장음표시 사용
e. de considere comme ian P. Kleinii voisin de colui quo j 'aiduci it procedemmunt solas la d sinomination de Variete minor, te Pilobolus signat 3 solas te nom de Pilobolus minutus par Spegaggini Fungi Argentini, Ann. de la soci0d ad cientis. Argent. entrega iv., torno i X., p. 176 . Volci du reste Son signato ment: Hautour dii champignon 2 a 5 m.m ., Sp0range petit,
SYN.-Pilobolus crystallinus, Colin, 1851, Nova acta Le0p., t. XV., tab. I i. et Lit. Pilobolus indipus, Coemans, 186l, Mem. Savanis siti angerS, Acad. BruXelles, t. XXX., p. 59. Van Tleghem, 1875, Ann. S. Nat., 6' Ser. , t. I, p. 43. Pilobolus reticulatus, Van Tiectum, 1876, Ania. Sci. Nat., 6'Ser. , t. iv., p. 336.
Contrairement aux Pilobolus precedeminent deeriis ; cette esplice est trapue, petite, liaute do 1 a 2 in .m. , rarument ello attei ut 5 m. m. , malgre Sa petite tallte, Ses aut res dimensions soni solavent beaucoup plus con8iderabies quo cellus des memes parties, clieZles aiatreS espedes. Volciles mensurations les plus frequentes :
D'apres Mr. Vari Tleghem, les spores de ce cryptogame germentavec uno trsis grande facilite ; toute is, malgre les nombreuxe88ais que j 'ai satis, aveo totales sortes de liquides decoctions docrottitis, de pruneaux, de potirons, mout de biere, etc.) a disserentes ep0ques, et en prenant des Pilobolus indipus disserenis, je ne suis jamais parvenu a constater la m0iud re trace de germination.
Mycogone ancipitem Alr. Coemstus a deerit aut relais des corps quid'apres MM. Buriesis et de Toni ne soni aut re chOSe que des chlamydospores d' indipus. Mr. Fischer dit que Pon observe par is uri reseanu blanc sur le
Ce petit cham pignon est tres proelie parent dia P. indisus, it ena te pori trapia, est forme, illiin illament fructifero isole, dresse
Co Pilobolus est tres different des autres; il est constitue par dessiamsints fructiferes groupes, par 2 a 5 Sur uti retissement unique, mais divise en aulant de cellules qu'il y a de tubes ; ce reiislement est preSque incolore, tres legerement jaunatre, ens Once dans te Sub
et presque Spherique. Le Sporange est globuleuX, petit, jaune, tam embratie lucru8tee de petites polutus d 'OX alate de chaux. La
columelle est aptatie ; les Spores Soni Spheriques, treS petites, incolores, lisses, de 3 α 5 a 4 μ de diametre. Mr. Van Tleghem a deerit solis te nom de clilamydospores de petites Spheres jaunii tres, pedicellees, ayant de 15 a 20 μ de
Pilobolus minutus, Spegaggini, Fungi argentini, pugillus primuSin Atin. do la sociud ad cientis. argent entrega iv., tomo i X. Ce champignon est certainement dii P. Meinii, probablementia variete que jai deerito solis te nom de Pil. Meinii, var. minor. Pilobolus argentinus, Spegaggini, Fungi argentini, pugillus primus in Ann. de la societi. cientis. argent. elatrega iv., tomo iX. Cette eSpede est a rapprocher du P. indipus. Pilobolus roseus, Spegaggini, Fungi argentini stoc. cit.). C'estencore une lais une varietsi du P. Lleinii, te sphaerospora probable
interest to us as una bling iis to contrast our oWn Fungus Flora Withthat os continentat countrius in the cl08e Si proximity. The presentvolume is quitu an imposing book of 638 imperiat octavo pages, Willi excellent typography, but With0ut any illustrations. It
The inferetice, theres ore, is that Britain has more than doubio thonumber os Hymenomycetes that are 1 unii in the Notheriantis,nearly double those of Belgium, and , assuming that the list is a complete one, a litile in excess of tho se inhabiting France. W oliave no fuit record of tho Gastromycetes of France, but those of Britain are more thau double the num bur Dund ei thur in tho Netheriands or in Belgium. The Hypodermeae are alSo in exceSS.It is equalty interesting to c0mpare also the Agaricini in these
is no attempt at giving them sor the HymenomyceteS. M. C. C. On Nuclear Division in the Hymenomycetes. By Harold Wager, Ann. BOt., Vol. Vii., p. 489. Untit quite recently the presenco os indisputable nuclei in the Basidiomycetes has not been demonstrate i. In the present paper theauthor has not only detected these structuros in the basidia of
Spore at iis apex, although the actuat enti ance of the nuclei into the Spores Was not observed. Some interesting and novel ideas a re discussed respecting the bellaviour os the nuclei to Nards redand blue stains, a subject Whicli is just noW attracting considerable attention. We trusi tho author Will continue his investigationson thiS Subjeci, and , in duo course, give us the result of his inveStigations os the transversely septate basidia met With in th0 genera Pilacre, etc., constituting Brefeld's Protobasidiomycetes.
Three beautilalty executed plates illustrate ali the p0inis indicated
tinet pellicle, gaping along the lino of the gilis, ovate, thin,
Journ. Cincinn. Soc. Nat. Hist. , January and April, 1893. The primary object of the present contribution is the enum0ration of the species indigenous to a specific region ; nevertheless, species outSide Such area are incorporated, and With the charac turistic figures giveta, the Work, When complete, Will be a valvabio synopsis of the Myxogastres of the United Statos. The generioand specific charactera are ample and clear.
diseases, the geritis os Whicli are introduced along With the spaWn asat present produc ed.
especialty thorono having the cap entirely White, is most osteemedin tho marhet. By the method described it is alone possibio toperpetuate any variety in a pure State.
tion os spaWn is intermitt0nt; by the culture process spaWn can beproduced throughout the year, an evident advantage. The authors hope to apply tho fame method os cultivation toother odibio spocles of fungi, as the Moret, BoletuS, etc. Di siue specie interessanti di fungi della Flora Micologica italiana. Ab. G. Bresadola, Atti deli' T. R. Acad. degli Agiati in Rovereto, 1893. In the present paper tWo species of sungi are describod and accompanted by good coloured fgures. The sirst is Myrophorus Marruolus Fr. J, Bres ., the old Agaricu8 Marruolus, Fries, Syst. Myc., i., p. 84, and Hym. Eur., p. 93. The second species is as
information communicated to American sevit growers
For this disoaso, oither modi sed eau celeste Or ammoniacalcopper carbonate, preferably the sormer, may be used . At least
either Bordeaux mixturo or the ammoniacat solution. In the
This question is in large part ansWered by the facts atreadygiven. No Work that did not carry merit With it could have sueha phenomenal grOWth. TO give a more direct ansWer, hoWever, it may bo stated that last seas0n tWo hundred and fisty grape gro versin disserent paris of the country made a series of observations Witha vieW of obtaining sonae desinite insormation as to the value in