Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



obliget to emplo his handi ei chi es for amor timest fave his hirt Aster obtaining ther loths, he imprudenti pia theliandkerchi es in his pocket; and without heinlaware of the consequences, e sedit in blowin his nosse. The Tect was a dis ea se of the nude of the nosse, and an affection of the mucous gland there, in very res pedi resembling the gonori licea. Fronathes circumstances, heia, it appears that the present argument si no means con

clusive; and that the samenes of the remote cause prove nothinimore than that both diseases are the effect os contact. adb In proos of the alter cing the fame, it is contended that frona communication,ith an infected emale for ne time only both diseases are osten the consequence This assertior I cannot pretend



hein disserent. Is the emate betasse Redwith both disienses, hicli is osten the case, the patient is equali exposed to both. Itis heresor no more a proo that thematters of syphilis and gonorrhoe are thesam e than wouldie afforded of the sanae nes of the alter of syphilis and variola, is both these infections mouidie iuen by the fame person a the sanie time. Andthere is no doub that this has happened in

severa instances.

No one ho ever, is rom his dispos edio imagine that here is an similarit in the infection of these diseases And, in-deed when e conside the conditio ofthos by whom venerea infection is in generat given, pon the suppositio that thecontagion of the w diseases is different, it cani no means seem strange that both infections mouidie communicate Ma thesiam time.

As a bird argument in suppor of this hypothesis, it is contended that frona thes ame emale one mala illi affected withsyphilis, and another, illi onorrhoea Ofthis o wil hear of man instances and



vincing. On accurate examination, howe ver suci instances ill e found tolemuch les frequent than is in genera imagine l. In the greatest number os cases, there is litti certain ty rom henc the infection is derived cit is commoni ascri-hed to the most recent suspiciolas expostare. When, attend, however, to the lui kingnatur of the discases, it wil appear, that in his there is much oom for fallacy. Itis ellanown that syphilis, ill osten applar at intervat o monilis after the in fection has been communicate i. I havehnown his also sonaetimes appen withregard to the onorrhoea Some ears ago, Phad occasion to reat ne instance of Venerea gonorrhoea, here the disease hadno the mallest symptom of syphilis, and where it made iis fit si appearance a se atthe end of four monilis rom the time ofan possibi infectiora. Fron these circumstances, heia, here is room for doubt-ing the foundationis thi argument, evenis heia it is mos positivel asserte t. But



admittiniit tot true, that two disserent discases may be thus communicate sto di ferent males by the fame emale, et his prove nothing, scit is by no means incompatibie illi the supposition of the wo contagions ein disserent. The emale may a probably have been subjected oboth diseases as omne only And there is

no dissiculi in suppossin that he hadbeen the means o communicatinione toeach. ad me also been subjecte to theitch, a third might have aught that infection, a foui th might have escaped ithout an disease whil a fifth might have had a conjunction os ali the three Evenadmitting, heres ore, the assertior on whichthis argumen is bulli tote no rare occurrence, et tinno means proves that thecontagions of syphilis and gonorrhoea areos the sanae nature.

The fourl and last argument hichrithin i is necessarycio an swer, is that an assection hicli egitis unde the forna fgonorrhoea, ill in consequence of impro- Per treatinent be converted into a syphilis. Could



Could his bese stablimed it ould unque stionabi prove the samenes of the matterin both and ou ill meet illi many pracstitioners hs il positivel assirm

that he have seen it. Here, OWeVer, there is more round o deception than is commoni imagined and on such deception the assertion dem to have been Dunded. It is osten allege to e theessed os astringenis injected at an earlyperiod of the discasse Andri is nota bedented that frona an imprope administrationis these, ad consequeri res osten re fuit. In sonae instances the in luce very considerable and obstinate inflammations in thers, and that more frequently oo, the give ris to welling of the testicle. Neither the ne nor the other of these ap-

syphilitic sympionis; ut a meret theses sed os inflammation, induced by a sud lenchange in the state os circulation and ac- cor lingi the are cured by theus eos antiphlogisti regimen and me licines It is indeed true, that there have been cases


where syphilis has succee led gonorrhoea. But his a frequently happens, heri thegonori hoe has been reate in the most judicious and cautious manner, as hen ithas been precipitatet cured Nor is it necessary for the explanationis this facit, that welaould adopi the suppositionis the twodis ases dependiniupo the fame matter, ascit is ver easily explainexo the supposition of the patient' having received both

infections one of whicli, o sonae time, had remained latent. An this circumstance we have at ready observed frequently happens here ni one dis eas

has been communicated.

