장음표시 사용
AG uΕΕΑBL to the wishes of the Committe os management of this Institution, I have to explain to ou the method ofusing tho Instrument hi ho have de vised so the provention os de ath in cases Os suspende animation. di no intend o trouble o with a sorma lecture, pon his sub ject couldo have taxed ni memor with at things hicho thought needi ut to communicat an a soni valvabie facts have lately been made public upon the subjec os respiration an circulation, I thought that somethin in a more connecte sortii might prove service able to iis all. Frona his, Pirust the mos learne d and experien e amongstis manderive soni profit, and tho se ho have latet commenoed thei studies may beprompted o prosecut these inquiries. In the ourse os a long experiene I have o frequently Observed that the apparatus recommended by the Ioya Humane Societ salis shortos ha I expecte ito persorni lieno commeneo in professionalpractice. An die in sensibi that soni ethin more essicient might an ought tot attempted I have contributed my mite o natoli, fello creatures froni impendin death. I o nable ou to understan more olearly, ando appreciate more truly the important resulis to e expecte froni the process,hicli 1 have no the honour O recommendu your aliention 1 shali malle a se prefatory
First the circulation of the blood. In the proces os circulation the lood is conveyod rom the est ventricle of the bear by the aorta, O great artery, and iis branches, tolli minutes an most remote paris of the bod and there passing romthe extremities of the malles arteries in to the incipient vetiis, circulates through them into thei large branchec asterward into th right auricle and in succession to the right ventricie. It is, With tho resti supplies thati receives froni the chyle passin into the subclavi an ein force thenoe in to the pulmonar artery, and aster circulatinithrough the lungs in iis passage, i returned by the pulmonar vel into the lest auricle, and thenoeinto the les ventricle os theaeart. he fame round recurs, and this is what is called the circulation os the blood. We nexi turn our attention to the lungs. he lungs are Wo spongyan vaseula organs, os considerable sige, siluate in the latera paris of the Chest. hei parenchyma or substanc is divide an subdivide into large and mali obes the number, form, an dimensions of hicli aredissiculi orae explained. An attentive examination os ne of the pulmonar iobe shews thatit is forme os a stron texture, the areolae, or smal cavities of Whicli are S minute, that a stron convectens is requisite o discern them distinctiy.Τhese areola communicate With ach ther, an are enuelope by thin coat os cellula tissue, hicli separates them rom the obes that re
5nex to them. Into ach smali obe, ne os the division os the ronchia and ne rom the pulmonary artery, are insertem; the lalter appears to e transforme into an infinite number os radicles belonginito the pulmonaryvetiis A par of the eighth patris nerves an filuments of the sympathetic,
the pulmonar artery, asses immediately in to the pulmonary veini; ut, at the sanie time, par of the injection penetrates the bronChia, and ScapeS by the trachen. Again, ii an injection e thrown into a pulmonar velit, it paSSes parti into the artery, and parti into the bronchia. I the injection bethrown in by the trachea, it is soon seen penetrating the pulmonar arteryandieins, and even in to the bronchial arter an vein. Prequest that these facts may b held in remembrance, sor it ili hortly be seen O important the are, hen, comerio conside the proces os respiration ondupon hicli, am os opinion, I shalliave somethingis importancesto mako
Τhe lungs in a great meas ure fili the cavit of the chest, und whichthe enlarge and contract. Ever time the chest expands, the lungs are distended by the atmospheri uir, inhale or inspire and a the air is expelle or expired, the lungs are contracted in buth. I h atmosphere is a thin, transparent, invisibio, an elastic fluid, whicli surround the arth nisi fides, to the eight os, at east, orty
Τh atmospherio at is a ponderous body, as may be explaine by the actionis a common pump. In his process, the pressure os the atmo Sphere causes the watera ascen to the height os hirty-three seet in the
6pum pipe, and consequently a colum about this height is sufficient toequipois the atmosphere. Τhe composition of the atmosphere is extremel uniform in ali paris of the worid, and at ali height above the sursace an consist Of
Besides the above essentiat component paris, the atmospheri uir contains per centis carbonio acidias, and a portionis aqueou VapOUr. Oxygen ascis a litile heavior than atmosphericlair it is essentia tolli suppor os combustion, as ei as of animal lis . he properties ofagote, in the processis respiration, are purei negatiVe. For obviolas reasonii is very difficultri ascertain the exact quantityos air taken into the lungs at ach natural inspiration, as et a the numberos respirations made in a iven time. A nearly asci an estimate rom theeXperiment Osithers, as elicis 3 Wn, e manconside 20 cubi inchesas the genera proportion and the number os respirations at O in aminutes and pon this estimation the optaron Orks A fuit grown person requires 24, OOxcubio inches of atmospheric uir in an hour, or 576, 000 cubi inches in the ourse os 24 ours, a quantit equato about 40hogsheadS. am os opinio that the volume of at expired, is exacti equat tolliat inspired, and also that the ni chemical hange hicli is evident, is the saturationis a portion os ibo oxygen inhaled with tho carbon os theliings It is extremely probable that the conversion of Oxygen into carbonicacidias in the lungs, differs materiali at different times, and unde different circumstances the fame time, must hol in remembrance, that aboutone seventi os the content of the lungs is discliarged by an ordinar expiration and it is inferred that in respiration, hether naturabor effected
Thy artificia means the ai comes into immediate contact with the air- celis the momen it is inhaledis sent in Whils a portion hicli has been converted into carbonic acid gas in the lungs, is, at the nexi expiration, Xhaled, at the fame time the agote undergoes no change a to quantityis quality. For, in m opinion, the agote is merely negative in the proces of respiration, eing the vehicle or medium by whicli the oxygen in a divided state, comes more readily into contaCt illi the ir- celis of the lungs, an is, Consequently more readily convertibi into carboni ac id gas an soratmospheri ai only the lungs are fitted Atmospheri air, ster eingonee, only, admitted O the lungs, return charged withra per cent os carboni aci gas. During the proces of respiration here is a constant exhalation os ater ro the lungs in the fori of vapour. his vapour, when condensed is estimate at 19 ounces per diem. Thos person whoplay upon,in instrumentsin this vapourno increas in proportion to thelengili os time in bicli thenare so occupiem: and frequently the quantityos apoli condense within,ind instruments is astonishingly great. In m opinion tho carbon os the bl ood is iven ut stoin the lungs suspende in his vapour, and in his state it comes into contact with thoinhale Oxygen of the atmosphericlair, an is converte into carboni acidgas in the air- celis of the lungs by reasonis it superior affinit sor Xygen From the recent experiment of ajendie, a re compelled to admittha this vapour prooeed frona the bipod of the pulmonar artern and