First Lessons in Latin: Or an Introduction to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar

발행: 1864년

분량: 228페이지


분류: 미분류


461. Qui is thus used aster tam adeo tantus, talis, oros iste, it , or hic in the sense os talis. 462. When the relative is equivalent to quanquamis, etsi is, o dummodo is, it tines the subjunctive; as,

Lae eonsilii quamvis egregii, quod non ipse inerret, inimi spLaco, an opponent os an me ure ho ever excellent, providedhe di no himself promae it 463. Quod in restrictive clauses, tinea the su iunctive; RS,

Quod sine molestia tua fiat, o sar starit ean e done Without uoubling ou. Sestius non ventrat, quod aciam Sestiua hiano arrived a sar a Iano .

464. The relative aster the comparative sollowed by qiam tines the subjunctive; RS,

Major sum quam cui possit fortuna nocere, i. e. quam ut mihi, M. Lam to great sor fortune iste abieri injuro me.

465. A relative clause expreSsin apumos oris live, an equivalent to ut With a emonstrative, inesthe subjunctive; M,

Laeedaemonii legatos infimas miserunt, qui eum absentem --e arent; - to accus him in his absence.

466 A relative clause aster certain indesinite generat evression takes the subjunctive; as,

serunt ea tempestate, qui dicgrent There mere ome, at that time, Who sales or, som at that time said. The expressions include in the rule are est, sunt, adest, prirato sunt, Tistunt, Toriuntur, inveniuntur, reperiuntur, si quis est, tempus fuit, tempus veniet, M. MI Aster hat ordiis qui thus used '462. What is the rute hen the relative is equivalent in quanquam me lam. What is the riae sor quod in restrictive claus I464. - so the relative aster the comparative solio- b quam 465. - so the relative clause expressing a pumoses motive '466. -- fh the relativa lauae aster an inde ite genera expression


467. A relative clause aster a gemera negative, ora interrogative erpression i lyin a negative, takesthe subjunctive; M,

Nemo est, qui haud intelligat There iam one hora a notunderstand. Quis est, qui utilia fugiat Who is there that aliun what is useful Z

468 A relative claus expressing the reason os What goesie re takes the subjunctive; as,

Peccavisse mihi videor, qui a te discesserim Pthinc havo erre in havinclest you.

469. relative clause aster dignus, indignus, aptus, an idoneus, takes the subjunctium; as,

Videtur, qui aliquando imperet, dignus esse H seem tot Worth at some timerio command.

470. The imperfeci an plupersect subjunctive arctused in narration aster relative pronouns an adverbs, when a repeate actio is spolien os; as,

Semper habiti stirifortissimi, qui summam imperii potirentur Thos have alway been considere in bravest Who obtainedine supreme dominion. sUBJUNcTIVE IN INDIRECT UESTION S.

47l. Dependent clauses containing an indirect que tis tali the subjunctive; as,

Qualis sit animus, ipse animus nescit; The minxitselfinowano what the min is Quia ego sim, me rogitas Do ou as m who Lam me quid scribam habeo; Nor have I any thin in

write. 4 77. What is the ut so the relativo clause aster a genera negatives 4 68. - sor a relative clause expressing the cason os,ha goos bos reqvi 9. - sor a relative elaus aster dignus, e l470. - so the imperfeci an pluperscci subjunctave in narrationaster relative worus 'Mi. - sor dependent clauses containing an indimet questiona


472. A ver is ut in the subjunctive, henoli clause . in hichri standa is connected as an essentialpari, O another clause, hos ver is in the subjuno live, o in the infinitive illi the accusative; as,

quid enim potest esse tam perspicuum, quam esse aliquod numen, quo hinc regantur ' o What canae so clear a that there is soni divinit by whom thes things are ovemed Audiam quid sit, quis Epicurum non pro a Dahal hear is it is thatyo do not approve os Epicurus.

473. In the oratio obliqua, the main proposition is expressed by the accusative illi the infinitive and dependent clauses, connected illi it by relatives and particles, tae in subjunctive os,

Merates diere solebat, omnes, in eo quod scirent, satis esse et quentem Socrates Was accustomeda say that ad Mere sumcien

ly eloquent in that whic the underatood.

474 A clause connecte to noster by a relativeo causa conjunction takes the subjunctive, haleve bethe ood os the precedin verbo heri it contain notthe sentimentis allegationis the writer, ut that os somemther person allude to as,

Socrates accusatus est, quod corrumpgret juvenistam; Socrates accused because a Was alleged in corrupte the outh.

INFINITIO OOD. 475. The infinitive eithe wit o without a subjec, accusative, a b the subjectis a ver as,

Nunquam est utile peccare, o do ronii neve usesul. 4 2. What is the ut so the subjunctive in intermediate elauses 473. - so the oods in oratio obliqui 4 4. - a claus containing no in sentiment of the riter, butinatis sommother person Τ475. - so tho infinitivo as a su oeta



476. The infinitive eithe with o without a subject- accusative, a be the objectis a ver as,

reo te valere, I hope stat ou are est.

477. The infinitive Mone may also dependisponon

adjective, an somelimes ponis nou ; S, Dignus amari, orth to e loved. Tempus est hujus libri facere sinem, It is timerio finis this book.

478. The infinitive ithout a subject- accusative iaused astor verbs denotin destre, ability, intention orendeavor aster verbs signistin to egin, continue, cease or abstain, to dare, far, o hesitate, o be one; and aster the passive os verbs os suing, belleving, recisoning, c. as,

e vitare cupimus, These things, destre to avoid.

Videbat id non posse feri me saW that that could noti dono. Credunt se negligi They belleve thomselves tot neglected.

