장음표시 사용
RELATIVES. 360. Relatives agre With thei antecedent in gemde and number, ut thei case dependa on the -- structionis the clauserio hic the belong M,
Puer qui legit, Theio Who reada. Animal quod evrrit Theanimal hich runs auerae quaa dedi, Tho letter Which I gavo.
361. Sometimes the antecedent is a proposition, and then the relative is commoni neuter. 3614. relative o demonstrative pronou referringio a collective nou is osten ut in the plural taking the gender of the individuals hic the nou denotes. 362. The relative at the eginning os a sentenoema ostente translate by a demonstrative pronoun M,
Quas eum ira sint, Since thea thinga stre o.
363. A ver agrees Wit ita subjectinominative in
360. What is the rule so tho agmementis relatium lmi. Os what gende is in relative hen the antecedent i a Pro Milion Τ362. IIo. may the relativo b translate at the Minning os asent nee lmri Are possessive pronouns eve omitted lam matris thornis tes in agmementis a verba
364. The nominative eo tu, nos, vos, re Seldom expressed as, cupio, I destre vivis, thou livest; habemus, we have. The nominative os the thir personias is osten omitted. 365. The relative qui a reser o an antecedenteither os therarat seconii, o thir person an ita ver tines the personis the antecedent as,
Ego qui lego, I Who read. Tu qui scribis, Thou Who writeat. Equus qui currit, he horae hicli runs.
366 A collective noun has somelimes a plures verb; as,
Pars epulis onerant mensas, arctoad the tables With λω.
367. Wo or more nominatives singular no in inposition generali have a plures verb; as,
Furor iraque mentem praecipitant, Fur an rage hure on
Si truis Tullia valestis, ego et Ciser valemus Is yomand Tullia e well, Cicero an Lare ell.
370. The interjections en ecce, andi, vera metim sollowed by the nominativm M, En Priamus Lo Priami mea AOm Catianus O vir fortis
3TI A nou in the predicate aster a ver neuter orpassive is ut in the fame caseis the subieci, hon udenotes the sarne person or thing M,
Ira furor brevis est, Ange i a hori adnem. Eo meoriscoiades, Lam calle Lyconides. Ego invido regina, I Wala aqueen. Iudicem me esse volo, I Wiali tot a judge. GENITIVE.
372. A noun hic limit the meanin os mother noun, denotin a disserent person or hing, is ut in the genitive; as,
373. A substantive pronouit, hicli linit the meam ingis a noun is put in the genitiveri RS,
Cur mei, Care so me Pars tui, Par of thee. Nostri numcius, ur me Benger.
374. The dative is somelimes used like the genitive;
375. When in limitin nou denotes a proper ,
character, o quali , it has an adjective agreeinx ithit, unctis putinister in the genitive or ablatives S,
Vir Mempli recti, A man os correct example Adolescens summa audaciae, Abouth of the greates boldness. Fossa pedum viginti, A ditch of twent feet. Pulchritudine mimici femina, A Woman os exquisit beauty. Minimo natu sui , he eldest
376. When the nou on hicli the genitive dependa signifies pari, proper . ty sce, mark, characteristic,&α, it is osten omittedruster the ver sum RS,
remeritas est florentis auaris, prudentia senectutis; affinem ia the characteristichos youth, prudenc os old age. Adolescentis est majores natu revereri, It is the du hos a youin to reverenoctine aged. ENITIVE AF TER PARTITIVES.
377. ouns, adjectives, adjective pronouns, an adverbs denotin a pari are sollowed by a genitive den ting the wholeri RS,
Pars civitatis A part of the state mula sororum, omne os the sistera. Aliquis philosopiarum, Sommone of thmphilosophera. Quis mortalium ' ho os mortals Major j-ἔnum, The eide ostile ouilis. Doctissimus Romanorum The mos learne of the Romana. Multum pecuniae Μuch of money. Satis eloquentuae, Enough os eloquenoe. Ubinam gentium ramus' here onearin are ed. GENITIVE AF TER ADIECTIVES.
378 A nou limitin the meanin os an adjectiveis piat in the genitive, to denote the relatio expresse in Englisti by V, ο in respect σοῦ S,
ABIdus laudis, Destrous of pratae. Apptiens gloriae Destroua os glory. Memor virtutis, inem os virtve Plena timoris, Fusi os ear. Denus aqua, Destituis os Water. Doctusfandi, S ilsu in speahing.
376. Whon is tho nou on whicli tho genitive deeend osten omitteda 377. What is illa rvio so the genitive aster partitives l378. Whatriari uiae so the genitive aster adjectives l
37s. Sum, an verba os valuing, are solio ed by a genitive denotinide re festimation M,
380. Misereor, miseresco, and the impersonat mis rei, Poemtet, pudet, taedet, an piget, are solio edis agenitive os the objeci in respectri Whic in Belin is
381. Mago is sollowed by a genitive denotin in
382. Recordor, memisi, reminiscor, an oblivisere, Me follo ed by a genitive or accusative os the objectremembere or largoiten M,
Huis meriti reeordor, I remEmber hia merit. Omnes gradus aris Mordor euae, I cael to min es the perioda os your list. Memini vivorum, Pam minMul of the living. Numero memini, I remember in me uro Cinnam memini, I remember Cinna.
