장음표시 사용
Cuprum ammoniacum conjoined with the calcos 2 inc a powersu tonic, 9. use of in the convulsio 33 Cutaneous affections genera cause of o -- caution illi respecta the cure, vitriolic acid recommended in 67 cured by corrosive sublimate,
-on ha the cureis it must depend, 56 medicine emplo7ed in Vas astringenis, absorbenis, and sedatives aue 8 9 case os, Dispensary, stablis liment GDrains, se of in chroni catarrh, 96Dropsy good flects of elaterium, 18 Dysenter', ha constitute it, auea Dyspnoea an cough winito an enlarge liver,
EAsoN, Dr, electricit recommended by in cases
Elaterium, good effect in dropsy, - 87 Electrici ty modus operandi in amenorrhaea, I9I use in diminishin morbid sensibility, eto
Elixi guajacinum volatile, a rheumati affectioncured by 69 Emetios, se in chroni catarrh, - - 96Epilepsy, case of it, - - 2I distinguis hed rom hysteria, et; indications of cure in s se cured by the pitulae coeruleae of theidin- burgh Pharmacopoeia, O and hysteria originatin Do the principiet imitation, et6Expectoranis, hether an sucbi 97
Garlic use in dealaesi, - - - 2II Gonorrhaea, se of sal Glauberi in et 89 Gonorrhoea, se of infusion os iniseed, -- se of Peruvia barh, - 29o inquir whether i depend o thelam infectious alter,ith syphilis, . -- circumstance brought o prove thalit
i depend upon the fame insectious matter,ithsyphilis, --- - 26S circumstance brought o prove thali depentis pon a disserent infectious atterfron syphilis, - 27s case of - - 26o treatinent of different froni that f
--us o nitre,ith gum rabie, et 88Graas Drad. his inaugura dissertation de Pete-chiis sine febre, account os, Iaa Guajacum, volatile tincture os, strongi recommended in cases of gout and rheumatism, by DrDawson, - - - 77Gummosae pitulae, use of in patiis os the intestines, 3 7
Haemoptysis, case of - - 367 Herpeti eruption, se of the vitrioli acid in 36 Herpes distingui ei seo lepra, a Herrenschwand Dr, his remed against the taenia, i 9 Hydrocephalus of the cranium, case os, 292 Hydrocephalus common division of et 6 divisionis into three species 299 Hydrocephalus objec scio be ad in te in thecure os, o sentiments illi respectrio the propriety
priet os puncture into the cavit containing themater, - - 3o; Hydrocephalus use filis ters, as an artificiat out-let to the water, - - 3 8 I.
Jar Ap, tincture of use of it in the hydrocephalus, o Imitation, principi os a cause os epileps and hysteria, - 27 Intermittent sever anomalaus case os, et 13 sever varieties of et O
In testines, aliis of the case of 339 -pain os use of the pitulae gummosa in 347
augmente sensibilit os, o tot restore to the natura state, I9Nitre, With gum Arabic use of in gonorrhoea 288 Nouster, adame, e medicines against thecizenia, qt 3
ODIER, Dr, o Geneva, recommend the combi nation o cuprum ammoniacum illi calx iEinc, o optate, use of in convulso, - - 336ova introduced cause of generation o worm in the intestina canal, - - 4 a
PAIN, genera cause of - - 3Ia Paralysis, a se of - 2 OPeruvian arti, se os in me norrhagia, So in intermittent laver, a 3 Petechiae,ithout laver case os, Petechia nosos nos flogica rem arkDon, I 28
Petechianosos, cause os, - 122 cured by Peruvian bar and elixiro vitriol, - - I33 Pitch, Burgundy, introductio of into the ear, used against dealaese, - - 2O9Plaster of pitch used so the cur of tinea capitis, os Puncture into the cavit containing the water in hydrocephalus sentiment Wit respect to the propriet of - - 3OSPilut e caeruleae, sed in epilepsy, ho
Rheumati affection, cured by elixi guajacinum volatile, --- 69Rheumatism, chronic planis cur in electricit recommende in , 8o Rubia tinctorum, recommended in amenorrhina, I96
pend on an insectious alter disserent romthat inducinigonorrhina, a s
VER DIGRIs, se of in linea capitis, et66Vitriolic acid, se of in the lepra, 363 in an herpeti eruption 364 recommende in culaneous assections 67 externat se of recommende in
us os in the scabies sicca and humida recommendedi D Baldiriger, a6s
W1N in the alimentar canal, caulas hom,hichi clites aris es, - 39a Worm in the intestinat canal, observations on, o
Di mellie's id isery, a ne edit. ith o ablegand explanations, eing one os addition by the late D T. oung, in xlarge volso amo, IOS. d. board s. Aulta EL 1 1 o Gil publisi in the cout se of thisbear, I Fourcror' mures on Chemis tr an Natural History, et volsavo. The Ne Dispensatory, o the lan os the late D Lewis, illi ait the improve ment since his time. B a Gentieman os his ity. 3. Thesaurus Medicus, Vol. III. and IV. rom 738to 1784, hicli completes the work.