장음표시 사용
froni an dissiculi in Wallowing, inso much that I have no thought it necessaryto continuerit an longer AS, OWeVer, me stili complain os ome fixed alii Ιhave orderet friction of the paris Xter nalty with camphorate lisit, hicli I hopem a s ora removerit But a this patient lives at a considerable distance, and is no gone to heriwn habitation, it is dotabifulwhether, inali after this hear much ithregard o her. his probably, ill onlyhappen is therei a retur of the assec tion Andris,e hea nothinito the contrary, Pthin We ma infer that he continues in good health.
This patient, after returninito herius . band' house, hich was a the distance of severa miles rom Edinburgh, continue lfo a mort time the friction illi thecamphorate Moll. The fixed patri gradu atly went Osf, and me had n occasion tous an other medicine.
Februar I 8. 777, is affected withalmost the tota los of the power of motionis his right hand. His right te isalso much assecte in a simila manner. The hanci and oot are somewhat incurva- ted hut the sensation of the paris affectedis no much diminis hed. His pulse is natural his bell ratheriound and his appetite semewhat impatred. He has laboured unde these paralytic sympionis for ea sive ear past. Hewas a that time affected illi mall-pox, and oon after illi the hincough and measses These dis eases,ere very severe; and to these succeeded the present affection, whichinas continued illi ver litile
For the removalis the present complainthe used no medicines. Accipiat, ter in septimana, ictus electricos quatuor ad gradum secundum, et elisiantur intillae elee icae e latere dextero. Marcii 1. The electricit has been regulari continued, andine moves both his te and arm with greater eas sincerit,asbegum an his mollier hinks that theassected arm is no someWhat more plumpand fuit hancit vias besere the electrical spark were drawn frona it. Continuetur electricitas, sed accipiat singulis micibus ictus electricos sex ad gradum tertium. March 8. Heio moves his arm illi much greater facilit than formerly Continuetur etictricitas, et accipiat ictus octo ad gradum tertium ingulis vicibus.
Marchos. He continuecto recoVer gra-
Continuetur electricitas, et accipiat ictus duo decim ad gradum tertium.
Marcii a Continues ait to gain more pomer of motion in his arm. Andhe walh both with much reater eas and
sirmnes than efore. Continuetur citas, et accipiat ictus quindecim ad gradum
March 9. Continues o recoVer. Continuetur electricitas, ut antea. Apri s. Continues o recover. Continuetur e ctrisitas. Apriloa Continues o recove both strength and motion in the affected ideand feelsi inconvenience rom the electra city Continuetur, et accipiat singulis vicibus ictus quindecim ad gradum quartunt.
OBsERVAΤ1ON deliOered April 9. The case of this patient Tord us an evident example of a diseasse illi regar towhicli here is no oom for doubi In the affection to whicli this patient is subjected, we have an vident instance of paralysis. Vith his patient the power of motion meret is diminished, and the sensibility very litile assected while, at the fame time. the circulation is, in a great meas ure, in iis natura state in the assected pari and these
paris are ver litile, is in any perceptibie degree, wasted. At the fame time, however, the extent of the diseas is by no means inconsiderable For here both the letandarinis the right fide re assected o nequa degree and a this tos of motion is no accompanted illi a want of sensibi
ino evidenti an affection of the ther paris of the side, me a conclude that the diseas extentis to the other part also, and that the paralysis is reatly wha maybe called Hemiplegia.
By ome, hemiplegia is considered as a genus o diseas by laseis ut is the termis acal to e used i may I apprehend, with greater propriet be employed fordistinguissilia a particula species ont of
In the present case ou ill readii conclude that both for givinia prognosis, and for conducting the practice, severat question are suggested Andine of the fit si and principat in the present instanceis, hether the os o motion procee is
1 rom an alterationis the condition of the medium, hici conduct sense and motion,
or of the chaniacis by whicli that medium is conveye O the supposition that helalter is the case, it is nex tot considered Whether it depend on erosion, compresseston, or an other causes And supposingcompremon to e the cause of the symptoriis, Whether that compression be at any par in the course of the nerves o aestheir origini My conjecture respecting the present caseris that the causeris of a complicated nature. mere the diseas seem evidenti to have derive sit origin rom a long- continued succemon os precediniaffections. his patient was attacked withthe mall-pox, measses, and hincough, succeedinteach other a very stior inter-
valc and by thesea was est in the present siluation Probabi this state has heen ather occasioned by their havinggive ris to compression than by any
other means That this compresson, however, oes no ac Don the nerves in theircourse, is sufficienti prove froin the ex
tent of the discasse. It would seem, that the operation is confined omne hemisphere of the brain. And there probablyci acnsas altering the state of secretion by that he mispheri or in the woriis, by givinga condition os action of that hemisphere, furnis hin a nervous fluid illi esse hanthe natura degre of mobility. This conjecture, illi regari to the cause of the paralysias, in the present iiij
si ance, ouldio lea sus to a favola rabie
prognostis; speciali when, illi a patientat a perio os life when the constitution is subjected o so many changes, it has atready subsisted forseverat ears. i naturalmeans, however, the compression is it doexist may yette remove l. nil f this beeffected froni a restoration os a due actiono the brain the dis eas may be completetucured But even without his by artificialmeans it ma 3 et admit os bella alleviate l. And it is illi fuch a vi e thalaia velut the present patient on thei se of electrici tu . For imagine that although the cause of the compla in rem ain, et the action of the
bra in may be socia altered, a to give atteat a greate degre of mobilit to thenervous fluid hancit has a present Andthises, isti to effect both by ocks actingopon the system in generat, and by barksdrawn rom the affected paris iv in apeculiar stimulus to the extremit of thenerves, and rom therice communicate tothei origi n. Our patient has no continued the electricit forso me time, and it has uia tu stionabi been o far productive of good est ec's. The arm has even in sonae meas ure changedit externa appearance. It is si,mewhat more plumi and fuit than formet ly, and with thi has recoxered a considerable de-gree o motion Lmay ho eVer, Observe that the motion is as et by no means completely recovered, and that the progresswas greater a firn than it has been forsome time past. Notwithstandin what has been done, theresere there is sonae reason to ea that the present is ne of thos instances herealthough froni the rst appearances therς
Were saltering opes, et the electrici tywil not e uincient entiret to removeth dis eas cannot heli thinking that this in s me degre corroborates, con' jecture respecting compression of the brainbeing the origina cause this is an affection hicli electricit cannot rea dii remove And while his compresse pression remains, although the actio of the hemispher of the brain affected maybe in a great measure, et it cannot be entirely, restore i I Jowever, he continuet attend regularly mali et be dispossedimus this remed for sonae tength of time, and that too without an other mode f
find that ii akes no farther progress Iliave nex thoughts of recommendinianissu in the neck; by hicli here is semechanc a leastis removin seroas compression rom heirain. And indeed is the compression be of an other hind wec in hardi no expect a remova os t.
Thespresent is also a case where omethingma he expected froni sternutatories But conside the patient asint too early a periodos life or a triabo any troo medicines of this Lind. And the fame circumstance salso an objection to a mercuriat course Incasse of the fallure of the means atready
suggested theno mali probabi dismissiliis patient recommendiniit to in tomahe tria o other remedies, he heris belle able o hea them.
The electricit was continue for a femmeelas longer, and the patient a thendis iued, ithout an other medicinebein used. His complaint mere notentiret gone, ut ver considerabi re-lleved. XVIII.