First Lessons in Latin: Or an Introduction to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar

발행: 1864년

분량: 228페이지


분류: 미분류


410. Τwent si prepositions are sollowed by the accusative. These are,

ad, adversu or ad emum, ante,

circa or circum, circiter,cia o citra, contra, ergRν post, praeter, prope, propter,aecundum, supra, trans, ultra; s, extra, infra, inter, intraν juxta, ob, penes, perν pone,

Ad templum, o in templε. Adversus hostes, Aminat theene'. cis Rhenum, his fide the Rhine. Intra muros, Wilh- in the walla. Penes reges, In the power of hinga

411. In and sub denotin tendene , are solio ed by the accusatives denotinguitua tion the are sollowed by the ablative RS,

Vis ducit in urbem, he way conducta into the civ. Mer-ertus sub jugum missus est, me arm Was sent unde the oke. Medis in urbe, In tho midat of the ci . Bella sub Iliacis moenibus gerere, o age War unde in Trojan Walla.

412. Super is commoni sollowed by the accusativo; but hen it signifies itheris o concerning it ahes the ablative; as,

on the tende grusa. Multa super Triamo rogitans superme tore mutia, .... Oncerning Priam, M.

413. Subter generali tahes the accusative, but som times the ablative; as,

Subrier terras, Unde in earin Subter densa testudine. 430. What is the rulo so tho aeeusativo aster preposition Τ4ll. What is the uterior in ano sti,


Oum vos, Withoni ou knowledge. Clam patre. Clam alao oceri r With a genitivs - Clam patris and even Mith a dative Milti clum est. See 398. ACCUSATIVE F TIME AND PACE.415. ouns denotin duration os time, or eatent Ofspace, re ut aster Other nouns and verbs, in the a cusative, and somelime aster verbs in the abIative; as,

416. Aster verbs expressing or implyin motion thenam os the own in Whicli the motion enda is ut in

the accusative Without a preposition as, Regulus Carthaginem rediit, Regulus returne to Carthage. Capuam laetit iter, Heriurna hiahcourserio Capua. 417. Domus in both numbers, and rus in the singular, are put in the accusative, lihe ames os to-S M, Ita domum, Go homo. Rus ibo I Willa into the country.

418. The interjections en ecce, o, heu, and pro aris somelimes solio ed by the accusative; as,

En quatuor aras Mea duas tibi Daphnis Behold seu altare lio, two so thee, Daphnis l


419. The subjectis the infinitive ood is put in the

accusative; as, Molest Pompeium id ferre onstabat, That Pompe ino that ill Was evident. Miror te ad ma nihil seribdre, I Wonde thalyo domo writerio me.

421. leve preposition are sollowed is the abi

422 These re,

R, ab O sis eum, Palam, sine, absque, de Prae, tenus; as, coram, eis ex Pro,

Ab illo tem pore, rom that time. scribendo, From Writin . Cum exercit, Wit in armu Certis de causis, sor certain remona. Ea fuga, rom night.

423. an verbs compounde With a ab abs de, ,ea, an super, are sollowed by an ablative dependingupo the preposition; S,

Messe urbe, o be absent rom the ity. Detrudunt naveaseo vlo Theyiusheth ahipa stom the och. 419. What is the rule so the subjeet accusatives 420. o. is the vocative secla 42l. What is the rule so the ablative aster prepositio a 422. What preposition are sollowed by the ablatives 423. What prepositions in composition are inmotimes solio ed by tha lativos


424. Opus an usus, signistin need, are usuallylimite by the ablative; S,

Auctoritate tu nobis vus est, e nee your authority. I, unes, quibus proconsui usus non esset; Ships, sor hic tho proconsul had n occasion.

425. Dignus, indignus, contentus, proessitus, and fretus, are sollowed by the ablative; as,

426. Utor, fruor, fungor, potior, an veScor, aresollowed by the ablativeri s.

His vocibus usa est, Ehe sed theae orda. Frui voluptate, To emorpleas e Fungitur ossicio, ne performa his lauty.

