장음표시 사용
MI. The compounda os eo are conjugate like thesimple verb, ut mos of them have t in the persectracter than ini. DEFECTIVE VERBA 302. Desective verba are thom hic are notrused incertais tenses, numbers, o PersonS. 200. Remat tho indicativo mood, present tense, e. MI. o. armine eommund os eo conjugui Idae. What aro defeetive verba l
313. Amon desective verba is ometimes included fore, hichris thus conjugated a14.
315. Forem has the fame meaning as essem, and fore the fame afuturus esse.
316. mpersonat verba are thom hic are used onlyin the thir person singulis, and do not admit os a persona Subjeci. 317. Their Ensis is generali precede by the pronoun it, speciali in the active voice; as delectas, it deligitis decet, it becomes. 3I8. Frequentatives expres the frequent repetitionos the actio denoted by the primitive. 319. he are ali of the firs conjugation, an areforme stom the third root opinei primitives. 320. Inceptives mar the eginning or incremeddegre of the actionis state expressed by the primitive.
321. The es en in seo, an are forme by adding that termination to the oot of the primitive, it ita
313. What oster ver may bo ineluded among the desective. 314. Conjugate iti3l5. What is ste meminei orem 3l6. What are impersonaver Il7. How are stertranslat a 318. What are frequentative verbi 3I9. Os what eonjugation are they, and M. Me themis est 320. What Me inceptive verbi 22I. How do theroad, and in hat mannis M. ita formost
322. The paris os speech whic aremeither declinednor conjugated are calle by the genera nam os particias. 323. The are adverbs, repositions conjunctions, an interjections.
327. A preposition is a particle hici expresses the
328. A conjunctio is a particle hic connecis vortam propositions and indicates thei relation.
322. What are partietes 'Maementio the classes os particles. 324. What is an adverba 225. What adverbs re compareda 326. How do the eomparative and superlativo endam . What is a preposition l. 3. What is a mnaunoti q
3284. Conjunctions, in respectri thei signification
are either copulative disjunctive, concesSive comparative adversaline, causat, illative, sinat, conditional, Ut interrogative. 329. Copulatives connec thing that are tot co sidere jointlyrios, ac, atque, et, etiam, que quoque, an nec O neque. 330. Disjunctives connec thing that are tote considere separalely as, aut, seu, sive, ve, vel, and
3304. Concessive denote a concession compar lives, a compariSom adversatives, Opp ition causias, a cause or reason illatives, an inserenoe finals a Purpos o result conditionias, a condition an interrogatives, a question.
331. An interjection is a particle sed in exclama tion, and expressing some emotionis the mind.
332 Syntax tremis os the constructio os propositions thei connectio an dependenoe. 333. A propositio consist os a subjeci an a pred
334. The subjec os a proposition is that os iniis nomethiniis affirmed.
3284. Into What classes may conjunctionale divides' 329. havare c'pulative conjunctionas 330. What are disjunctive eonjunctiona l330 . What do the severat classe os concessivo, advenatiis, o donotos 331. Whatria an interjections 332. Or What does syntax treat lam. Os What doea a propoaitio consista atria in sublactis a propositiona
335. The predicate expresses that whic is affrinodos the subjecti
Thus, in the proposition, Equus currit, he horae runs, equus is in subjeci, an evirrit is in predicate.
336. The grammatica subject is illier a noun, ormme or standinosor a noun. The logica subjectoonsista os the grammatica subjectoitii iis modi
cations. Thus, Conscientia bene actae viis est juerandissima The eomaeis nessi a Vell-vent liferis ver ple ani Flere conscientia is in grammatical, an eo eientia bene acta vis the logical subjeci.
337. The grammatica predicate is ither a verbatone, o the copula sum illi a noun, adjective, Oradverb. The logicut predicate consist os the grammatical predicate illi it modifications.
Thus, ripis sudit Annibalis copias, Scipio mute the fore of Hannibal. ere fudit is in grammatical, and fudit Anniballiseopias the logical predicate.
338. A sentence a consistisither os one proposition or of tW o more propositions connected together. 339. A sentence consistin os ne proposition is calle a simple Sentence. 340. A sentence consistin os two o more proposition is calle a compotin sentence, and the propositions os hic it is compose are calle member or
34 I. That member os a compound sentencmon hichthe ther depend is calle thecie in clause iis su jeci, the is in subject an iis verb, the leassing
M2. The member os a compound sentence a beconnected by relative oriis, conjunctions o adverbs. 343. Agreemento the correspondence of one ord ith another in gender, number, orae, O perSOn. 344. A Wor is sal to gover another, hen it requires trioae putri a certain case Or OOd. 345. Aisor is sal to dependii another, hen ita orae, gender, number, Ood tense, o person, i d
termine by that Word. 346. Aisor is sal tofollo. another, When itis pend upo it in construction, Whateve may be ita position in the sentenoe.)
the fame case; as, Roma urbs, in cit Rome Nos eo alea, e consula.
348. A nou in apposition to tW o more nouus is usuali put in the plural as,A Antonius, C. Cassius tribuni piabis; ar Anton and
349. The principes nou or pronou in the ans eris a questio must be in the fame case With the corr sponditi interrogative Word os,
ADIECTIVES. 350. Adjectives, adjective pronouna, an participies, ure With their nouns in gender, number, an case;
351 An adjective elongin to tW or Ore Ounsis put in the plures M,
Lupus et agnus siti compulsi, A Wolf and a lamb, conat inedis thirat.
352. Exo. The adjective osten agrem it theneares noun, and is underatoo wit the est as,
Soriis et rege recepto, ouo companiona an hinc ing m
When in nouns areis disserent genders, 353. I. Is the denote living things, the amectiveis masculine rather than seminine; as,
Pater mihi et mater mortui sunt, ather an mollier arodead. 349. What is the reserior interrogative an responsive ordituo. What is the rule so the agreementis adjectives 35I. in Whai number is an aleetives longing t two o more nou 352. What exception is there in this remar lacta. What is in rule .hen the nouncare os different gondera, butdenote living thius l
jective is generali neuter; M,
His yenus, eius, eloquentia prope aequalia δε re Thei family, age, an eloquenoe were nem equat.
355. An adjective qualistinxa collective noun is ostenput in the plural takingone gender of the individuata which the nou denoteS; S,
Pars certare parati, A par prepare in contend.
357. euter adjectives are ver osten se alone, when the wor thiniis tot supplied in Englisti os,
Tristo lutis stabulis The wois, aurievoua ining to the solda.
358. Imneratives, infinitives, adverbs, clauses, and word considere meret a such may be used substam lively, and tis a neuter adjective; as,
Supremum vale dixit m pronounce adstat fare en Numquam est utile peccare, o do roniis neve uaesul.
359. he adjectives primus, medius, mimus, eTtremus, intimus, infimus, imus, summus, supremus, rea-quus, and cetera, osten signis the frat pari, c. as, Media nox The middie os the nio Summa arbor, me hia,