장음표시 사용
TRE texi presented in the fouoming orations is substanti lythae fruayser, ex optimis libris manuscriptis, rus hhibito in the Jointa ors of Baiter an Myser in the auch- nitet edition of the morhs of Cicero. The superior excellenos of that textris assured by tho factostat thocleareed editor had the advantage of conatingi iErger Endisicher suppi os manu- seripis than any of their predecessor in therasime in otiabor. A resori to selecte reading therelare ecam undesir te, and onIF in three or laur places di in lections offalm seem
In tho preparation of the Notes, the method adopte in thoprecedin volumes of the series has been steadu pursued. Naturia F, hoWever, the assistano give is no of so elementarya character sis that in the Caesar. The student of Cioero is reasonably presumed cap lem appreciating nioer distinctions, Whether of construction or of sole. Referenoes are freelymade to the grammars mos in us in this ountra, an such translations os diffovit morda an passages, an explanationso peculiarities of syntax, are givencas the student has a rightto expeos. Biographioa an historica allusions are ElmaysexPIained Where necessara an in particulis the sub eo ofantiquities, annorumledge of Whio throm so much light uponthe ancient authors, has received is large hare os attention. Wit in assistano thus rendered, and a faithyia use of his grRmmar an lexico by the studunt, he anno taurio read
Minis a profit an clivolae pieasure the choloe productiomi of thorarat orator of the Roman morid. The fourteen oration here presented formis larger, and it icthopedericher selectio hom this portionis the work of Cicerothan is fore found in annother sohoo edition in this countra. This large number, it is helieved cannot ait to e regardeab instructor as a decidexadvantage, a the mill thereb hoenablexto vara the readin os successive classes. Seven orations mill answer the requisitorior admission into mos of ovae colleges. The Plis of the Forum an ita surroundings Wil prove is valvabie commentara on many passages in Cicero, and the Liaeos Consul during his life Will notinfrequently prove asserinnote on chronolον. o. s.
ARCUS TULLIUS CICERO, the greatest o RomEn orators,
Wis horn ear Arpinum, in Latium, o the third os danua , . . Io6 Arpinum his received the fuli Roman franchise in B. C. 88, so that the inhabitant en oyed the right ofelligens of the great Republic Rit his rotho Quintus homas early taken to Rome that he might receive tho beneficos an educationbhic it,sis impossiblerio procure in a provimoisil to- Among the distinguishedrieachers, Who, at various times, contribute to the development of his mind, and tho formation of his ast an style, mere the poet Archias Phaedrus and Zeno the Epicureans, Molo tho Rhodian Philo os Athens, Antiochus of Ascalon, Dioddius the Stoic, and Demetriustae Syrian Ile also en teredispo the stud of laeunder thevenerabie Q. Mucius Scaevdia, the augur, the mos learned EWyer of his Ay iis comprehensive minx thirsted forknowlerige of vera hind, ut philosophy an orato , Withthe Oreo language and literature, forme the chie ob eois, of his study At Rome oratory an arm mere almos theoni avenues to distinction, and a Cicero' appetite foranombedgebis insatiabie, an his destre for distinotio boundieas, he applied himselfrio his favoris studies mit unWontexetent. Η attended the speeches of the different orator sindileaders in the Forum and couris studio the gesture of the est actors, so an Roscius an spent a portion os ac duin the practice of reading, mriting, an declamation. Irommhat he says of himself in his connection, e ma gathersomo idea of his persona appearance Among the crowd horaistene to the orator in tho Forum, as the thunderedhom the Bostra, stood, tali, thin youth, it ouistretehed
ers, End learning hom them in ars horum to sWay by the -κrmo eloqueno the fierce democrsiccos Rome. Forulh' Limeo Cicero. At the age of tWenty-five, it his min discipline hae long course fit udy, and store Wit varie learning, he commence that brilliant career of oratora, hic Was at ono thocharm and the pride of his countvmen, and whicli, omnearly imo thousand bears, has furnishex almost unapproachisbio modet os eloquence Such Nas his scrupulous destre to correo tho lightest hiemishes in sole an delivery that eveniat in life When he had aequire Wide renoWhas an orator, he di no hesitate to receive, si the thir time, instructionlio Molo the eelebrate Rhodian rhetorician ruis severo labor an studies a longi affected his ealth, andae retiredio Athens, at thsit time M the universit os Rome, Urio see ita restoration, an to improve himself in his favoris purauita. Rero hebet his bosom-hien and lita-long correspondent, Titus Pomponius Atticus. me remainex abroad tW years, travelling through Asia Minor, mahing the acquaintance of the mos distinguis ted hex anoe illustrioum orator and rhetoricians of the East, an returne Wit his heali completet restored, and preparet to commeno that career of publio advanoement hic culminate in the consulfhip thohighes objectis a Roman's ambition. At the age of thirtyone hebas elected quaestor of Lilybaeum in Sicily at thirty-seven, aedile a fortae, praetor; an a foro-three, consul.Rhilo quaestor, he discharge his duties mit suo integrio an fidelit acto conciliat the good-Will sin attachment of tho Sicilians During a visit to Syracuse he had the good fortune to discover tho tombres Archimedes by the sphere and
