
발행: 1872년

분량: 144페이지


분류: 미분류


mens of Physarum leucopu8.

on examination determined the plant to be Puccinia Bistortoe, Str. P. Bistorta, D. C.). With a VieW to mahing observations on thelise-history of the sungus, 1 establislied in my garden a number of healthy planis os Polygonum Bistorta, and by a series of caresul experimental cultures have convinced myself that this species affords a som0What remari able illustration of metoecism, Whicli hasbeen fully borne out by numerous observations made in th0 50ld. My sirst experiment Was ou April 25th of the present year, onWhicli date the teleutosporos Wero in a state of germination; thesevere applied, together With promycelial spores, to the leaves os Polygonum Bistorta, and covered Mith a bell-gla8s for severat days. This 1 repeated on May 9th, using additional planis, but in notthorcase Was there the Stightest result. On May 6th tho bolanislsabove mentioned, during a rambio in the Hebden Valley, met Withan AEdidium infesting tho leaves and stems of Conopodium denudatum, and they particularly noticed that the fungus Onlyoccurred on planis that greW among Or ne ar to Polygonum Bistorta.



In every case the uredoSporeS Were Succeeded by teleutospores, Whicli invariably appeared in the fame spol as the uredospores eightor ton days astor the lalter Were mature. A similar series of cultureS Were conducted, commencing With



hetero elous Species, and iis mode os developulent is similar to that of the well-knoWn Puccinia graminis. In Some respecis the aecidiospores bear a resemblanco to

cidium Bunii, D. C., but at present I cannot convince myself thatthey are identicat.




not over helmed With modern theories propounded tu What hevould term fantastic language, but introduced ut once to Somesuch subjeci us the Scγthian Lamb,V Whose very mr SterJ prove Sso fascinating that the reader is introduced to the true explanationof the matter, and has assimilated certain facts Without realigingthat he is studying the rudiments of Natural History. This is the principio foliori ed in the present volume, and eXpressed as sollOWSin the preface :- It is not So much to the resulis of neW Or recent investigations that I have destred to give predominant interest asto the generat influence Whicli increased knowledge of the structureand history of these minute and obscure planis has had upon the


romantic boli ess and ian substantiat theorios os a less enlightenedage.' It is also soli that somo Wili como as revelatioris of the Master's Worti in the most minute of His creations.' The Work, as iis titie suggosis, deals With Cryptogams only, and in additionto the romantic fide there is a considerable amount of Up-to-date information relating to structure anil mode os lila, Whicli Will proveos service to thosu Who Wish to know something abolit thu lower

p. 356, I pl.

Provious to the appes rance of the present Work, the presen ceos silica had Only been recorded in one species of Selaginella. We noW learn that silica is present in siXt0en species. In S. Marten8ii, Spr. , Var. c0mpacta, A. Br., Which Was examin ed indetail, as illustrating the usual mode of minoraligation, the silica occurs in the form os irregular, colourless plates on the cortical Wali of the lacuna of tho stem; it is also present both in the Walis of the innermost cortical celis and on thu sWollen c0lis of the com- pound trabeculae. From a caresul analysis it is concludod thatoxido os silica is tali0n up by the plant as a solubiu silicate os magnesia or os lime, or possibiy as a doubie silicate of these bases.

res embles in every Other respect. The layers are cartilaginous,

Warty, and of a bro unish or FelloWish-blaeli colour, and very britile. The colis are from 3-6 μ in diameter. The cell-Walis thich and occasionalty lamellated.


prostratu layers of no very great Size.