427. Loetor, gaudeo, glorior, acto, nitor sis, do, confido, muto, misceo, epular vivo, Ssuesco, and consto to consis os, are osten sollowed by the ablative without a preposition M, Loetor tve dignitate, I rejoice in Our dignity. 428. The ablative without a preposition is used astersum, to denote the siluation or circumstances os the subjectis the verb; RS,

Tamen magno timore sum, et Lam in great se .

429. erseo participies denotin origi are ostensollowed by the ablative os the fource Without a re' osition M,

te deas inson ora Dddeas Tanta O vrognatus, Deaeona edito Tantalua Salus Neresia, Sprunisrom a Nereid. 424. What is die ruto sor opus and usu, 425. What is the constructionis dignus, indianus m. 426. - ortitorii or, e MI. - ostietor, gaudeo, - Τ428. What is salo os the ablative aster timet 429. Whacis ita ut so the ablative os in eo l


430. Nouns denotin the cause, manner, means, and instrument, aster adjectives an verbs, re ut in the ablative without a preposition M,

Avimus 'sem avaritia, A in diseas dolimur avarios. Omnibα modis miser sum, Lam every au miserable Silentio auditus est,me as ear in silence. Trabs saucia aecuri, Atre cui With in axe.

431. The voluntar agent os a veri, in the passive voice is put in the ablative With mor ab as,

In the active voice, Clodius me diligit Clodius love me; in the passive, A Clodio diligor, Lam love is Clodius.

432. A nou denotin that with whicli the actio ofa ver is performed though no the instrument, is ut in the ablative without a preposition as,

Instruaeerre epulis mensas, They sumished the tables With so . Naves Ongrant auro, Theycload the hips Witti old. Cum ut altaria donis,me heaps the altar With gina Terra se gramineo tu, The earin clothea itaeis illi gram.

433. A nou denoting that in aecordane inith whichan thin is, o is done is osten ut in the ablativo inithout a prepositiona S,

Nostro more Accordincto ur custom. Instituto suo Caesareopias suas eduxius Caesar, accordin in his practice, ted out his

sor es.

434. The ablative denotin acco animent, i us atlycioine with cum RS,

430. What is the rule so the ablative os crevse, e 3 431. - ille volunta ingentis a ver in the passive vote Τ432. - iue nouit denoting that illi,hieli in actionis the orbis performella 433. -- so the ablative os accordanes' 434. -- so the ablative os aeeompatiumenta


435. A nouit, adjective, o verb may be sollowod by the ablative denotin in fiat respectrihei signification

is taken; S, Pietatestius, consiliis parens In affectio a son, in counael a parent. Ne nomine magis quam imperio, inga in morather than in authority. Iure peritus, hille in a. Anaius an imo, Anxious in mind. Pedibus aeger, Lame in his stet. REM ARR. - To thia princiso ambo referre the olloruing

436. . Adjective osplentnor an are sometim limited by the ablative M,

Domus plena servis, A hous sui os servaenta. Dives agris. Rioli in land Inops erbis, Deficient in orta. O-afratribus, Destituis of brothera.

437. ΙΙ. Verbs ignistin tot ab M an in bedestitute are solio ed by the ablative; as,

Matentem belluis pontum, The ea a undin in monalem. Urbs redundia militibus, Tho cit is fuit os soldiera.

43S A nou denotin that os hic in thin is deprived, o stom hic it a separated is osten ut in ille ablative Without a preposition as,

439. The prie os a thin is ut in the ablative, except When expressed by the adjectives tanti, quanti,


440. A nou denoting the time, o withis hichan thin is sal to e oro b done is ut in the ablativo without a preposition M,

Die quinto decessit He die o the fifth v. me tempore, At this time.

441. The nam os a town in hic any thiniis saidisie, o tot done is os the thir deciensionis pluralnumber, is ut in the ablative ithout a preposition

Almander Babylone est mortuus, Alexander die a Babylon. Thebis inritus an Argis, hether rought up a Theben or at


442. Aster verbs expressing or implyin motion thenam os a town henc the motion proceeds, is putrinthe ablative, Without a preposition os,

Brundisio profecti sumus,Me departed rom Brundisium Corintho arcessivi colonos, He sentior colonista Dom Corinth.

