Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



effect must, however observe, that in the remova of the present affection, much depend on cares uti avoidin excitingcauses. Andi coli producinia determination to the intestines, o by acri lmatter supportin irritation here, veryother mea fure,ill e rendere abortive. conside theres ore the cur here a dependinimore pon attentio an regularit o the par of the patient, than o any practice whicli, can employ.

Unde theis of the mixture, with thetincture of rhubarb, his patient' loosenes continue considerabi diminimed. Andier attendance at themispensary wassoon afterward discontinue i, without aiarother medicine belli tried. XIX.



3 R , in the forty-third ear of his age, admitted Marcii as, 1777, is assiected with a dis charge of whitis viscidmatter frona the urethra He complainsali of much ardor urinae, an is assected with a sight degre o phymosis Theinflammation attendiniit, however, is butver inconsiderabie, and the preplice litilethichened Heris also frequently troubled with strangur pulse an hea naturat, hetly bound. He fit st perceived the running bout a forinight ago. The other implom haves uice supervened. He



He scribes his dis eas to venereat infection ut hecis no certain of the particula time at hichae received it. He has ahen o medicine excepi agenti purgative, from hicha thinlas hederived sonae relies. Pusieris inlis nitri, gummi Arabici, singulorum crupulum unum M. in ulvis quater n- dies sumendus.

Apri s. The running stili continues. The heat os urine is a much a besere; and e thinhs that there is rather moreswellin an inflammation a theloint of

the peni8. Continuetursu is nitrosus, ut antea; sed a piat, cras mane, fialis Luberi drachmas decem et aquae ferventis uncias, solutas. Et te rum repetatur talis dos mane die IOD.

April a The salis operate &weli and the fwcllinian inflammation a the poliatos the penis are considerabi diminished. He is also esse affected illi the ardor uri; ut the running stili continues. δε-


termittantur et Scamenta, et capiat omni ν-pere et mane pulveris corticis Peruυianismi

cortex Peruvianus ut antra.

OBsERVATION deliveret rit 3. Respecting the diseasse illi hicli thia patientiis affected there is no room for en tertaining an dolabi There an e nohesitation in pronouncing that, heniecam underisu care, he was affecte Mitha onorrhoe virulenta, o that peculia dis-charge frona the urethra whicli is the consequence of venerea infection. his, in the case efore us, occurred in the ostsimple state, Without an appearances indicatin an affectionis an other hind. Andis it be notio entii ely removed, it is at

teast o far relieved that it is productive l



not indeed, rom his preten Dio say, that the discliarge ma not et continue for me time: et I apprehend there cante

mould imagine, that it is oraly hereas ter requisite that the patient Inould anagehimself, illi a prope degre os caution respectin regimen. In the reaiment of this case, Phave notemployed an medicines an at thesam time, these were chiesi mean withthe intention os obviatin sympionis. Although am disposed to think, that some of theminave had a tendencycio produce a radica cure; et Plook on the re

covery to have been more the wor of nature han os art. his, oti,il observe, Wa a reaiment ver different froni hac

I hould have been obliget to follo in an case of the syphilis. This naturallyleadsis to the con Isideration of the question, How far onori licea and syphilisl et are,



are, as has generali been suppo sed, o beconsidere i merely as different modifications of the a me dis eas est It has latet been the subject of ebate,

Whether the human race are subjected toone venerea dis eas only, o t two different affections 8 his question I ad latet occasion to mention; ut at that time I could enter no farther into the controveri y thaniaret to Oint out the generat head on hicli the dispute is se unded. I liope, however, that, apolog is neces

fir for ahinia more fuit vie of what Ithen aid pon his subjecst; speciali asit a b considered as a question hichis no mercly a matter of speculation, ut connected illi praestice Andris I malli, able to rende it probable that the dis eases are in realit different, it ill a leasthe a coinfortabie reflection for hos la-houi in unde a gonorrhoea merely, tot in they are notirom thetice liablesto beassected illi syphilis. I am, indeed, ars rona imagining that an thini can avia pon his subject ili assori satisfactory



evidenc that the discases are in realitydisserent. ciet I mustiwn, after considering this question, I am, of the wo, ather inclined to this opinion An id allio present o with the arguments by which have been led to adopt his sentiment. Besore mentioning these, howe ver i is necessar to ake notice of haesis sa id in sup-por of the opposite doctrine and to en-deavour o refute, or at least o invalidate, these arguments. In suppor of the opinio that he virus in onorrhoe and yphili are the fame, an argument areaduanced. The four folio ing, however,ma be considerei a thos on whicli the principalini esse has been laid. 1. It is observed that both gonorrhoea and syphili are Ver generali consequences of the fame remote cause, that is, communication,ith an infected emale. a. t is isseraed that froni a single in stance of exposui esto infection, a patient



assected illi syphilis, and another illi

And 4 it is contended that an affection, heginninias a gonorrhoea, ill in consequence of improper reatinent, e convertexint syphilis. These argument must, at fit si sight ap- Pear tot ver convincini andri theyhe weli founded, to the fuit extent herementioned, the would necessarii establissithe doctrine, that the w diseases dependon the fame infectious alter On accurate eXamination, however, the will Papprehend by no means e found si conclusive ascis in generat imagine l. Admitinis me of them tot stricti triae, theconclunoni no means follows that thematter of onorrhoe and syphili are thes ames an respecting the thers, it illnoti dented that here is a least rosmfor deception To evince his, hoWever,it is necessar to tali a more particularvie of them. That both discases, in by much thegreatest number of instances a least, pro ceed



ceed rom the same remote cause, annot

be conssiderei a principally, is not Veniselely, derived frona infectio communicated by sonae emale his, hoWeVCr, is by no means a sussicient proo that both of them are of the fame nature Andindeed his may be considerei a meret a consequerace of both diseases bella chiei lyseated in the organs o generation But itit is no more lanatural to supposie two dis serent hind of infectious alter particulari actinion these organs than one Andiliis is no more an argument that thematter of gonorrhoe and yphili are thesarne, than might e used to prove that the alter of the mall-po and itch rethe fame For,hile the two forme dis cases are chieil obtained in consequenceo contac t by the organs of generation, the wo alter chi est aris from contactby the sui face. aron the remote cause, thera, nothin farther cante inferre Ithantha both gonori hoc and syphili are theeffect os actua contaci An contact is



norrhoea, hen the alter is applied in othe way than by application to the organso generation. Whereve the matter of thesyphili is properi applied to absorbenis, a frona fucklin an infected child, romcuttinia finge in ope ning a bubo, o the

like fyphili is produce l. Application f