장음표시 사용
BY G. MASSEE. Confinued 'om p. 3l . and the doscription os the species of North Americari Pyrenomy- cotes is attonded with many difficulties, chius among Whicli is thos aes that many of the publi Ahod diagnoses are too imperfeci toenable One to recognige the species, of Whicli many of the typos are either lost or practi catly inaccessible. Coming to the species describod by Berk0l0y and Curtis, the ense is no beller, but assar RS Specimens are concerned, even Worse, the types beingentiruly boyond the reach of the ordinary student. The above quotation also touches ori the type question ; m08t mycol0gisis consider, that hoWever complete a diagnosis may be the typo specimen is of yet greatur value ; there are Some, hoWeVer, Whose localigation sorbids to a great extent tho consultation os typo SpecimenS, and Who consequently sWear by diagnoses, and thegenerat studunt is os necessity bound to depend on the lalter, as agiven type can only be localed in One place, and consequentlybeyonii tho reach of many students. The more exact and persecta specific diagnosis the less necessity lar consulting the type
The person Who can suggest a good practical substitute ser tho
present custom os placing the author's namo astor a species Would conser a boon on bolanisis, the value of Which Would become moreand more obvious as time rotis on.
The modern reformer, burning With shamo at the injustice doneto the sathers of mycology, commences Work With the motio palmam qui meruit ferat uppermost in his minii, compares neWbooks With old ones examination os specimens being deemed SuperfluouS-and 8oon becomes thoroughly convinced in his oWnmind that Agaricus palus, Mass. 1893), is no other than Agaricus dubius, Xen. 17 30); surther examination of books AhOWs clearly that tho sungus in question is certainly not an Agaric at all, buttho type of a neW genus to be called Tomsonia-aster a mycologicalfriend-and as there is but one species in the genus, and that onevery typical, the old Spocific name is inapplicabie, and gloriosa suggesis iiseis; in duo time a fuit description of Tom80nia gloriosa, Brey, along Uith anotber neW genus and Species Simultaneoustydiscovo red by the friend and callud Bruta superba, ΤOm. appear in print, the p00r Oid fathers of mycology along With palmam qui meruit jerat haVing faded hom the memory of Brey and Tomas. The above siletch is not an exaggeration, but typical os numer
been brought together, certain seatures Vere Selected as constitut- ing a generic character, and diagnoses embodSing ali or the meanos such characters selected oui; by this method the great bulli os species Were disposed os but in every group there occurred one or more genera consisting os Species Rhose original diagnoses Were offuch a nature as to forbid their incorporation into any preconceived
scheme ; Such is apparently the nature and origin os many of theneW genera establislied in the Syllogo. I he above method os procedure might perhaps be justifiable ontho part os a person Who h ad previ0usty acquired a good knowledgo of the group under consideration, the o utcome of Work dono vitii actuat specimens; and Mith the further qualiscation that thocollection os diagnoses to be manipulated Wore individually fairly
complete; but as atready Stated the materiat at Saccardo's command was not of this nature, but the very opposite, and the found-ing Oi genera or even rearrangement of Species, based on suchmeagre and heterogeneOUS evidence, is, to Say the least, not in accordance Willi modern ideas of science, and lienee Whil si somo
genera established in the Sylloge V are excellent, and Will doubiloss
la unded. It Will bo gonorally admitted that tho more genera We POSSeSSthe more We requiro; in other Words, the narroWor the limits os generic characters are the less chanco is there of placing a neWSpecies in an establishod genus ; a departure in the colour, numberos Septa, or Drui os a sporo osten excluding a species hom a genu S
lasciculus os langi, consisting mostly of Uredines, thuS annoUne-ing to the Worid his linowl0dg0 of plant diseasos, the most lihelysubject to Joad to an appotniment, also being most readily named, as it is only considered necessary to get somu seiund to name theh0St plant. In other instances, whero a post is not the object in VieW, the duplication of the samo species under the Same Ordisserent names, or the issue os a second series, consisting mainlyos duplicatu species issueti in the first series, suggesis the object
