin these me had osten obtained relies byblood-letting. a inferred, heresere, thata due accumulation in the uterus a not
theresere, that the chie liopes of a reco-Very were rom a restoratio of that action of the uterus, hicha suppos necesse far to the menstrua evacuation.
With this vlew, was resolvedio mahe thepresent case a subjectis tria o electricity. This is a remed whicli, in many of themos obstinate cases, has latet been found 1uccesssul anxiis operation is, I apprehend totali to e referre. to an actiono the livin fibres It is ellonownlio much electricitHdoes in restorinis ensibilit and the power of motion to ther paris. I may theres ore restore the menstrua flux in two ways; itheri an immediate actionis the moxin fibres, thus inducing that contraction whici, supposie necessary, o by restoring the capabilityos motion a the regula periods. In theforme case, the cure,ill e an instantaneous effect of the operation in the lat-ter, it mill no occur ilicit has been used for some time, perhaps even nostili after theelectricit has been intermitted. On these
principies, then, I resolve to give it afuit tria in the present case And while I persisted in the use of it, Pintended gra- duali to increasse both the number and stringili of theliochs.
A flow of the menses, however, id not appear on therars exhibition of the electricity although it a fron theliopes of excitin immediate action, that
passe through the region of the uterus. n his, however, I wasio much dis- appotnted for after o long an obstruction, though an immediate o mighthave alien place, et it was hardi to beexpected. I resolved theres ore, stili topersis in the use of it: ut in his Ι was unexpectedi interrupte fio an accident happening totur machine, after thepatient ad been electrifie foris hortlime only. I directed however, the continuatio of the electricity in opes of havin the machine oon mended and that Lmight no in the mea time seem inactive, Pordere heroo have hal an unce of the sacred elixi everseuening. This medicine siue continued without thesisse of the electricity, s seu nighis; and aesthe end of that time the menses ap- Peared, asile imagined Dom in medicine
in a medicine possesse of ver active
ted a producing oosenesis, there is littereason o suppos iniit Was capable of re movinian affection o obstinate anil, must ista, Linould rather e disposed toascribe the restorationis the disicharge tothe precedinius of the electricity for, wherei other medicine has been sed, cures effected by electricit have no ta-hen place in ome instances, ill a se Mys after it Was intermitted. I consider, theres ore, electricity, in his instance, shavin restored a dispositio in the uterusto action; andri suppos that the floruhappene at a period hen his action, a regulate by the law of the nervous
system, mould have naturali 7 occurre l. I would not, however, preten to allege, that the elixi had n influence Fro iis action o the intestines, particulari onthe rectum, it ma have ad some mare
in induciniand supporting the disicharge:
ye I cani no means imagine it capableo removinian obstructibn whichias subsisted fori long a period, and which hadbefore ressiste the influence of the ostaestive medicines, speciali whena conside the mali extent to hicli it was here
But even admittin this to e the case, it et asstoriis no certain proos that the re- 1loration of the flux was the essech Delectrici ty It is by o means impossiblethat his may have depende upon circumstances of a nature totali diflerent, with whicli the patient herset was ither unacquainted or at least of hicli siue didno choos to informis I cannot here- fore pretendo spea in a very possitive manner: et rom at the circumstancestahe together, I must imagine that herestoration of the menstrua disicharge was
the essec os electricity Considering it to
curet whether ita uuneces Carycio do
anythin farther o secure a regula re-
turn of the menses t or,hether it an be considerei as obtained ni foro single period must wn that illi respect
to ait ill the usua termis disicharge; and is it then appear, I wil conside nothin farther a necessary. Initio not Iinali again have recourse to electricity, and prosecute the plan whici, at first intended. I the electricit induce a disse charge a seconestinae, I mallie contente lwith orderinia repetition oscit for a dayo tW previous to the period hen themenstrua disicharge is expected. An Iliope suci meastures may prove effectuali securinia regula return of it. Is theelectricit shal entiret fati, e may et expect that the disicharge ma a times occurs although, must wn Phave litile hopes that it hali ver ecome regular. At
A the fame time, here are other emine
lli tincture of blac hellebore pushingati a great an extent a Pthin ca bedone illi fas et o prudenCe.
The menstrua diicharge illi his patient returne about the eginning of Marcii, an eontinuesto flo genti forthe pace of three days. Ioon after his,asieinifree fro ali her symptoms, shewas dis isse seo farther attendance atthe Dispensary But o many monilis after arda, siue agat applied for auistancea themispensary She was a that time subjected to a paralytic affectio of the inferior extremities, thelower both of senseand motionaeing very considerably diminis hed. This was also attende Wit an obstructio of the menstrua disicharge,
and a return of her forme symptoms. The electricit was again ordered in thes a me manne a besere. It was continueddail for the pace of severat,eeks. During that period the menstrua dis charge again returned, ut noto the usual extent. The paralytic assectionis herclegs,however, as entiret removed after whicli her attendance at the Dispensarywas discontinued. XIV.
than natural and me has frequently in
the orning an inclination to vomit. Herieti is regular, and her appetite na
pea red. At that timesthe duines of hearinisti s commenced. The wellinio herabdomen has heen observed for two orthree ear and last summe siue passed long round wormis the lumbricolas hind. She nows no cause for her complainis; and he has taken o medicines illi avi e to the remova of them. Mercurii corro e sublimati granum unum, De in aquae fontanae unciis duo bus, dein adde micae sanas quantitatem
fissicientem, ut a cataplasma, partibus
o foris capitis imponendum. Repetatur tale cataplasma ter in septimana. Februar I. Severa paris of the drys cui f