443. The ablative domo, humo, an rure or ruri,are sed like numes os toWn ns,

444. The comparative degre is sollowed by the ablative, hen quὰ is omitted as,

440. Whaicis the te so tho ablative os timori l. - so the ablative os plaees442. - so tho ablative aster verbs expressin or impluin motiona 443. What othermames os places are sed in the fame nunera 444. What eas solio a tho omparativo degro 'hen Mun, la


114 ABLATIvR ABSOLUTE. I hil est virtuis formosius, Nothincia more beautista than vidi tue. Quis C. Laelio eomior ' ho Iahmore courinoua uian C. Laelius 8445. Plus minus, an amplius, re osten sed ithout quὰm, and et are commoni sollowed by theam case ascis it Were expressed as,

Hostium plus quinque millia caesi eo die, ore inanive thomaand of the enem Were alain that dv.

446. The degre of d remee et eo objecta compare is expressed by the ablative; as,

Minor uno mense, ounge by one month Quanto superiores, tanto nos submissius geramus The more eminent moare, in more humbi latina conducti selvea. ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE.

447. A nou an a participi velut in the ablative, calle absolute, to denote the time, cause, o concomitantos an action, o the condition on hicli it depends; A,

Pytha ras, Tarquinio Superbo regnante, in Italiam venit Tarquinius Superbus reigning Pythagoras came into Italy. α- pus, stimulante se me, πιαι vlia; unge inciting the olfaeeks the old.

448. A nou is ut in the ablative absolute onlywhen it denotes a disserent perfn or thing rom an in ille leading clause. 449. A the ver sum has no present participie two nounS, O a nou an an adjective, re put in the a lative absolute without a participieri as,

Quid adolescentulo duce, Fegre possent What the could do cyouth Ming thei leader Romam venit, Μario consul ;Η camerio Rome in the consulahi of Μarius.

445. What is the eonstructionis ita, mi vis, and amplina r446. How is degre os disseretice expressoda T. What is ui rule so the ablative absolute l448. Wha limitation is thoro in thorus os the ablativo absolutea 4 . What eo truetion aris sona in Wantis a present partieipis oleis verb-ι



SUBIUNCTIVE OOD. 450. The subjunctive is sed to express what iseontingentis hypothetices, includire possibili , power, liber , ill si , an destre. 451. The present subiunctive is osten used to express

452. A clause denotin the pu pose, obseet, or resultos a precedin proposition tines the subjunctive aster ut ne quo quin, an quominus p as,

G, non ut te institugrem, seripsi Q did not write that in or- de in instructoou. Imtant ad venandum, quo fiant aeriores; The stimulate them to figlit that thermas come fiercer.

453. Ut is osten omitte besore the subjunctive, aster verbs denoting illivness, or permission ashing, adrising, c. 454. The subjunctive is sed aster particles os wishing as, utinam, uti, an os si as,

Utinam minus vittae eupidi fuissemus t O that, harbeen losa attached to lisol

455. Quamvis ho everri licet, although tangum, quasi,ac si, ut si, velut si, veluti, sicuti, and ceu, as is; ni3M,

456. How is the subjunctive used Τ451. Howris the present subjunctive osten used '452. What is theseneralisule so the subjunetive alter pariteles 3451 Aster hal esasses os verbiis ut omitted l454. What is the rule sor particis os .istinet 4ω - sor quaninia, e l


456. Aster antequam an priusquam the imperfectan pluperieci tensos are usuali in the subjunctive; the present an perseo may be either in the indicativeo subjunctiVe; as,

E causa ante mortua est, quam tu natus esses That causem laeta besere o were borti.

457. Dum, donec, an quoad signistin untih resollowed by the subjunctive is the reser to the attain- mentis an object as,

Dum hic veniret, locum relinquεra noluit He M un illingis leave the placerantille Μilo aliould come.

458. Quum, o cum When it signifies a relation oflime takes the indicative 'hen it denotes a connectionos thought the subjunctiVeri RS,

Cum est allatum ad nos, mariter commotus sum; When itwas reporte torus, I, areatly moved.

459. In narration, quum is usuallycioined illi thoimperfeci an plupersect subjunctive even when it relates to time.

460. When the relative qui is equivalent to ut Witha persona o demonstrative pronoun, it tines the auruiunctive; S,