장음표시 사용
Tho Cumbras plant agrees in every Way With the typo specimen gathered by Sir W. Hooker in 1808, and noW preserved in the herbarium os Trinity College, Dublin), from Which both Dillsyn's and Harvey's descriptions Wore drawn up . The celis in the smali portion of the typo Whicli I oxaminod varied in diameter Dom10-420 μ, but probably thicher filaments Were present in the tust, and were just as various in form as are those of the Cumbras
iis characters correctiy. I have examined these specimens, and
there may be sonae dotabis as to Whether Aroschoug's m mirabilisis the samo plant as Both's Conserva penicilli formis, there ean benone as to iis being the Conserva isogona os Englisti Bolany, fab. I930, authentic specimens of Whicli are stili in existende ; the
We have received hom Mr. Bus ham somo beautilat specimensos an Ecto arpus, Whicli app0ars to bo identical With Berheloy's Ect. fenestratus. It Was gathered at Budo in September, 1893, groWing in loose tusis on Aseophyllum nodosum. Althoughundoubtedly closely related to G. Lebelli, it differs hom that SpecieS in Severat respecis, more especialty in the absonee of theelachista-lilio habit und the gone of shori de eply-coloured celis, Succeeded by longer, very laintly-coloured ones, So characteristicos that specieS. We must congratulato Mr. G. Brebner on his fortunate dis-eovery Os Scaphospora speciosa on the stiores of Britain. He hasmost hindly placed the folloWing interesting note on the species atour disposai :-
Besides the common plurilocular a feW examples of apparent unilocular Sporangia Were observed. These are som0What clavato in Shape, and the contenis, Whicli are, hoWever, not clearly disse entiated into spores, Here tu severat cases found to have been dis-charged. G. B.
ilodesme or Soranthera and Asperococcus. The fronds have tholiabit os Scytosiphon, but the internat structuro bears So considerable a resemblance to Chordaria, and the Unilocular sporangia areso similarly placed among the paraphyses that it is easy to under- stand Why Prosessor Harvey resurred it to that genus. The fertilo Sursace iS, hoWever, apparently not continuous, and the axis orcentral portion consists of large thin-Walled celis. E. M. H. gotrichum hibernicum, Sp. Nov. By Τ. JOhnSOn, D. Sc., F. L. S.
Laminariae, Harv. From an examination os authentio specimens os Harvoy's Lito-εiphon Laminariae, preserveti in the Herbarium os Trinity Collogo, Dublin, Pros. Johnson came to the conclusion not only that his Nilhee plant is closely, perhaps too cloSely, related to that species, but also that the genera Litosiphon and Pogotrichum W0re one and the fame. Pros. Reinhe, When he Dunded the genus Pogotrichum,p0in toti out that it might oventu alty havo to bo dogradod to thorank of a sub-genus of Litosiphon, and perhaps that Would bd thebest course to adopi, sirico the fructification os the species os both genera appears to be similar. We have, through the hindness os Pros. Johnson, been able to examine Specimens of Pogotrichum hibernieum With both hiniis os fruit, and w0 aro inclined to thinhthat although undoubtedly closely related to L. Laminarim, it is specificatly distinet hom it. Litosiphon Laminariae is a largor plantinan P. hibernicum, With proportionalely smallor superficiat celis, and a curious sub articulate appearance, When fresb, Which is quite Manting in the lalter; moreover, fertile uniseriate filaments are
very frequently met With in the tuns os Pogotrichum hibernicum,
Tho individual filamonis os P. hibernicum penetrato into the Alaria thallus, creep and ramisy betNeen both iis cortical and modullary c0lis, the limiting layer of the Alaria being frequontly
obliteratuit during the process. A cl0Se examination os thesections gives every indication stat the8e endophytio or intra- cortical hyphae can, after creeping sor Some distando in tho Alaria thallus, emerge at either sursace to form neW Pogotri hum tuns. Evon supposing P. hibernicum is identical With L. Laminaris, a supposition We are not prepared to admit, We thinii Dr. Johnsonis to bo congratulated on his very interesting disc0very of thisv0gelative reproduction by means of Stoloni ferous endophytio
Τhis is reatly a continuation of Mr. Bussitam's papor ori thosamo subjeci, Whicli appeared in October, 1890, and contains fulldoscriptions of the antheridia, the discovery of Which Was thonmuntioned. The paper is both interesting and valvabio, as it contains tWo plates, on Whieli 44 Separate figures illustratingantheridia, etc., are draWn, and the author assuros us that With
In Sphoprococcus coronost folius, Stachb., sin ali clear spois rather larger than the ordinary cortical celis Were noticed, a Section ShΟWing the usual structuro os a simple antheridium, in Whicli a ba salc0ll produces sour Amalter celis a bove it, and these may, et ther atonee or by again dividing vertically, produce the elongated b0dies that actualty put sortii the pollinoides V
In Odonthalia dentata, Lyngb., antheridia are soland on tusis os paler-coloured leasteis arising Dom near the axiis of the fronds. The antheridia of Laureneia obtusa, Lamour. , are formed in a
Ag., les articles Superieures des silaments articules doni soni composes lus tubercules se transforment en SporeS. Cliaque articiolaisse sichapper uiae Spore globuleuSe a880Z petite.