imperseet descriptiones Where authentic materiai exigis, emended
diagnoses. This could be ac complished by accepting the opinionos specialisis as to tho Datures of most value in their respective
Finalty, during recent years enormous advances have been made in Our linoWledge of the lik-history of sungi, and the true affinity in many instances demonstrated belW0en forms WhichWere previ0usty placed in Widely Separated genera Or even Ordet S. This knowledge Would have to bu talion into consideration in thereconStruction os genera; but to What extenti Undoubtedly Ucidium berberulis, Uredo linearis, and Puccinia graminis Wouldbe described as phases in the li&-cycle os one Species ; but on theother hand, should ali the varied forms os development and conidiat formation produced by cultures, in What may be termedan artificiat manner, as in many of the higher fungi, be alloWedio influenco a generic character 8 I thinh not, remembering the ea se vitii Which very varied resulis may be produced by S0Wingsimilar spores or conidia in stightly disserent nutritive media ;such observations, caresully conducted and duly corroborated, areos great value in illustrating the elastieity os a given species under varied conditioris, but it has yet to be proved Whether those variations indicatu assinity, that is Whether they occur spontaneousty in nature as paris in the normal li&-cycle of a Species, or simply illustrate the possibilities of a species under exceptional
ali groups and individuales that rotatu their individuultly at thopresent time ; and to tamper With this idea, by introducing comparatively i solated researches on development under exceptionalconditions, Would de at the main aim Os the systematist.
distinguishod Britisti hopaticologisis that have been Workingcontinuou Sty for the past tWenty-five years or more, to sind that itis just over Sixty years since the Britisti Hepaticae vero last dealtvith in detail, and even then mere included in a generat Flora Hooker's English Flora, Vol. v., 1833. It is truo that theauthor of the Work under consideration issued since the above dato a libretto containing bries descriptions, accompavied by Out-
the generat sinisti of the book good.
E. pallide viridis, fronde membranaceo-papyracea, hic illic irregulariter dilatata, densissime ramo8a, ramis linearibu8, patentibus, tortis, per totam longitudinem ramulos longiores vel breviores, Simplices vel ramulosos, patenteS, curvatOS, aculeat0S, emittentibuS. Fronde diplostromatica, aetate Separante, cellulis polyhedris, rectangularibus vel quadratis, Sine ordine positis, endochromate Subconforme majorem partem cellulae occupante, instructiS. HAB. Mouth of the KoWiu River, S. Africa. Dr. H. Becher. Judging 1 rom the specimens received, the plant appears to formfl0ating masses lilio E. percur8a. The long Stender branches, covereti With curved spine-like branchleis, are almost inextricabie,
to molant a perfeci Specimen. For the Samo reaSon the base of
the plant has not been observed. In Some pieces the frondappears to be dilated into an ulvoid expansion, but in these portions the tWo layers of celis separate, as in Enteromorpha
A similar dilatation in E. ramellosa, Kntg., froin Kerguel en's Lanii, is figured in Nittg., Τab. Phyc., Vol. Vi., p. 41, L 3. In Some respecis the plant bears a superficiat resemblance toLetterstetitia insignis, but I have not observed any traue of the mode of devolopulent os branches characteristic of that plant, viz., hom laterat fissures in the main frond, and the celis are not, as in L. insignis, verticalty tWico as long as broad and denselypacked With endochrome, but are osten tWico as broad as long, With tho ondochromu not silling the culi. The cull-Walis os A. rhacodes appear to SKeil in fresti Water and give a gelatinous appea rance to the plant, Whicli, hoWever, di8appears in drying. rhis plant seems to boar the fame relation to E. clathrata that the
Colour dirty violet, vegetativo celis at sirst Solitary, round, or by the mutuat pressure of adjacent celis angular, When Seen Domabove, I 0-13 μ in greatest diameter, hemispherical, compreSSed orSubglobose. By repeated vertical und horigontal division of thoculis homispherical or subglobose families, 45 μ or more in diameter, are formed. By the sinat divisions minute Spores, 1-2 μin diameter, are formed. HAB. On the fronds os Rhizoclonium riparium.