cylinder sculpturexo the stone. On his return to Rome thocensor place his nam o tho olire senators. hilo aedito ele, he undertook, ut the solicitation of the Sicilians tho prosecution of the great crimina Verres and whil praetor, he mado his sirs appearano as a politica Speaher hom tho
Rostra in tho deliver of the oratio for the Manilian lam hic idoured for Pompenthe conduc of the war against Michriasitos During his onsulini oeeurre tho ineae com
spiracmo Catiline, the successsu suppression of hichsecure him the prouxtille o Palem satriae, an foris time thohighest exaltation it his countvmen. The Attalument of this igh ossice is is mos convincin proos of his great influenoe an popularit at the time For Cicero Was a nouem homo, an is deep-roote prejudice o the par of the hereditara aristocracy, ho his long monopolire ali ho ighofices of the state, everriought to exclude hom them an neis man, non of Whose ancestor had occupie a curule chair.
The summam punishment of Lentulus, Cethegus, and thersos the conspirators, Without trita, eventuali prove the ruino Cicero, an drove him into exile and the deepestiloom and despondency. is morta enem Clodius proposed a bili, that M Whoeve his putri deat is Roman citigen uncondemned indue formis triat, houldae interdicted homrare and water. This in issis ima directi a Cicero, foris consul Andrer sidin ossicer of the sensit he was hel responsibi for theiraeis Cicero anticipate the biorum an retire t Thessalonica in is mos miserable an melancholae state of mind. The greatneas of his tali completet erushed his spirit. is masno that firm an resolute spirit,hic endures sudden mis- fortuno With stoica fortitudo. is great solbie sis vanityan an immoderate estimate of the valuere his services. e as extravagisntlydon o praise, an a Darfulsis censure, an eould bear anythin botter than theriosa os popular applause. In is letterrio his Wita Terentia, he says: ' O los and
member of the college of augurs. In B. C. Whe mas appointexto the proconsular government of Ciliciis. At that time suci appotniment Were agerly ought a the means os securingi fortune or os repatringistroken one. ut Cicero accepted the appotniment ii reluctance, an his administration Wascharucterige by suo mildneas an equi ty that the graterulinhabitant Nould haverihown him unusua honors hadae permitte i t. IIis retur toruom found Caesar an Pompe preparin te enter, po the civi Nar Caesar mas anxious to secure his services an influence, ut after,ue vacillation hebisse his fortune it Pompeae Arier the stille o Phαrsali he returnedri Italae, nos mithout apprehension o Caesar Cresent-ment But Caesar' generous nature asil forgave im, and even treate him Wit kindness,n respecl. et Cicero could regar the conqueror in no other light than ama usurper and the destroyer of the liberi ies of Rome. e thererere applauded his assassination and Joine the part of the tyrannicides. For the fame renso heraenounce Anton an at-tΚokod him in his Philippica withransparin violence - nn actfor, hic he oon aid the fortat of his life During theso perilous times Cicero displayed, courage trul heroic. Neverdi his countryreian in s grest nee o his services Intellectuali ho toWere ab ove ali his contemporaries, sindae againbecam the popular idol. The image of the old republio fluod his min and animate him Nit si nobi patriotism. ut his labor an struggles Nere in vain. Combinations Nere in progress Whos development Nas fraught Nit ruin to himsol and his herished hopes O the formation of the secon Triumvirate Octavian, to gratis Antony, allowed the nam o Ciceroto bo lsioe o the lis of the proscribed. The oldiers of Antonybere goon in pursuit of him, an overtakin him near his Formian villa, severe his head hom his Ody. The handa mere ut off, and the murderer carrie them, Nit the ead, to Antony, Who cause them in mocker of the triumpha othis eloquence, to bo naile to tho Rostra Thus perished Cicero in the fixo-tauri year of his age. The ineat defeet in tho haracter of Cicero Ras abant or
sellirelianoe. oris justi charge mit exoessive vanit and an inordinate Iove, pratae. The applause of his countrymen possesse a cham for hi that nothin eis could bestorum. Bence When adversit overtook him, that divine philosophy, of hic he mas a fonta votara, fauexto Fieldaim the needed
But in his private character an domestic relations Ciceromas a beaut ita patier of virtve temperance, and puritS, in an age characteri red by muc irreligion vice, an immorali ty.Η Was a devote hvsband an affectionate ather anin and obligin friend. ' Thos great occasion he herias compelle to,ctis his own responsibility, and to listen to thedietates of his beautifulioul, amne aetane meia' Niebuhri, his pure honest, an incorruptibi hear are the bright oint in Cicero' character. Gentie sympathieting, and affectionale, helive asi patrio an med as a philosopher. ' Droume' Rom.