These I ake to e the hie arguments adduce in suppor of the opinion, that the matter giving the infectionis the o norrhoea an syphilistare of the fame nature. An fron the examination of them, it appears that the are by no means soconclusive ascis in genera imagine l. Asterendeavolaring theres ore to refute, or at leastio invalidate, the proos of this hypothei, come neX to conside the seconi supposia tion



tion by whicli it is contended that thematter of the syphilis and gonorrhoea re in realit essentiali different. The arguments brought in suppor of this hypothesis are drawn rom varioussources, but chiesi froni the following 1. Froni the histor of the progress of

the two assections in different countries.

a. Froni the phenomena hicli theyexhibit. r. Froni the methodi curet whicheach is non readit overCOme. 1. The histor of the two affections affores an circumstances hicli corroborate the opinionis thei dependita onmatter essentiali different This particulari appears rom thei progressi in Europe and ther countries into hicli theyhave been imported. It is ver generat lyallowed that, hether the diseas este in re-y the sanie oris a disserent nature both of them are butis a recent date in Europe. Os late, indeed, an elaborate reatis hasbeen written by M Sanches, ne of the physicians to the Empressis Rumin, to prove



that he venerea diseas Was notirought froni America But not illistbandin what he has ait to the contrary I am stili inclinet to belleve, that nei ther syphili norgonorrhoe were nown il the discovery of America The subject of the first ap- Pearanceis venerea complaint in Europe has been more laboured by Dr Astruesthan by an othe writer. me has been a theiatmost aliis in collectili facts upon his subject pon his authoi ity it appears, that both diseases id not appea a thesam time in Europe but that the syphilisti ad been observe many years before the

This, it a fartherine remarhed has no been peculiar o Europe but has heldalso of other quarters of the globe o,hichsyphilis has been carried from Europe. Ssyphilis for instance, a very Oon importe into China but we have thesau thorit of r Astru for asserting that atthe time hen he wrote, gonorrhoe Wasbiit a very recent dis eas in that country. Probabla, a bella a lessi obstinate affection,



it was Dor the tength of the Voyage, Very generali cured before reaching that coun- try or, ut least though a running in sonae degre remalitia, et the virulenc might

These facts are corroborated by an ob servationi stili later date, that is thesim- Portationis the venerea dis eas into theisland latet discovered in the outh-Seas, particulari Otalieite. It is certain that syphilis,as unknown there ill theseisiand were visited by the late circumnavigators Andri is et a matteris dispute, whether therars communication was by the renchis Englisit for the were visite by both nations preti nearly about the fame time; and each nation seems illinito throw the odium os introducinii cupo the ther. But by hoeve it was imported it,ould appea that they carrie there one dis eas only. Pana inform-ed by a gentieman, hos accuraCy maybe relied pon, and who visited talieitealong illi Captain Cook in his ast voyage, that at that time the onorrhoe was still



could hardi suppos to e the case, id

both diseases depend n the sam infecti- Ous matter Thus, then, rom the histor; of the progress of these diseases, there are severa circumstances hicli ould ead tolli supposition that a peculia infectious matte is necessar for givinieach and that he infection producing the one, illno give ris to the other. The secondiet os arguments are drawn frona the phenomena of the disease Among these there are an particular potntedo ut, hich ive a presumption that thematteris syphilis and gonorrhoea re essentiali different. It is observed that thesyphilis, heia neglected uniformi in- creases in violence andri iti no artificiali removed, it ili universali terminate in the death of the patient. The go-norrhoea, o the other and has no such progressi mi is even a dis eas which, afterrunia in a certain course, has a naturaltendene to cure and in many cases, is

the patient lives moderately, and Volds