장음표시 사용
with frequent dejections os seculent mat-ter in a diluteditate. The oolcare ome- times streaked illi lood, and attendedwith ain in herloweis. Sh also complainsi tenesmus and flatulencs and ineis frequently affected illi hea laclici hense use vegetabies in f ood, siue observes, that for the mos par the are discliarge lundigested. Her pulse is naturat, and herappetite unimpatred but in is affected with thirst, particulari during the night;
Her present complaint began about inemonilis ago, an me imputes them tocold. he has alien many medicines, hut in has derived ver litile relies Dom
Infusi 'ponici,nrias sex. Laudant liquidi guttas quadraZinta. Sirrupis implicis unciam unam M. Capiat
unciam unam mani nocte hora somni, nec non capiat omm mane decocti Cam-pechensis uncias quatuor.
Apri s. he has ahenio medicines for these eight da3 past, and hercloosen essis no a frequentlas it was'efore. Thereis a very great discharge of sim matter, hut no blood Her pulse is aboli eight yin
in the minute, ut illi frequent intermisitons; hicli, however, o no occurregularly She is assected illi muchthirst: and although her longuete lean, yet it is more dry than formeri y.
Intermittatur decoctum Campechense. Continuetur infusum 'ponicum, ut antem; et Pulet eris rhei scrupulum unum. Magnesiae albae semidrachmam M. captatdsm Ora o et a matutina, alternis diebus.
Apri 12. he has stili frequent loose stools; ut he has disicharget almost nosime since me egan the powders, and steris in other respects easter. Continuentur
Apri 19 Her sos stosis have been rather increased in frequenc for omedays past, and me complain os belligniore assected withrachnes a stomach.
Intermittantur messicamenti; et Lotidani liquidi guttas sexaginta. Tincturis rhei uncias quatuor.
S rupi simplicis uncias duas M.
OBsERVAT 1ON deliet eredio 16. The dis eas of this patient, illi respecti it name, a b the subject of omedispute his is not however, o much om an dissiculi concerning t nature, a froni the different senses in hicli thesam ternis have been adopted There aresome,lio consider ripes, tenesmus, and bloody'oois, as always constitutin dysen tery An in his sense we, ould necesi rit besto that appellariora on the presenta section. y the term D semery, hoWever, would wish to undet stand a particular febrile Tection, dependinion a specific con tagion fiuch an affection, in the pre
an suspicion an in the senserin whichi ould adopi the terna, I have litile dissiculi in pronouncing the diseas of the present patient tot a Diarahoea. The hirs and parched stan whicli here
OCCur, are the natural consequences of aserous disicharge frona the system; hile tenesmus andilood stoois, a far a theydo tali place are merely the effect os an abradet state of the intestines. The want of the menstrua dis charge for these xyears past, is orae considered a the natura state of the system for it is tot ob served that efore this disicharge eas ed, ou patientia larrived at he forty-fourthyear a periodies ore hicli it is no vn
common that women Ceas to menstruate.
In the history of her diseasse there is in-ldeed ne circumstance whicli ould eadsonae to conside the affection a beinga sonae ha complicated that is the state in whicli vegetable matters are disicharged bystool. are told that when thes are employed in aliment, the come osF undiaested. his has been by many conssidered
as constitutinia particula genus os dimeasse and in ostio sologica systems, it is distingui ined by the ille of Lienteria. apprehend, however, that it is improperly
not hel thinhing tha Doctor Cullenia followed the best plan in corioin iniit illithe diarrhoea The present instanc evenatard arguments for fuch a conjunction: for here the lienterica affection hold on lyin a partia manner; and although thediarrhaea be of long standing this sympto has neve gone to any great height. Respecting the terminationis his case, Lammo entiret without apprehenLion. cannot indeed, as et say that it has hadan conssiderable influenc on the system. The patient is nei ther much weahened, nor, to appearance, o an exhausted habit. It has, however, at ready sub stite for omecon1siderable tength of time, an duringilia perio has resisted the effect of serious medicines of the natur of these, indeed, e have no been abieci receive information; ut there re many probabie
ground sor presuming that they have notbeen the east powerfui. Since me cameunderisu care, vario us articles have beenused, ithout the effectis producinimuchchange nae complaint. Anil illi regarest this disea se, it a b observed, that it is ne hicli is aptaoiecome habi- tua to the system. When his is the case, there is both greater difficult in the cure, and greater caution is requisite in the conductis it a sudden means of checking the disicharge re osten followed by di fa-
In fuch a cas a the present, heres ore, the objectris to bring abo ut rather a gradu a than a sudde cure and in attempt- in this in the present instance, man remedies, me are told, have been emplo ed. Here, after the dis eas has been of so longcontinuance, there is litti reason to suspect an particular cause assordita irritation by whicli action may be induced ora least, fiuch an irritatin cause existed, couldio imagine it of that nature hichcouldie removed by art.
In the present instance, then, I conside the diseas to e the effect os an in- creasse disposition to action, and augmented secretio by the intestines. At the fame time, his augmented secretiondoes no seem to e the est ecl f increa- sed determination to the intestines forosiliis there is no evidelice froni the state of the pulse of heat, or an other circumstance. I would heresere, po the whole, conside the affection e re us asprincipali proceed in from a relaxexandirritabie state of the intestines and thecureis it must dependin medicines capa-ble of restoring the prope tone, hichwil have at the fame time the essiectis diminis hin thei irritabili ty. his ast is
an end whicli is mos immediatet obtained afleast,' sedative medicines Andthese in the present affection, may be productive o good consequences It is how- ver, o b observed that although, as Iliave Hready said Ι do notius pect an par ticula irritation to subsist constantly here;
yet such may be occasionali generaled. And
And rom the state of the bowelsio describe l. ma naturali suppos there mill
Occur a remarkable disposition to acidi ty; of hicli accordingly, at different times, evident indications have appea re l. It is on these genera principies that Iliave ali eady had recoui se to the disserent medicines, hich have been, sed illi his
patient since me came unde ou Care Parmticulari to the lignum Campechense, the succus Japonicus, and rhubarb a astringenis and tonics; to magnesia as an absorbent, an to liquid laudanum as a sedative. From at these the patient has obtaine at eas a temporar relies and the would probabi have had more effecit, is he had continuedo tali them regu- rly without intermission Froni inattention in his respecit, however, after her Com- lainis ere omewhat abaled me ad: gain a severe retiarn. But since that by
this me continues o recover, I hali notthin os chariginiit. Is however, the loosenesis stili continues obstinate, it is, intention to try iththis patient a medicine hicli I have sed but litile, that is, the gumlino an astringent frona the vegetabi hingdoni, whichlias not et foundat way into the reatest par of the modern pharmacopoeias and what' hink, indeed sonae hat strange ithasio even a place in the Pharmacopoeia Suecica whiches conside tot one of thebest pharmacopoeias et extant. Upon theauthority however, O triat relate byDoctor Fothergili, whicli are publimed in the London Medicat Observations it hasbad a place in the Edinburgh Pharmaco- pocii and ascit is found o mahe a very elegant tincture, I have thoughts of tryingit in that state. Should his also fati, have thought os employing with his patient the Peruvia bark, at the fame time conjoininiit illi a mali proportionis anopiate an from ne or ther of thesemeans Pana dispos e to hope forta good