The paper is not only an interesting, but an important additionto tho litoraturo dealing With the reproductive organs of tho Floridete, and we trust that Mr. Bussitam Will continue his in vostigations, Which have so sar been eminently Successsul. E. A. B. On the Classi eation and Geographiecit Distribution of the LaminariaceoP. By W. A. Setcheli. Frona the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy, Vol. ix., March, 1893,pp. 333-375. In this paper the author first revieWs the history of the classification of this group os marine algae, and then propOSHS a neWarrangement of the genera Munded on the different modifications of the region os active gr0Wth in the fronds. His method of
The author gives as his reason sor relaining Chorda in the Laminariaceoo that the paraphyses resemble those of Sacco hiaa, although ho admits that it bears hardly any other resemblance tothe Luminarii oe, and praeticatly achnowledges that Reiulie hasgood nounds lar placing it in a sub-family near the Mytosiphoneoe. mathcire forins the linh betW0en Laminaria and the Agarea', by the possession os longitudinat solds, Which bring it near staria, and Arthrothamnus forins tho litila betWeen the Agaremand the Lessonitaem by the uitrolling of the base of thelamina as in Agarum and the tendency of the stem to sork as in
Lessonia. Pelagophycus of Areschoug is Sunk under Nereotastis,as the author considers there is not sussicient differende belWeeuthom in the mode os fissure of the fronds at the region os active
In the Alaritaeos the sub-tribes aro Dunded on the positions os
stem; 3) or on the Stem only. This seems to be Scarcely an stural arrangement, Since Ulopteryae, Whicli has a midrib and cryptostomata, is thus placed With the ribless Echionia, and Alaria, Which has also a midrib and cryptostomata, is placed With Pterygophora, Whieli has neither. Tho author has had quite exceptional opportunities of examining
the rarer species of the family, and theresore spealis With someauthority, and his opinion must receive due consideration. Itmay be hoped, hoWever, that he Will bo ted by further researchesto revise the Alaritaeoe and devise a more natural mode os groupingiliem. The author'S remarhs on the geographical distribution os the Laminariacein are eXtremely interesting, and shom that thereis need of surther record S concerning the distribution os thogenera, more particularly of the forma m0t With on the Pacifid
Coast and in the direction os North and Wost Australia, the Cape of Good Hope, and in the direction of the Society Isiands, etc., in the Middie Pacific Ocean, and also as to the distribution of the genera on the 'Vestem Coast oi Asrica and the Western Coast os
S0uth America. Excolloni tablos os tho distribution of tho Species, So sar as is linoWii, aro given, and indicate, as does inde dilthe Whole of the paper, that thu author has spared nul thur timonor labour in Worhing out his subjuet. His investigations poliat tothe conclusion that the distribution . of tho fami ly as a Wholo is much influenced by the temperature of the Water, and to a certain degred by iis salinity, but that som0 species are much more
tot orant than others in these reSpecis.
His discussion os this subjeci larius very interesting and instructive reading. E. M. H. Analeeta Algologica, observationes de speciebu8 algarum minus cognitis earunique dispo8itione, cum tab. M.; Gntinuatio I.
Sub-genera and eleven tribes, the formur characteriged by disserent arran gements of the fructification, and the latior by disseroneos in branching and in the presence of a more or less distinet stem. In the sit si sub-genus, Platydictyon, tho organs os fructificationare scattered over the fronti ; in the second, Pleiadophora, theysorm OaSes With largor spaces betW00n; and in the third, Strigo- carpu8, they are arranged in a more or less regular interrupted line With single fertile celis interspersed; and in the foui th, Neurocarpus, they form a nerv0-like line in the millille of the frond. Eight neW species are deseribed, siX hom Australia, one DomNeW Z0alarid, and one hom California. These are D. alterni da, D. Viculata, D. bifurca, D. fene8trata, D. latif0lia, D. robu8ta, D. vittario ides, D. ocellata, D. Linyhamim.
In the Siphonem, a subgenus os Codium is sormed under thename os Raphioplea, to receive the species in Whicli the utricies of the outer layer of the frond are elongated and cylindrical, With astricture belo W the apex forming a subglobose head . This sectionreceives C. V0ngi08um, HarV., and a DeW species frum Australia, ViZ., C. P0moideδ. One nes Nattaeda, H. rectangularis, allied toti . monile, Lam. , and H. cylindracea, Desne., but dissering in havingrectangular articulation, incli long and 2-3 lines broad, is addedio this genus. A neW genus, Dracebrii ea, Whicli includes a single Species, is remat Labie as forming a linti belW00n Ualonia audoiphonoeladia, Whilsi resembling Codium tomento8um or Caulei papapillosa in forui, but having articulated flaments. The genus Ana omene is increased by one neW Australian specieS, A. circum-εepta, distinguished by iis nearly entire, subcorticate frond, Miththe Veins arranged in a manner resembling that of the corticaled species. To the genus Microdictyon tWo neW species are added- M. Obδcurum s rom NeW Caledonia and M. crassum irom the