장음표시 사용
ning a mali or uench. Wh ohctuo heroi Becinae tholo a Were Og against the enemy, Oret co rhis position. 24. cum . . . In reuisancti Caesar a thought Was, accordingto Latin idiom, ine I shal have ra- ρ Infitrusem; but suo a futuro perfectis directis echiecomes Plupeo feci subjunctive in narration, after a Mi tenae in the principat claum.
21. Hoatea subjectis o nauigrunt l. 25, Whil a pronoun referring to hontea may be mentali supplied a subjecto Inton grunt an Hagrunt. His sentence illu trate an important principi o Latin order, attention tomiach missae of great at in translation. When in verbos in principat claus and that of the dependent clauso have the fame subieci, it is commoni expresse in the principat, and est ut in the dependent clauae. In Englis We do the opposito. e non egi Wit thedependent clause the Latin framea it into in principal
3. Qui oum the relativo i in the right place in Latin, hut me cannot translate in his order. The natural placeror both mordacis a the eginning of a clause; ut When they
ablativo o description auch an ablativo mus a,vs Vera modisser, achem, ligna in genitive may be in in the samo Way, a belo mligna virtutis Onthe orclen see note in . 12, t. 5.6 quctrum, etc. translate cloael in tho ordor of tho Latae;
about theis character an customs, Caesar On inquita; ο,
generalty do our est to kee clos to tho Latin cleri mead again tho Introductor Note, P. 43.