장음표시 사용
account no conjecture hateve can beformed illi regarito the articles on hichthe activit oscit depends have lately, however, been informedi a ver ingenious friend of mine, that D Herrensch-wanil' remed is preparet accordinito the followin formula: Gutta gam bogiae grana decem ad grana quindecim, pro ratione aetatis falis ab synthii cryst. grana quindecim ad grana viginti M. With his receipt he was favoured by rHerrens chwand himself Theios mentioned above is directed tot taken early in the morning Aster it the patient has
fame stos is repeated and this for themost par is sussicient. io is stili theworm ould no b dis charged, a third,
and evenis fourth, dose silven the fame intervallein interposed belween each X-hibition. Although, in his mode os cure, a Verylarge proportion o an article hicli is commoni consideredos a very drastic
purgative, e introduced into the alimentar canal; et it is fatil, that it neverproduces an bad effect even illi chil-di ei and it is farther aid that here it operates stronglycis a cathartic, it operation is no attended illi gripes It deserves here tote remarhed that the reme-d of D Herrenchfwand as et a thatos adame Nousser, is represented a be in effectual oni against the agni lata,
self allows that he has derive liut litile benesi Dom it,hen employed against the
a presentie out os place o mali an observations. I have ad occasion to emplo it also in orne cases the particulars of hiches propos to lay before the public in a future volume of this publication. It is suffcient here o observe, that in his
practice, the ambogeris ive to a much greater extent hancit is ver employed by Madam Nousser. An it may fartherbe remarked that in the cases whichliave fallen unitur e care, the wormwas osten expelle by the feria-powderalone, o what he calis the Specific be- fore the amboge or an other purgative a taken. To these arguments itina also' added that thelower of the male feritas an anthelmintic, and particulari as a remed in cases of senia, aswel known to the ancients. his abundanti appears rom the writings of heophrastus, Dioscorides, Galen, Avicenna, an many thers. I seems, howeVer, t have hare the fate of many therpowersu articles of the materia medica, in fallinitiato unmerited neglect mon praC
titioners of more modern date. Into the cause of this it is urinecessar to inquire hiat, is the present practice lial confirmille opinion of the ancients the restorationos this artici to the lis of the materia medica may be considere a a circumstanceos importanc in the practice of medicine. In the caseie resus, hile the expulsiono the worm unque lionabi followed thetreaiment employed that degre of sicknes a stomach hicli arose ro the fern-powder lone efore an other medicine was exhibited gives reason for presuming that this expulsion was in a great meas ureowinito the influence whicli it exerte t. But is the caseiefore, servescio ho that the fern-powde is a remedy of essicac in expelling the Tarnia lata, it is amatter of stili reate importance to ascertain whether i afford an effectual and radicat cure in fuch cases With regar tothis question, in the present instance atteast, cara no spea with greater considencethan formerly Even a that time, indeed, when I considered, that after the discli argeos
of the worm me a completet freed Domni the sympionis illi hicli he had been hefore assected, and that o me monilis hallelas sed ithout the lighterit appearance of an fragment of the wormiet nidi schar-ged I thought there a ground for ho-ping that a radicat cure had been obtained. This,as the rather probabie, a the very
denti the nech or, ascit has perhaps been more properi called the Thread o Filum os a Taenia Henc there Was ground forbelievin that ever par of the worm asdischarge l. Yet whend conlidered that much largerportions hasti ei ore been discliarged by theus os other remedies, Pthought there Wasreason to ear, that, rom the continuance of Ome portio of it in the intestines, heinould again e subjecte to e formerassection Arad even the appearance of thethrea was no certain eviden ce of the contrar of this. For it is no mellanown, that both in the a se of the aenia cocurbitina and Genia lata, although the alter
has ob talia ei the nam of the Solitary
time e present in the alimentar canat. The late ingenio us Mi Charies Darmin, who ossiciated a medica assistant a the Dispensary at the time,lien his patient'scas was realed, and who, hilea poses essed extensive linowledge in every brancho medicine, as also eminenti distinguis hed for an intimate ac quaintance illi natura history, ad the sirs opportunityos examining thi Worm after it was disse charged. Heiound it achad indeed been hefore ascertained rom the fragments disse charge on other occasions, tote the aenia lata of Linnaeus. his circumstance, a the worm is in genera solitary, henconjoinen with the discli arge of it thread, gave round o supposing that the wholebelonge to ne orna, and that it was completet disicharge ; ut the fragments whicli came way illi the threa during
the operationis the purgative weremia mero his There a no circurnstance rom
Froni these considerations then, altho' a seconii dos of the fern-powde had been employed without an effecto, and even a te sonae monilis ere elapsed ithou anyreturn o sympionis, I could no ventur et asser that a radicat cure a produced. But it is no three ear since the fern
powde Was employed in his cases and Iliave the satisfactionis learning rom hepatient herself that duriniat that periodili has neve observed an appearance of Taenia nor been subjected to any ympioni which could ead her o suspee iis re
t assert, that by the use of this remedysti has been reed rom an assection towhicli me had been ulla ected for the pace of thiri yearS. Sinceri rote the above remarks,' have been favoured with a letter froni an eminent and respectable physician, Dr gilvy
O Forsar, givinia account of a cas in whicli he has employed the fern-powder against senia His patient has taken his medicine many different times in the man- ne directed by Madam Nousser. The consequenc has been that upward of oyard os a Tarnia have been brought way. Dr gilv has sent me a large fragmentos this orni, andri find est be the Vermis Cucurbitinus os laterus, o Taeni
Solium os Linnaeus Although very dose of the fer has rought way a large portio oscit, et even frequent repetition hasno been able to effect a complete remoVal. Thi af rd additiona confirmatio ofMadam Nousser' remark with xegar tothelower of the forn-roat.
rubia tinctorum recommended, 96 Astites, di agnosis os, 46 methodis cure, - sa opinion respecting the propriet os apping ῖος Asa elida, se in stomach-complainis, 386
BALD INGER, Dr, his use of the vitrioli acti in the scabies sicca and humida, - - 363Bathing, old, se in gonorrhoea, - 289Blisters, se of as an artificiat ouile to the water in hydrocephalus, - οῖ Blood, discliarge of rom the anus in an affectiono the liver, - - - - οῖ Brown M William, Dispensary-assistant, Burgund pitch, se of in deasness, - ου histor of preparation not ellascertained, aio
nosologica arrangementis, se genera plan o cur ita, Calliarticisse in expellinia taenia rom the intestina canal, - goo Chorea Sti Viti a species of convulsio, sa Dona,hat cause it osten proceeds, 33 Cicuta an stramonium, a depbstruenis, recommendedi II Storch, II 6 Convulso objecius obe attended to in the cureos it 336 case of - - - 23 use of optates in, - - 336 use of the cuprum ammoniacum ira 337
Copper medicat histor of - 37 Corrosive sublimate, se os in linea capitis, os