Oratio in theatro Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis ex Harveii Instituto, habita die Octob. XVIII, an. MDCCC [electronic resource]

발행: 1822년

분량: 140페이지

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분류: 미분류


into carboni acidias. his cannot be the case. From,ha I have statedabove, an from recent and wel conducted eXperimentS, we are compelledio conclude that the carbonicisci in the blood esset has it origin sololyfro the ood ahen into the stomach besides the quantity Whicli, findi these esset is Wondersuli uniforna, ceteri paribus, increases greatly after meais, and bear no proportion to the large quantit of this gas, whichis ver momen give out rom the lungs in the proces os respiration. From respiratio originates animal heat; sor it is ollanown that the rapid conversion os oxygen an carbo into carboni ac id gas, is always attende by an extricationi heat in the livinianimal, when in a healthystate; and this animal heat, at iis fource, is prevente from einthuris ut, b reason of the halitus o vapou whicli alWay accompanies the processos respiration. For it is,eli nown that the more frequently we respire, the more rapidiswe shali generate animal heat whilst the vapou keeps pace in quantity with the increased rapidit os respiration.

Τhe Ollowing corollaries deserve ou serious attention an are, nodoubi persecti correet. alio temperatur os man increases in passing rom a coid, or eventemperate, into a Warm climate.

Τhe temperatur os inhabitant of warm climates, is permanentlyhigher than hos of mil ones. Τhe temperatur os disserent races os mankind, caeteris paribus, is much alike.Τhe temperatur os bird is the highes of ali animais mammalia nexi amphibia, fishes, c. nexi and lowest os ali, the mollusca &c.


Τhere appear tot a decide connectio belween the quantit os Oxygen consumed by an animal, and the animal heat, a far as has ye beenascertaine by-Xperiment and Observation. Is animal hea be winit nervous energy, hy, it ma b asked, are bird so much holter than mammalia, and whyris the temperatur ofmost quadruped higher tha that os mant Orci iti owinito digestionan secretion, and animal action, hycis the temperatur os amphibi and fishes s low, whos poWers, in respectri thos functions are o considerabies orcis it e connected with muscula energy, hylare the animais, Whose muscula poWer are so remarkable equalty note so the lownes of their temperaturet Or, astly, i animal hea depended, at all, upon peculiarities os structure or os organigation, hy, it a b asked is no the temperatur of the amphibi elevated like that os birds the structure of the respiratory, digestive, an secretin organs of the ne classieiniso much alike to thos os hs other. VI has hoen statod that the whole os tho venous Jood is propelled through the esset of the lungs, here it is subjecte to the actionis theair, and whenc it return to the lest fide os the hear by the pulmonaryvein havin undergone a considerable change in iis appearance, it dingycolour ein changed into a fine florid rex an in his sinishing processthe chyle has also ecome bl ood. his change os colour is evidenti owingto the action of the a tr. he manne in hicli that is affected Phave justinentioned vig. by partiniwith it carbon and Pina add that throughthe thin coat os the circulatinivesset ori the air-celis, this en is also attaine to a certain degre for here the oxygen os the atmosphere removes the carbo froni the venous blood in a mos wonderi ut manner, a may beseen when paris of the lungs of dea animal are submitted to the action ofoXygen or even Os atmospherio uir. he ni chemica dissereno then, whicli cani detecte betwee venous and arteria biood, o bloo whichliasio had the advantage os purification, by the proces os respiration, and


that whichias been solactedipon is that the venous bloo Willae Mundiora charged with carbon, an is of a ding colour, hiis the arteriat, orpurifled blood is more free Dom carbon, is of a bright re colour, and is nowfitte so the renovation os paris for the formationis secretions and sortii sustenanc os lise, nil actionis the cerebra system for though theheari does no directi resus to circulate venous blood, paralysimand torporensue When lood, hici has not ad the advantage of aeration in thel ungs passes into the esset of the brain. Respiration is theres ore the linhuniting the phenomen os organi an animal lise. An blood, hicli has passe in a vitabie manne through the lungs, is hereb fitted for theimportant processes of sormation re production, an secretion, and with it carries the animal heatrio the Whol body.Μan Cases are pon recor of spontaneous resuscitation,ithout the smallest aid liminibein afforded. his faci, and the record of the Boyalmumane Societ lovdly calido ou exertions by very means iniur

