Medical cases, selected from the records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh : with remarks and observations

발행: 1784년

분량: 452페이지


분류: 미분류



feredes disturbance And that a materialchange has ahen place in his constitutiora,

assoriis incontestable evidelice of a diminutionis irritabili ty. In his siluation, Prechone Mitinneces far that he ould any longe continue his attendanc here. Q would not however, rom his, e understoo to pronounc that heris persecti cured Andrimat noti surpi ised at earing that helias again return of his fits, specialinisti stili continues o be exposed to thesiam occasiona cause hicli a firs induce these iis . et I cannot heli thin ing that here is ome round for ho-ping that his a noti the case parti cularly is his mollier folio the advice Iliave iventer of ettin him place at

ma b atmed at, ei the by attempting

et the



the remova of the excitin cause, o byendeavourinito induce fuch a change in the state of the nervous energy that, although excitin causes stili continue toacit, they mould eas to e productive of the forme effect It is on the las of these principies thates apprehendiselle is ostfrequently assorded in epilepsy. I would

seem, rom man phaenomena that a certain degre of mobility in the nervous energy, and irritabilit in the movingsbres, are necessar conditions for the occurrence of epileptic is, even in those cases here the diseas may be sal to dependii a loca affection i And ence itis that relies has somelime been obtainedfron disserent toni medicines, hereepilepsy has eve been produce by an exostosis,ithin the Euli. It was on his genera principie, then thali propossedio attemptis cur in the present case and, through the whole reaiment, I found noreason to alter, plan.

I began the restiment of this case,ithputtin cur patient on the iis of the si-



lulae rerutis, a ne formula of the Edin burgh Pharmacopoeia I need not observe,

that the oni active par of thes pilis is a

Preparation os opper And here, per-haps that metalcis in the mildest salinestate to whicli it cani reduced. The introduction of the use of opperso medica purposses seem to have beeno very ancient date. For the best historythac know of it, ma refer ou to an inaugura dissertationi Cupro, publimedat in Universit os dilaburgh, bout twent years ago by D Rusiel. In iis pure metallic state, it is capable of exert inino action on the human body unlessi a mechanica way. ut it,ould a1 pear, that severat preparations of it, a thasquamae, Verdegris, and the the were employe externalty for medica purpo ses, as early a the days o Hippocrates; hui, When ahen internalty it a longconsidered, aloison. nil indeed suchare iis stimulant esseclis that the reatest par of the preparations cannot l, em

ployed even in mali dos es. This is par



ticularly the case illi respect to ver legris. In ali iis saline states, however, it has notan equali violent actio as a stimulus. And fronicit astringent pomer externalty, it vias concluded that it might have thesanae effect o the system rom internal


It is no determined by experience, that, o ali the preparations os opper, those illi the neutra salis, particularly with the ammoniacat salts are the east virulent. Andri is no improbabie, that the remedy introduced by M Boyle, unde the ille o Ens Veneris, as of this Lind. On his remed he estows very high encomtums, in ali dis eases attendedwith universa laxity. Since the days of

M Boyle the cuprum ammoniacum hasbeen recommended to the attention os pracstitioners by severat German writers.

Paper in his subjecit are orae et illi in the emoti s of the Royal Academ offert in and in the Ephemerides Germanicae. Since the publication of these pa-pers, it has no vnfrequently been em-



ployed in epilepsy. An it has been

alleged that the use of this preparation fcopper has osten been attended with con siderable advantage. It is not indeed, ob imagined that e mali ver obtain a remedkwhich ill prove effectuat in everycas of epilepsy It is however of great consequencesto posses one hich wili succeed in ome instances. Pliave used his remed in severat cases before the present came unde m Care. In some of them, Ι could no say that itwas of an benefit in thers, it had Ithinh, manifestly good effectis. ut must, at the same time, add that no caselias come unde m care, in Whicli it was productive of si remarkable beneficas in the present. I do not hoWever, mea torepresent his a the strongest inflance of the succes that has been had rom it Acase, in iis circumstances much more obstinate, terminatin successsully, is recorded by D Ruiue in the dissertation Ihave atready mentioned There, indeed, the remed was long continued, and to a



very considerable extent. It was iven, even to the quantit of nine gratias three

hol the cuprum ammoniacum, hoW'ever, rom it stimulant Tedis, o b oneos hos medicines hicli requires alwaysto' beguli inimali doses Lorderedior our

present patient, then, at the commen ement,one pili only. An each of thellulae cre-ruleis contain but hal a grain of the cu-prum This dose a repeate moriaingand evening Atirst, it occasione fatight degre of ichnesis ut a this 1cknesswasielther attended illi vomitin norloosenesis, I oon venture t double thedose in the evening For it a b observed that medicines of this nature haveles effect in producinis ichness,hen theyare give in the evening than when theyare taken with an empi stomach. Whilehe continued the medicine to this extent,

the frequency of his fit gradu ali dimi-n is hed, and in no long time the entii elylest



lest him. In place there re os farther increasing the dose, Pthought it necessaryto diministi it And even when thi Wasdone, there,as stili ome suspicionis iis excitin vomiting. Froni his suspicion, was induce entiret to omit the use ofit. ut matri mightio suddenly ive palowersu tonic, Pordered, as a substitute, the Peruvian ark; n after continuingiliis foris me time, as he hadio any threat eninio fits Prechoned iesunneces Iar tokee hi an longe o ou list. I have accordingi dismussed im; and mallhave much satisfaction is Plearn that he continues ree fro an retur of hi aD

This patient test his mother' house oonaster he was dismissed rom attendance atthe Dispensary, and continued for severat monilis ithout the eas threatening of his forme affection. ut, about the id lieo June, he again returned to reside with



his mollier no many weelis after Which, he had a sit He had however no fartherreturn, althoughi lived illi his mollier for the pace of severa monilis, an although her sit stili continued tot very


This patient stili continues Januaryci . 1783, ree from an farther retur of his Epilepsy, and in ther respect enjoysgood health.

Hubful nature, hicyterminate successe fully. 14-R- aged even ears, ad mitte November 8. 1776, has a considerable welling of the abdomen, whicli is ver tense. he also complainsos reat hirst, an her appetite is muchimpatred There is no obvious swellingon an other par of heriody. During the



the night, hecis ver restiesse, an seel sili, frequently complaining of pati in herbelly and hecis also ometimes observento pic heriose Her respiration is athermore laborious than natural Her urineis scanty, longue lean, si in moist, belly

them. d. Pulveris cremoris tartara femi-drachmam Pulveris corticis cinnamomi grana decem M.

Copia dom quarta quaque hora.


Iao. Continuetur suseis cremoris tartari utiantea et Calomelanos grana triam eris radicis scillae ex iocatae scrupu

lum unum

Saponis Hispani drachmam unam Syrupi simplicis quantum Nicit ut iii massa Hvidenda in s ludas granorum


Capiat pilulam unam omni nocte hora miri. November 23. The pilis have either occasione vomiting, o any manifest sichnes ; ut he has ad every a s soni time past, frequent sos stoois, attended with severe gripes, hicli si asse cribes to the powders. The quantity fher urine is no increased since last repori Her