장음표시 사용
The second genus, Omphalophyllum, is thus diagnosed. Frondm08t probably at first saccato, then torii and plane; When oldshortly umbilicatoly stalliod. Membranous, composed of 1-2 Strata os cella ; hairs Wanting. Uni locular sporangia Scaltered, of the Same forni as the vegetativo colis. The single species describuit is O. ulvaceum. In Symphyocarpu8, the Other neW genus Os Phinop ceae, the frond Druis an incrustution composed os a basal Stratum, hom Whicli erect filaments aris e. Basai portion formodos a single layer of creoping stamenis, at fit si freo and arrangedin an irregularly radiating maniter, thon confluent. Erect flaments Very Shori, of equat longth, simple or Subdichotomous, free, butVery closely pachod togethur. Each culi contains a single disc-8haped apical chromatophore. Pluri locular Sporangia, oblong-OVate, Siluate at the apices of the erect filaments, 2-4, lateralty connate, opening at the apeX. The genuS contains a Single Species,
The neW genus Choetobolus is thus described. Frondepiphytie, usualty nearly hemispherical, more rarely SUb-globOSe. Colis dividod in ali dii octions. In the hemispherical frondsthe basal margin is composed os a series of Sub-radiatingcelis. The superficiat colis With the exception of the marginalones , is not covered With othor algae, are draWn out into a longinarticulatu apical iube, Whicli is not separated by a Septum Domthe coli Which boars it. Propagation, most probably, by ZOOSPOreSformed in the superficiat colis. m. gibbus is the only SpecieS. In addition to tho genera above mentioned Herr ROSenuingelarmS a neW genu S, Guella, for the reception of the Schirogonium radicans os Fostio, and the Ulothriae diso era os eliman. The
author is inducod to do this by tho saet that tho frond in theso tWo species, Whicli at si si is fili rui and simple, or very slightly
branched, and composed os a single roN os celis, then longitudinalty dividod in many directions, alWays rematiis filisorin, and is neveritat and ribbon si apod. In ali other respecis the genus agreeSwith Sohizogonium.
sp0res obliquely l-seriato, elliptical, onds obtuso, Smooth and hyaline lar a long timo, then ibo epispore becomes violet and sin alty violet-br Wia, and marhed With delicato anastomosing lines, J6-l8 X 9 μ ; paraplayses straight, septate, the upper hals graduallyincreasing in thichness, tips about 5 broad, Orange . A remat habie species, intermediato bo tW0en Ascobolus and Lachnea, agreeing With the former in having the epi sporo violet, then broWnish, and minutoly more or less longitudinalty rugulos eat maturity, the asci, hoWever, so sar as I have observed, do notproject beyond tho sursace of the disc at maturity ; tho large-celled parenchymatous eXcipulum also agi eos With Ascobolus. In thecarly stage, While the spores are yet hyaline, the fungus Would paSs sor a species of Lachnea. Mostly closely allied io Ascobolus brunneus, Che., but clearly distinguished by the narroWly cylindrical asci, and 1-Sertate,
celis irregularly polygonal, 5-7 μ diameter; hypothecium tinge l
A baioli of this raro and boautilat species has been received fromMr. E. W. SWanton, Wincanion, Somerset. The largest specimen measured sue inches acrOss, hymenium very much Waved and contorted, coars ely nodulose and reticulated, britile ; hypothocium and excipulum composed entii ely os densely interWoveia, hyaline,
BY G. MASSEE. In endeavouring to stereotypo certain species that havo been more or less inadequatoly defined in the sirst instance, it has been considered ad vis able to retain the nam e under Whicli the species Was first described ; later ideas as to the position of the species Will bu gathered froni the synonyius appended :-
The present species appears to bo nos uncommon in tho Unitod States, being represented in the KoW Herbarium Dom Carolina
cylindricat, lip not usualty thichened, 3 μ thieli, agglutinated
together. Erisella rhaphidospora, Saec. Syli., Vm ., No. 2100. On rotton Wood and bark. Venezuela. This species also occurs in Cuba, Where it Was collected by