p. 794.M. Rosenuinge has given this naine to those specimens Os R. membranaceum in Whicli the tetras pores are borne on Dee eXSerted stamenis, somelimes con Sisting oi iis many as 40 celis, 6-8 μ in diameter. The specimens of this Species mentioned as occurringat BerWicli Batters, List Mar. Alg., BerWicli, p. 101 are reserable to this variety, as are also the specimens hom Brighton in my copy of Holmes' Algae Britannicae Rariores exsiccatae, part vi. On the other harid, specimens gathered at Cumbrae are certainly
reserable to the typical forni, in Whicli the tetraSpores are borne onvery shori filamenis, usu atly consisting os Dom One to three celis, and consequently only just appearing through tho tis sues os ille Sertularia. The disserunce belW0011 specimens of the typicalform and those of the variety is so great that onu can at sirst sighthardly belleve they bolong to the Same Specie S.
Pluri locular sporangia collected into denso tuns, linear, 1-6 in
V. piloboloidea) antheridiis in apice ramulorum breviorum lateralium rectis apice truncato-rotundatis, sub-apice tubulo lato saecundationis praeditis, o parte basilari ramuli cellula inani discretis, Singulis vel saepius binis uno apicali, et altero laterali vel rarius, ut videtur binis apicalibus); oogoniis singulis, subses8ilibus, Superi0ri parti ramuli antheridium sustinente, rarius thallo insidentibus, obovatis vel oblique obovatis, apice corona tuborum minorum 3-6, secundationis ornatis ; oosporis globosis vel subglobosis Oogonium non plane complentibus, membrana Oospori naturi craSSa Subtilissime Scrobiculato-punctata. Diametr. thalli, 48-70 μ; lat.
a list of the species os scrofiphonia, occurring in the Exsiccatae of Areschoug, and of Wittroch and Nordstedi pp. 101-104) is given, in Whicli they are identis0d With the species noW described by 0llman, so sar as this is possibie. Hithorto the fructification os the species of Cladophora hasbeen very impersectly linoWn. In the genus Acrosiphonia, hoWover, the gr0Hping of the species is made to depend, in the first
place, on the character of the fertile celis, and in tho second ontho arrangement os them in the branches. Dr. eliman describes tWo Sub-genera. In the One, Melanar thrum, the ZOOSporeS are minute and very numerous, and so denselypaehed us to render the fertile celis opaque ; in the other, Isochrous, the goospores are larger and laXly disposed in the fertile celis, Whicli are c0nsequently not opaque. The 5rst Sub-genus is divided
into three sections. The first, Speirogonicos, has the fertile culis Scattered, one, tW0, or three together; the Seconii, gonisgonicoe, has the fertile celis in series of 10-30 or more, intercalated in thebranches; and tho third, Aerogonioco, has the fertile celis forming at0rminal suries in tho branches. Other characters Whieli aro employed to distinguisti tho speciesare the presence of hooked branchleis, or os others of a Shori, Spinycharacter, the presenco os a distinet basal stratum, or of stoloniserous branches, the diameter of the branches, and the more or tesscompaci character of the lusis. Reseroneus to dried specimens in publisliud exsiccatae, or topublishod illustrations in the prosunt Work or in those of previous authors, i S given in every case, excepi in that of A. hemispherica,
Tho differunt species aro Mund in fructification at definito periods in the year botW0en April and September. Thero can bo litile doubi that most is not ali tho species Will bo
phorae on a scienti fie basis, and in potnting out a mithod os classi- sication which may bo utili ged in reari anging the species of this much-neglected genus. E. M. H. Supplementary Notes on the uarine Algoe of the Or ney Itilands.
Algologisis, a S many neW Species and forms lihely to occur on thocoast of Britain are d0scribed in it. The northeria 80as are ricli in species os Lithothamnia and Lithophylla, and thserofore one is nos sui prised to sinii tWo n0W species of the formor genus describsed in H0rr Rosenuingo's paper. The si si os these species, L. sabellatum consists of a bright rose- coloured expansion, closely adherent to iis substratum, froin the sui face of Whicli flabellatsely-branched, compressed, Or cylindrical branches arisu. The conceptacles aro stighilyrat sed, and the Spores tWo parted. The other Species, L. tenue,