4794. The infinitive it the accusative is som times translate by a simila sorm, but usuali eithe by the indicative or potentia With the partici that as,

476. Upon fiat manthe infinitivo dependa MI Upon ita eis may the infinitive alone dependa 478. Aster hat verbs is the infinitive without a sub ieet used '4 9. Upo whataind os verbs does the infinitivo with in Meviatio dependa 4 94. How is the infinitium in the Reeusative translat IMO. ' hat cases are panicipies solio. I


GERUNDS AND GERUNDIvΕs. 121 Quidam, posita nominatus A certain ono, calle a poeti Catulorum oblita taena The Iiones largelses of her helps. Tendens primas Extendinishishhands.

481. The participi in rus it sum, an also asterverbs os motion, osten denotes intention; as,

482. The participi in dus With sum denotes necessit o proprietyri RS,

Is venerandus a nobis est,me hould e orshippe by us. Dolendum est ipsi tibi, ouao seu mustarisve.

Metus parendi sibi, ear of Aeyin him. Parcendo victis, B sparing the anquished.

484. The participi in us is calle a gerundive when it is used instea os a gerund. 485. The genitive os gerund an gerundives may solio either nounsis adjectivem aB,

Amor habendi, The love os possessing. Insvitus navigandi, Unaccustome in navigating.

4M. The dative os gerund an gerundive is sedespeciali aster adjectives signistin us ulnes oris

nessu an also aster verbs to denote a purposeu S, Charta inutilis scribendo Paper no usosul so writing. M481. What cloes the sutum active participi osten denotes 482. What memin has in participio in dus, hei agreein Wista subjectis a sentence Τ483. v what cases are gerunds solio da 484. When is the partieiple in dus ealled a gerundive l485. What is theaut so the genitive os gerund an gerundive '486. - so the dative os gerund and gerundives Τ


122 RUPINES. eum oppro condendo eapEre, o choom a placessor undin a

487. The accusa tineis gerunda an gerundives mulows the reposition aio inter, and omelime ante,

circa Or Ob S, Ad poenitendum properat, e mahea hasis in repentano.. Inter bibendum, hile drinhing.

488. The ablative os gerund an gerundives solio athe repOSition a, b, de e eae, o in or it is sed without a prepositio a the ablative os cause, manner,

Eurypylum scitatum oracula Phoebi mitt1mus,Me aendaurypylus in consuli in oracle of Apollo.

490. Supines in um solio verbs os motion, and servoto denote the purpos os the motion S,

Te admonitum venio, I comerio admonishbou.


CONIUNCTIONS. 494. Copulative an disjunctive conjunctions and sem Othors, connectoorda hicli are in the samo

construction; S, Pianis et umbra sumus, e re dus and ahade Clarus et Amoratus vir, An illustrioua an honorabie man. Cum ad Oppi-dEm accessisset, castraque ibi pongret; When he had approac due town and wa pitchiuchia cana there.

492. Aster hat nouncis the supino in umsedet 493. What is ille ut so the eonstructionis adverbi 494. sor copulative an disjunctive conjunctions lG5. What is ille orderis,oms in a Latin sentence l496. Where do connectives standa


497. Oblique cases precede the word upo Whichthe depend but the sollow prepositions. 49S. Infinitives precede the verba on hic they

501. The Ensisti subjectis an impersona ver in

the passive voice a be either the agent in the ablative, expresse or underato , or an abstractiso informe stom the verb; S,

Pugnatum est ab nobis, ab illis, c., or impi pugnatum est, o, them M. fought or like pugna pugnata est, heiatilemas fought.

502. Sometimes the Englis subjec os an impersona ver is, in Latin an oblique case os a nou orpronou solioWing the verb; S,

497. Where do obliquo cases standa 498. Where do infinitives standa 499. Where are relatives placed Τ.500. Where is the emphatic ore placed Τ501. What may be the Englis subrectis an impersonat ver in tha Passive voices 502. In hat case in Latin is the word ometimos ound that in translate a the Englia subjoctis an impersonat verba


503. Nihil, a neuter adjective os quantity, or a neuter pronoun, solio ed by a partitive genitive, is osten tot translate is an adjective agreeing with ita

504. The comparative degre may somelime botianslate by the positive illius Or ather; as, Liberius instat, o sive to Deely. Tristior juit m as

505. When the ablative absolute denotes time, it ma somelimes e translate by a clause eginning with Mn, hile, after, c., an somelimes by turning the participi or adjective into a correspondin nounlimite by the oster noum RS,

Romulo nante, While Romulus reigned or, In the retini Romulus.

506. When the ac denote by a perfeci passive participi Was performe by the subjectis the leadingclause, it a be translate by an active participie reein With suci subjeci, o by a claus havinciis ver in the active voiceri as

Galli re minua obsidionem relinquunt, The Gaula leamini orbos. omam nou, and certain the worda solio odi a partitiva genitive tot translated 504. How may the comparativo degre sometimeat translatest 505. o. antho ablative absolutei translate Whemit denotos time 506. When may a perfeci passive participio be translated by an a tis participIe ori a ver in the active volo.


507. The suture participi in rus is commoni trans late about o ming, with the present infinitive; as,

Scripturus, A ut in rite Por, Goinxto rite.

508. The participi in rus when Oined to the verbsum, osten denotes intention an is tot translate by the present infinitive active; as,

Scripturus sum, Pinten in rite.

509. The persece passive participi is commonlytranslate by the Englisti participies of the passive

510. The perfeci passive participi may ometimctabe translate by a verba nou ; S,

Ante Romam conditam, Besore in bulldingi Rome.

511. The participi in us is commoni translated by the present infinitive passiveri as, amandus to bel ed ut when Oine to sum it is translated mustrae, o oughtuo be. 512. The present an perseo participies, in additionto thei litera translation, a somelimes ah the particles hile, hen, because, though, is, c. as,