Trichomata olive or bright green, not constricted at the joinis, not


Phormidium minutum, Gom. ; OScillatoria uncinata, Ag., et Oscillatoria limosa, Ag. Pen Zance, in running Water ne ar Hey

Monographie des oscillariaes Nost0cacees homoeystees . Par M. Maurice Gomoni. The completion os M. Gomoni's invaluabio Monograph of tho Oscillariacem marks an epoch in the history os this interesting, but neglected, group os algor. FeW and ill-defined as are thocharacters Whicli can be utilised sor classibing the other groups of the Nostochacem, they are more and bellor marhed than those Whielican bo used in grouping the Oscillariace in. In this group notther hali , heterocystS, nor chromatophores are to be solanii, and thepres enco os nuclei has never been clearly demonstrated. M. Gomoni has consequently talien the nature of the sileati, an organ hitherio very imperfectly underStood-and the comparativo number of the trichomata enclosed in ii as the basis of his classification. Ho dividos tho Homoeyste te into tWo great tribes, the Vaginariem, in Which. With the single eXception of Porphyr08iphon, tWo ormore trichomata are contained in a common Sheath, Whicli is, inmost species, tinged Mith a broWnish, red, or blue colour, and the Lyng em, in Whicli a single trichoma is contained in each sheath, Which is very seldom tinged With broWn, never With reii or blud. Ilio Vaginarem are then divided into tWo sections, in the first os Whieli soW loosely paelied trichomata are present in each sh0ath, whieli in most species iS coloured. This Section contains s urgenera Schizothriae With 27 Species, Porphyro8iphon One Species, Hydrocoleum 10 species, and DasDlina With a single species. Thesecond section contains genera in Which very numerous closely-


pached trichomata are present in each sheath, Whicli is alWaysclearly desinod and hyaline, ne ver lamelloso. This section containsbut tWO genera, Sirocoleum With tWo speetes, and Microcoleus With

hyaline, mucous, more or less dissiliunt, absunt, or not dote ted in many pieces. Apices of the trichomata not infrequently curved. The Lyng oideon contains three genera, Pleetouema With eight Species, Symploca eleven species, and Lyny a tWenty-One SpecieS. The Oscillarioidem contains fivo genera, Phormidium With tWenty-Πine Species, Trichodesinium three Species, Borata one Species, Oscillatoria thii ty-eight specios, and Arthrospira three SpecieS. The second section of the Lyng eo , containing those genera in Whicli tho trichomata aro unicellular, consists of a Single Subtribe, Spirulinoidem With a single genus, Spirulina, Whicli containS nine


served in tho Bolanicat Musoum os the Univ0rsity os Christiania, made by the late Prosessors F. C. Schiibetur and M. N. Blyti, Supplemented by an examination os Amalter collections made byPros. Williu and MM. Gran and Hansleon, tho author'S OWn richHerbarium and a smali collection belonging to the Museum os Bergen having also furnished materiai sor study. Tho first species dealt With is C. tenuissimum, Lyngb., of Whichthe author mentions three formS, i. e. , f. arachnoidea, J. Ag.,

s. typica, and f. divaricata, Fostio, th0 last of Whieli M. Fostio considers identical With C. divaricatum, Crii. W0 thinti it is stillopen to dolabi Whethor the plant mention0d by M. Fosite is reatly the samo as that described by tho Crouans, more eSpecialty as in the Florulo du Finistero V C. divaricatum is placuit in the section

placed by the Crouans in tho fame section, but their figure tab. I 2, fg. 87 bis.) Would lead us to supposo that thoir C. divaricatum

UaS a very much Smaller plant than C. tenuissimum, With adisserent ramification. Both Major Reinbold and Mr. Holmes understand Crouan's plant dissurontly hom M. Fosite. The C. divaricatum of Holmes is soldom an inch high, and comes nearer C. diaphanum or C. strictum than C. tenuissimum. Untii thetype specimen described by the brothers Crouan has been examinedit is impossibi0 to say Whether C. divaricatum, Cria. , is a distinctSpecieS, or Only a form of Some other. Os C. diaphanum, Roth. , tho author admits Dur forius, s stricta C. Strictum, J. Ag. f. typica C. diaphanum, J. Ag. ; f. patenti88ima, and f. Capri- Cornu C. Capria Cornu, FartoW. With regarii to the si si ofthese We cannot agre0 With the author that it is destrabio to unito

C. 8trictum With C. diaphanum. In most case S the tWo species areeasily distinguishable by thoir disserent ramification, and tria ly

opinion as to Whethor it is distinet or otherWiSe. F. paleutissima isa neW form characterised by iis patent ramuli, o therWise it

resembles C. 8trictum. Five neW forms of C. circinatum, Kntg, are mentioned.