Τho bellows manufacture so the service of themumane Society, are notis sufficient steterio inflate the lungs nor is it necessar to employdoubie bellows sor his purpose, o the air,ill scape ro the lungs in afuit te manner,ithout heing withdrawn by the bellows besides the sor- cibi exhaustio of the lungs by bellows, or ther apparatus, ould bellabie to occasio pulmoni hemorrhage and also, a great strength and steadines in lowiniare requisite, it cannot be expected that an thing


Ilapproximatinito natural respiration can be esse te by bellows, a Phavoto frequently experience in the course of the last hirt years. In using the bellows, a portion Os air ill o metimes finii it way into tho stomachthrough the oesophagus, and we wellano io huris ut such inflation of thostomach would e, rom heiainsul and stokening effectis atmospherio uirwhen Wallowey besides, when the stomach is diston ded illi uir of any description the des en os the diaphragm is prevented, and ConSequently, a perfect inspiration cannot be accomptished. Should an attempti madoto inflate the lungs by akin an apertur in the trache o wind pipe, thebleedin froin the wound might fin iis a into the lungs, and occasion

Phagus, hici, ill prevent tho atmosphorio air, rom the flexibi iube of the Opuron, passing into tho stomach. ne of tho nostriis icto bellu gged


with any convenient sos substanee sueti a tow, aX, o surgeon' lint, aniltho vor tol attached to the flexibi iube of the Zopuron, is tot passeclinio the other nostril. he irs operation of the Zopuror is to senil twentycubi inches os uir into the lungs in a gradual and genti inaniter, simila to natura inspiration. A the momen the ZOpuron raws into the workingcylinde a resti supply of air rom the atmosphere, a proportionat quantit of air issues froni the ouili, whichris effected by the elasticity of thoribs and of the lungs, and by the pressure of the abdomina muscies and viseera. In his manne twenty cubi inches os ai are sent into the lungstwent times per minute, and thus natural respiration is oloset imitated, and may be continued sor many oui . during whicli time the medicat attendant and Other person are ut liberi to emplo allisther sub ordinate

means in ende avourinito restore animation.

I his peration os the Zopuron may readi lyrae understoc, and imitate in the sol lowin maniter. Pres the finger pon the nos Sora to lose ne nostrii, and dra in a sui inspiration through the ther oster this is a complished press pon both nostriis an alto the atro es apefroin the lungs by the mouili, hiis the eeth are firmiy losed Ogether. I his may be continuo Without saligue o in Onvenience. I his is the only Instrument hichias hitherio been offere to thopublic that an effect a proces simila to natural respiration, and rom his the intelligent professiona mamma at oncessori an de of the very eXten sive application and value of this apparatus. Some ne facts po the subjecis os circulation and respiration have latet been presente to usi Dr Bari y who rea a memOi O themotion of the bl ood in the eins, bosor tho Academ3 of Sciences at Paris, a Shor time ago. messi eurs uvie and Dumerit ore appotnted by the


2 Sth os Augus last. he ollowiniis an extrac fro the aris Iournais, whicli besto high commendation upon Dr. Barry. In truth, r. Barr has Ahewn by means of Xperiments entirelyneW, ery ingenious, an perseetly conclusive: First that tho blood in the ein is neve move toward the heari, but during the actis inspiration and, Secondiy that ali ho facts known, illi respecto this motion in man, and the animais,hicli resemble him, a be explained by consideringi as the effect of atmospherical preSSUre. Dr Barry goes surther, o he attributes the dilatation of the heartiiseis to the effortis a vacuum, hicli akes place in the thoracat the momentos inspiration, and verifies his opinio by direct experimentS. Apply these ne discoveries to the operation of the Zopuron reflectiliat is illi common bellows decapitate animal have been kept alive forsOme liours, ha may e not anticipate from the operation os the Zopuron, in many Cases, suspended animationi Some person are impressed with asea that there may be a possibilityis theirieiniburte alives and weano that suci, cases, though X eedingly rare, have occurred, where to muchliaste had been made to perform the eremon of sepulture Thos dread-ful ideas may be obvia ted by suci, person directing that, after their apparent death, the Zopuron be employed to ascertain thei actua state. Τhe Zopuron is recommende in cases os apopleXy; Syncope, Orsaintin long continuod suffocation by drowning o suspensio by the cord sinotherini or froni the inhalationi at deprive os oxygen gas, Or