brace ulmos every depart ment of literature. is letterario Atticus an other are particulari valvable in unsolding many politicis complexities of his time. Ite is the representative of the est age of Latin prose, and contribute more than any othe writer' enrichin and perfectui the language, an inrendering it smooth, flexibIe, and harmonious.
I. QUOUSQUE tandem abuter' Catilina sntientia nostra Z Quam diu etiam fodiae se tuusio eludet quem ad finem sese effrenata aetabit audacia '
vigiliae, nihil timor populi nihil coni uisu vinorum omnium, nihil hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum ora vultusque moverunt ' Patere tua consilia non senti. Constrictam jam horum omnium scientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vide. Quid piloxima, quid superiοrejοcte egeris, Io ubi fueri*, quo convocaveriS, quid consilii ceperis, quem nostrum ignorare arbitraris O temporal more. Senatus haec intelligit, consul videt; hic tamen vivit. Vivit Immo vero etiam in senatum venit, fit publici consilii particeps, notat Ibet designat oculis ad caedem unum quemque Ostrum nos autem, fortes viri, satis facere rei publicae videmur, si istius furorem ac tela vitemus. Ad mortem te, Catilina, duci jussu consulis jampridem optiriebat, in te conferri pestem quam tu inridnos jam diu machinaris. An vero vir ampliSSimus, P. Scipio, pontifex maximus, Ti. Gracchum mediocriter labefactantem statum rei publicae privatus interfecit Catilinam orbem terrae caede atque incendiis vastare eupientem nos consules perferemus 3 2513
er o ni sibemus senatus consultum in te, Call- in vehemens et grave non deest rei publier
consilium neque auctoritas hu)u ordimS. OS, OS,
nox nulla intercessit interfectu est propter quasdam sed tionum suspiciones C Gar ecbu elari iii
Patre avo, majoribus occisus est cum liberis M.
Mario ei L. Valerio onsulibus est per m res Publicis uitum dimit postea L. Saturninum trita si tubis occ Rurvilium prritorem mor aerei Publicae poena remorata est 'in no viceAI-2o xiiii an diom patimur hebescere aciem horum auetoritatis habemus enim hujusce modi Senatus eonSultum, verum inclusum in tabulis, tamquam in Ystgina restonditum, quo ex Senatu ConSult COMRStim te interfodium esse, Catilina, convenit. vlvIS, 2 et vivis non ad doponendam, sed ad confirmandam studueiam Cupio, patres conscripti, me QSSe Clementema cupio in tantis rei publicae perieuli me non dissolutum videri, sed jam me ipse inertiae nequitiaeque condomno. Castra sunt in Italia contra Bo 'Pulii instomunum in Etruriae faucibu collocata; erV ei in dios singulos hostium numeruS eorum 'utem Castrorum imperatorem ducemque hostium intra Imoeni sit suo de in senatu videmus inte i in m aliquam quotidie perniciem rei publicae minrab Vntem Sirio j sim Catilina, comprehendi, Si inter Vi JuSSero, crodo orit verendum mihi ne non hoe PQxiu Omno boni sorius a me quam qui Aquam eru'd'bri faetu in osso diesit. Verum ego Oe, quod jam pridem laetum osso oportuit, certa de cauS nondum