장음표시 사용
Hysterium velatum, Berk. in Herb. This species has not been publishod besore, I belleve.
On leaves of Quadria heterophylla. Chili.
Sandy desert. Neminera, Victoria F. Reader . Resembling x pedunculata in habit, but vitii very disserent
Omphalia Martensii, P. Henn., is a Sinail phosphorescent agarichom Borneo, and is in ali probability the species alluded to by Dr. CollingWood in Journ. Linn. Soc., VOl. S., p. 469. The Saprotegniaeece of the United States, with Notes oh other Species. J. E. Humphrey; read besere Amer. Phil. Soc.,
Dr. Humphrey's excellent Work is not only os immenso value to American students of the Saprotegniaceae, but also to those ofother countries. The introductory portion, dealing With morphology, etc., embodies the re Searches os previous Workers in this group caros ulty individualiZed-along With his oWn res earches, and indicates What appe ars to bo the true interpretation os the som0what contradictory statem enis made by disserent observers. In the systematic porti0n the generio and Specific characters areample and clear ; severat neW Species and varieties are described. The plates are excellent.
Thaxter, Proc. Amer. Acad. 1893, p. 156. In the present contribution to a very interesting group of fungi, tho author has added eight neW genera and fisty-tWo neW Species, and tho generat nature of the Work is such that, Whatever modifications surther research may necessitate, there Will bo no dissiculty in being perfectly certain as to the identity of tho organism thoauthor had in vioW. In tWo of the neW genera described the sexesare separated, and Occur upon distinct individuals. An illustrat0dmonograph of the entire group, Whicli the author intimates is nos in preparation, Will be aWaited With interest. Fragmenta Mycologica X.L., P. A. KarSten, HedW. 1893, p. 59. Severat neW species are described, and, unsortunately for science, sorvis previousty described as varieties are noW raised to the raula
On Piso New or Imperfectly Known Myaeo cete8, W. C. Sturgis, Bot. Gag., 1893, p. 286 1 pl.).- matricha coeVitosa, Π. Sp., characterised by the densely caespitose habit, more or less permanent sporangial Wall, and large asperate spores, 9 6 Μ 12 8 μ. Tho second species is What the author considers to be Physarum sulphureum, Alb. and SchW. Τhis may be, but Physarum chrysolis-chum, B. and C., is certainly not the fame, dissering in the long, thininternodes of the capillitium, and the much smaller, pale illac
Museologia Galbica, T. Husnot. The eleventh part of this important Work is to haud, and deals With the solioWing genera: Homalothecium. Camptothecium, Ptychodium, Brachythecium,Scleropodium, Hy000mium. Eurhynchium, Thamnium. The specificcharacters are suli and very clear, and the microscopio dotalis in addition to the generat habit of the plant, natural Sige, are givenon ten Keil-eXecuted plates. Hundbook of British Nepatiem.-Under tho above titio a smalivolume is noW in the Press, by Dr. M. C. Cooke, Which is intendod for the use of Students and those Who destre to commence thostudy of these planis. It Will contain about 200 Woodcuis, and seven onuine plates, With descriptions os ali knoWn British genera and species, accompanted by figures. The price Will bo about siveshillings, and it is expected to be ready in October. The publishersare Messrs. W. H. Allen and Co. Limited , Waterloo Place,
carpio conceptacles of that species. L. roseum is moreover a much largor and thicher species, the fronds osten attaining a diameter of severat Dei and a thichness of hom 3-1 min. ; it also groWsbetWeen fide-mariis, While L. colliculosum appears to be a deop-Water Species. Specimens of L. roseum have been distributod intho fixili part of Mr. Holmes's excellent Algae Britannicae Rariores Exsiccatae, ' an account of Whicli Will be Dund belοW.
Coli division tahing place in ali directions ; celis yelloWisti orreddish-brown, from 5-20 μ in diameter, spherical or irregular in Shape, With a thin investing membrane, solitary or united in
thichness and lamelloso. Trichomata olive-green, not constricted
Very clos ely related to Stilophora rhizodes, J. Ag., but coaxSerin habit and dariter in colour, and thu bases of the branches thicher. The fori aru so closely placed that they touch oneanother, thus couering the wholo suri acu os the thallus, very liti leis any of the unaltereti cortical layor of the thallus boing visibio insertile specimens. The central filaments of the Sori are longer
Algos Britannicos Rariores Eaesiccatae. Curante E. M. HOlmes. Fasciculus Iv. , Nos. 126-1b0.
The contents of the fixili part of this excellent collection os exsiccata is, as the just confidonee me place in Mr. Holmes' judgment and shili in tho task os solection would have led iis toeXpeci, os exceptional interest to ali thoso intorestsed in the studyos our marine flora. We noto With pleasuro that Mr. Holmes has introduced severat improvomenta into tho present pari; sor instance, the labels Whicli accompany the specimens have each printed Onthem either at the top or sido Holmos' Alg. Brit. rar. ΕXSicc., thus enabling those Who distributo the specimens in large Herbariato at once deieci the so urce Whenco they Were derived. The Melobesitis and other lumpy specimens have also been placed in shalloW boxes, Which is a most decided advantage, as it prevenis
these britile planis hom being injured by the pressure of the
specimens overtying them. With regard to the specimens them selves, No. 126 is certainly the Ascocyclus orbicularis os Magnus, Hauch, and Reinho; but Whether or not it is the Myrionema orbiculare of J. Agardi, I am unable to say. His description Species Algarum,' p. 48) does not agro e very Weli With our plant. The sentenco Ex strato hoc basali sudunt sparsissimasta clavata, intermixtis hyalinis consorvoideis elongatis V is hardlyapplicabie to the s. orbicularis os Magnus or Hauch. I amequatly uncertain Whether tho Myrtonema orbiculare of the Brothera Croia an and Fronch authors generalty is reserable to the AScocyclus orbicularis of Magnus. Reinho Algensiora der
pturilocular sporangia os Ascocyclus orbicularis are SesSile. I pre- Sume, there re, that he considors the M. orbiculare of the Crouansas identical With A. orbicularis os Magnus. Neither J. Agardii nor the Crouans malle any mention of the uniuellular, thich-Walled, hyaline utricies Whicli are so conspicuous a feature in A. orbicularis,giving to the di ted specimens a hoary appearance Whicli alonerendera them visibi e to the nakod ey0. A reserende to the Crouans' plate shows that their plant much more nearly resembleS A.