383. Verbs os ae sing convicting, condemning and aequitiing, are sollowed by a genitive denotin the
384 Verbs os admonishin are sollowed by a genitive denotin that in respect in hic the admonition ia
385 Refert an interest are sollowed by a genitiveos the person or thing whose concer o interest they
denote; M, Humanitatis refert,est concerna human natum. Inrereat omnium recte faerea, It concerna II in do right
386. Instea os the genitive os in substantive pr nouns, aster refert and interest the adjective pronou
387. The nam os a town in hic in thiniis saldisie, o tot done is os the flasti secon deciensionand singula number, is put in the genitive os,
388. The genitives domi militiar beis, and humi are construed like names os toWns RS,
Tenuit a domi, mistat at home. Una semper militiae sdomi ulmus, e mere alWay together, both at home and
384. What is the ille so the genitive aster verba os admonishing, e. 385. What is the ut so the genitive aster refert and inures r386. What is sat respecting the genitive os substantive pronouna ster refert and interest 387. What is the rule so the genitive os plaee' 388. What other nouns are construe in the genitive liis mea ofis nar
3M A nou limitin the meantii os an adjectiveis put in the dative, to denote the obseetis enda whichtho qualit is directed as,
inlis agris, sesul to theraeaea. Iucundus amicis Agree his in his Dienda. Inimietis quisti, Unsriendi in reat.
390. A nolin limiting the memingis a ver is ut in the dative, to denote the feci, o md is o for.hic in thiniis, o is done; as,
391. Man verba signistin is favor, plerase, trusi,
392. an verba compounde Wit these eleven prepositions ad ante con in inter, b, post proe Pro, sub and super are solio ed by the dative; as,
os,hic are communda os ab de oro, are somelimes sollowed by the dative though more commovi by the ablative; as,
394. Verbs compounde With satis bene an maia , ar sollowed by the dative; as,
Et naturae et legibus satisfecit He satisfie both nature and the laWs Pultarum est bemesaeis reipublicae, It in honorabis to nefit the atate.
395. The participi in ducis sollowed by a dative os
tho agent; RS, Adhibenda est nilis diligentia, e mus use diligence tauta
m6. Est is sollowedi a dative denoting a possessor - the hin possessed eing the subjectis the verb;
397. Sum, an severat ther verba, are sollowed by two datives, ne os,hicli denotes the feci to hich, the other the endf--hich, an thiniis, o is doneri M,Μihi marinue est curas, It is a very great care in me. Spero nobis hune conjunctionem voluptati fore, I hope that thia union Willirine pie ure in B.
398. Some particles are sollowed by the dative os theen or object as,
a a Misi is ille ut so the dative ster pari Ma
39s. The objectis an active ver is put in the a
cusative M, LQMos mitrant, They sen ambassadora. Animus moveteorpus, The min moves theiody. Da eniam hane, Grant thiusavor Eum imitati sunt, They imitate him.
00. An infinitive, o one or more clauSes may Suppi the place of the accusative; as, Da mihi sallere, Give me to deceive. 401. The impersona verba misεret, poenitet, radet, taedet, and piget, lihewis miserescit, miseretur, aridis rotaesum est, are sollowed by an accusative os the person exercising the seeling as,
402. Juvat, delectat, fallit, fugit, praeterit, and
decet, illi it compounda, tali an accusative of the permn RS, Te hilari ansmo esse alia me juvat, That ou are inuo spirita delight me. 403. Verba signistin to nam or cali, O hoose, render, O constitute, t estem O rechori, are Ollowθd by two accusatives denoting the fame person or thing;
, 399. What is the rule so the objectis an active verba 400. What a supply the place of the accusative 'Mi. What is me rule so the accusative aster miseret, c. 34M. - asterjuvat, delectat, e Τω3. - aster verbs signisying to nam o cali, e l404. Whaicis the ut so tho accusative denotin re u .se, timo, ehameter, Me l
405. Verbs os askiγέ demanding, and teaching, and celo, to conceat, are solio ed by two accusatives oneos a person, themther os a thing as,
Posce deos veniam, a favor os the soda. Quis uastam evit paminondami ho taught Epaminonda mugies Amtigonus iter omnes celat, Antigonua conoeiachia mutes m n.
406. Some neuter verba re solio ed by an accus live os hindre signification to their πω as,
Omnem equitatum pontem transdarit He leata est the cavatrvove the ridge Mamea a incia stries, o be prepare sor
408. When the active voice tines an accusative bothos a person and thing the passive retians the lalter M.
Rogatus est sententiam,me an ashed his opinion.
409. An adjective, verb, an participle, are Om times sollowed by an accusative denotin the par in icti thei significatio relates M,
406. o neuter verbs ver govem an accusative l4M. What is the ut so the accusative aster verba eommunded .ici' preposition 'M8. When the active voice os a verba e two accusatives, how is ueonAt med in the passive l409. What is ille ut m the Meusative is synecdoche